Bulgarian Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created 29.12.2021
Updated 28.5.2024

Tchavdar Dimitrov Palev
(15.04.1936 – 19.11.2021)



He was born in Sofia


He graduated physics at the Moscow State University

Palev defended Ph.D. dissertation in Magdeburg, Germany (FRG) (1968)


His main research area is quantum statistics


He worked in the BAS Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Laboratory

He was Bulgarian Academy of sciences coresponding member (2004) and full member (2008)


  1. R. King, T. Palev, N. Stoilova, J. Van der Jeugt, On the N-particle Wigner quantum oscillator: non-commutative coordinates and particle localization, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics" (Editors H. Doebner, V. Dobrev, 16 - 22 June 2003, Varna, Bulgaria

  2. R. King, T. Palev, N. Stoilova, J. Van der Jeugt, A non-commutative n-particle 3D Wigner quantum oscillator, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Generalthis link is disabled, 2003, 36(48), pp. 11999–12019

  3. T. Palev, J. Van Der Jeugt, Macroscopic properties of a-statistics and a-superstatistics, Institute of Physics Conference Series (173) 421–424 (2003)

  4. T. Palev, N. Stoilova, J. Van der Jeugt, Microscopic and macroscopic properties of A-superstatistics, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Generalthis link is disabled, 2003, 36(25), pp. 7093–7112

  5. R. King, T. Palev, N. Stoilova, J. Van der Jeugt, The non-commutative and discrete spatial structure of a 3D Wigner quantum oscillator, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Generalthis link is disabled, 2003, 36(15), pp. 4337–4362

  6. H. Doebner, T. Palev, N. Stoilova, Deformed Clifford Clq(n|m) and orthosymplectic U q[osp(2n + 1|2m)] superalgebras and their root of unity representations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Generalthis link is disabled, 2002, 35(44), pp. 9367–9380

  7. T. Palev, J. Van Der Jeugt, Jacobson generators, Fock representations and statistics of sl(n+1), Journal of Mathematical Physicsthis link is disabled, 2002, 43(7), pp. 3850–3873

  8. T. Palev, J. Van Der Jeugt, Jacobson generators, Fock representations and statistics of sl(n+1), Journal of Mathematical Physics (43) 3850–3873 (2002)

  9. T. Palev, N. Stoilova, J. Van Der Jeugt, Jacobson generators of the quantum superalgebra Uq[sl(n+1|m)] and Fock representations, Journal of Mathematical Physicsthis, 2002, 43(3), pp. 1646–1663

  10. T. Palev, N. Stoilova, Wigner quantum systems: Lie superalgebraic approach, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 2002, 49(2-3), pp. 395–404

  11. T. Palev, N. Stoilova, Wigner quantum systems, Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry, Editors J. Bagger, S. Duplij, W. Siegel, Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht (2001) 358-360

  12. A. Jellal, T. Palev, J. Van der Jeugt, Macroscopic properties of A-statistics, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 34(47) 10179–10199 (2001)

  13. T. Palev, N. Stoilova, J. Van der Jeugt, Deformed Jacobson generators of the algebra Uq[sl(n+1) and their Fock representations, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium Quantum theory and Symmetries, 18-21 July 2001, Krakow, Poland, pp. 521-526

  14. T. Palev, N. Stoilova, J. Van Der Jeugt, Fock representations of the superalgebra sl(n+1|m), its quantum analogue Uq[sl(n + 1|m)] and related quantum statistics, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Generalthis link is disabled, 2000, 33(13), pp. 2545–2553

  15. T. Palev, J. Van der Jeugt, Quasiboson representations of sl(n+1) and generalized quantum statistics, arXiv:hep-th/0009108v1 (14 Sep 2000)

  16. T. Palev, J. Van der Jeugt, Jacobson generators, Fock representations and statistics of sl(n+1), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 43 (7) (2000)

  17. T. Palev, A q-deformation of the parastatistics and an alternative to the Chevalley de-scription of Uq[osp(2n + 1/2m)], Commun. Math. Phys. (196) 429-443 (1998)

  18. T. Palev, N. Stoilova, Representations of the quantum algebra Uh(A$\infty$), "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics II" 338-349 (Proceedings of a Workshop, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, August 17-20, 1997), Eds. H.-D. Doebner, V.K. Dobrev and J. Hilgert, World Sci, Singapore, 1998; ISBN 981-02-3539-9

  19. T. Palev, P. Parashar, An alternative to the Chevalley description of U [sl(n+1)] andUq[sl(n+1)], Lett. Math. Phys. (43) 7-19 (1998)

  20. T. Palev, N. Stoilova, Many-body Wigner quantum systems, Journal of Mathematical Physics (38) 2506-2523 (1997)

  21. T. Palev, Lie Algebraical Aspects Of The Quantum Statistics. Unitary Quantization (a-Quantization), arXiv:hep-th/9705032 (5 May 1997); Preprint JINR E-17 10550 (1977)

  22. T. Palev, A Holstein-Primakoff and Dyson realizations for the Lie superalgebra gl(m/n+1), Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC (96)101 (1996); Preprint Trieste, SISSA-97/96/FM (1996); hep-th/9607222; Journal Physics A (30) 8273-8278 (1997)

  23. T. Palev, N. Stoilova, Wigner quantum oscillators. osp(3/2) oscillators, J. Phys. A: Math.Gen. (27) 7387-7401 (1994)

  24. T. Palev, Finite-dimensional representations of the special linear Lie superalgebra sl(1,n). I.Typical representations, Journ. Math. Phys. (28) 2280 (1987)

  25. T. Palev, Finite-dimensional irreducible representations of the special linear Lie superalgebra sl(1,n), Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. (40) 33 (1987)

  26. T. Palev, Finite-dimensional representations of the Lie superalgebra sl(1,3) in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis. II.Nontypical representations, Journ. Math. Phys. (28) 272 (1987)

  27. A. Kamupingene, T. Palev, Irreducible finite-dimensional representations of the Lie superalgebra sl(1,2) in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis, Preprint ICTP IC/85/146 (1985); Bulg. J. Phys. (14) 124 (1987)

  28. A. Kamupingene, T. Palev, S. Tsaneva, Wigner quantum systems. Two particles interacting via a harmonic potential. I. Two-dimensional case, Preprint ICTP IC/85/169 (1985); Journ. Math. Phys. (27) 2067 (1986)

  29. T. Palev, Finite-dimensional representations of the Lie superalgebra sl(1,3) in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis, Preprint ICTP IC (85) 130 (1985); Journ. Math. Phys. (27) 1994 (1986)

  30. T. Palev, Finite-dimensional representations of the Lie superalgebra sl(1,3) in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis. I.Typical representations, Journ. Math. Phys. (26) 1640 (1985)

  31. T. Palev, Irreducible finite-dimensional representations of the Lie superalgebra sl(1,3), Proc. XIII Conf. Differential Geometric Methods in Theor. Phys., Shumen, p.107, Ed. H. Doebner, T. Palev, World Scientific Pub. Co Pte (1984)

  32. T. Palev, Dynamical quantization, Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics ICTP, Trieste 30.06-3.07.1981, p.109, Ed. G. Denardo, H.D. Doebner, World Scientific Pub. Co Pte (1983)

  33. T. Palev, O. Stoytchev, Finite-dimensional induced representations of the Lie superalgebra sl(1,n), Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 35 733 (1982)

  34. T. Palev, O. Stoytchev, Typical representations of the Lie superalgebra sl(1,n), Communications JINR E5-82-54 (1982)

  35. T. Palev, Para-Bose and para-Fermi operators as generators of orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras, ICTP Int.Rep. IC (79) 167; Journ. Math. Phys. (23) 1100 (1982)

  36. T. Palev, Wigner approach to quantization. Noncanonical quantizationof two particles interacting via a harmonic potential, Journal of Mathematical Physics (23) 1778-1784 (1982)

  37. T. Palev, On dynamical quantization. Czech. Journal Physics B (32) 680-687 (1982)

  38. T. Palev, Noncanonical quantization of two particles interacting via harmonic potential, Communication JINR E2-81-419 (1981)

  39. T. Palev, Canonical realizations of Lie superalgebras. Ladder representations of the Lie superalgebra A(m,n), Journ. Math. Phys. (22) 2127 (1981)

  40. T. Palev, Fock space representations of the Lie superalgebra A(0,n), Journal of Mathematical Physics 21 (6) 1293-1298 (1980)

  41. A. Ganchev, T. Palev, A Lie superalgebraical analysis of the para-Bose statistics, Preprint JINR P2-11941 (1978) (in Russian); Journal of Mathematical Physics (21) 797-799 (1980)

  42. T. Palev, A causal A-statistics. II. Lowest order representation, Preprint JINR E2-11905 (1978); Rep. Math. Phys. 18 129 (1980)

  43. T. Palev, A causal A-statistics. I. General results, Preprint JINR E2-11904 (1978); Rep. Math. Phys. (18) 117 (1980)

  44. T. Palev, S-matrix for interacting A-fields, Journ. Math. Phys. (21) 2560 (1980)

  45. T. Palev, A trace formula for realizations of Lie superalgebras with creation and annihilation operators, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. (33) 1195 (1980)

  46. T. Palev, A causal A-statistics, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. (32) 159 (1979)

  47. T. Palev, Lie-superalgebraical approach to the second quantization, Czech. Journ. Phys. (B29) 91 (1979)

  48. T. Palev, The trace formula for realizations of Lie algebras with A-operators, Preprint ICTP IC (79) 168 (1979)

  49. T. Palev, Lie algebraical approach to the second quantization, Proc. III School of Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Primorsko (1978), p. 418

  50. T. Palev, A-superquantization, Communication JINR E2-11942 (1978)

  51. T. Palev, Fixed order matrix elements of the para-Fermi operators, Rep. Math. Phys. 14 313 (1978)

  52. T. Palev, Lie superalgebraical aspects of quantum statistics, Communication JINR E2-11929 (1978)

  53. T. Palev, Lie algebraical aspect of quantum statistics. Parafermi statistics, Rep. Math. Phys. 14 315 (1978)

  54. T. Palev, On a certain Fock type representations of the Lie superalgebra A(0,1), Preprint JINR P2-11930 (1978); Int. J. Theor. Phys. (17) 985 (1978)

  55. T. Palev, On a certain type of second quantization, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. (30) 993 (1977)

  56. T. Palev, Second quantization and particle (quark) confinement, Proceedings ICCR, 11 546 (1977), Plovdiv, Bulgaria

  57. T. Palev, Gauge transformations for para-fields from the current algebra (in Russian), Bulg. J. Phys. (III) 3 (1976)

  58. T. Palev, Matrix subalgebras in the division ring generated from the Heisenberg operators, Bulg. J. Phys. (II) 179 (1975)

  59. T. Palev, A3-weight multiplicity formula, Rep. Math. Phys. (7) 257 (1975)

  60. T. Palev, The parastatistics and Lie algebraical methods used there, Symposium on New Mathematical Methods in Physics and Problems in General Relativity, Bonn 1973, Proceedings, Edited by K. Bleuler and A. Reetz, University of Bonn, Preprint TH.1749-CERN (1973); Int. J. Theor. Phys. (10) 229 (1974)

  61. T. Palev, Vacuum-like state analysis of the representations of the para-Fermi operators, Preprint TH.1653-CERN (1973); Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare (23) 49 (1975)

  62. H. Doebner, T. Palev, The trace formula for realizations of Lie algebras, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. (26) 151 (1973)

  63. T. Palev, An isomorphism between the para-Fermi algebra and the algebra O(n,n+1), Int. J. Theor. Phys. (5) 71 (1972)

  64. T. Palev, Second-order realizations of Lie algebras with parafield operators, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. (24) 565 (1971)

  65. T. Palev, Extended ladder representations, Int. J. Theor. Phys. (4) 93 (1971)

  66. T. Palev, On some algebraical properties of the para-Fermi operators and their representations, Acta Phys. Austriaca, Suppl. VIII 416 (1971)

  67. H. Doebner, T. Palev, On realizations of Lie algebras in factor spaces, Preprint ICTP IC/71/104 (1971)

  68. H. Doebner, T. Palev, Realizations of Lie algebras through rational functions of canonical variables, Acta Phys. Austriaca, Suppl. (VII) 597 (1970)

  69. K. Kademova, T. Palev, Lie algebras and quasifield operators, Int. J. Theor. Phys. (3) 337 (1970)

  70. T. Palev, Finite- and infinite-component fields and equations generated from the Dirac equation, N. Cim. (62A) 585 (1969)

  71. T. Palev, Realizations of Lie algebras as functions of Heisenberg-algebra generators. General theory and applications to finite- and infinite-component field equations, Ph. D. Thesis, Marburg (Lahn), Germany (1968)

  72. N. Antoniou, S. Komy, C. Palev, M. Samiullah, Lorentz-pole analysis of the high-energy reactions $ \pi N \rightarrow \omega N^* (1236), N. Cim. (56A) 437 (1968)

  73. N. Antoniou, S. Komy, C. Palev, M. Samiullah, Lorentz-pole model and polarization in the high-energy charge-exchange pion-nucleon scattering, Physics Review (175) 1757 (1968)

  74. C. Palev, On the representations of Lie algebras in linear spaces, Preprint ICTP IC/68/23 (1968)

  75. N. Antoniou, S. Komy, C. Palev, O(3,1) Symmetry and the high-energy reactions $\pi N \rightarrow \eta N^* (1236), Nuclear Physics (B5) 195 (1968)

  76. N. Antoniou, C. Palev, M. Samiullah, O(3,1) Symmetry and the forward Compton scattering of virtual photons at high energy, Nuclear Physics (B4) 479 (1968)

  77. N. Antoniou, C. Palev, Forward dispersion repations and $\pi - \pi$ scattering length, Phys. Lett. (26B) 301 (1968)

  78. N. Antoniou, C. Palev, M. Samiullah, Symmetry and the high-energy reactions $N \bar N \rightarrow NY$, N. Cim. (56) 77 (1968)

  79. C. Palev, M. Samiullah, Homogeneous Lorenz group partial wave analysis and the asymptotic behaviour of the invariant amplitudes for $\rho + \pi \rightarrow \rho + \pi$ and A1 + $\pi \rightarrow$ A1 + $\pi$ processes at high energy, Zeitschrift fur Physik (216) 293 (1968)

  80. N. Antoniou, C. Palev, M. Samiullah, Symmetry and a parity invariant model, ICTP Int. Rep. 36/1967

  81. T. Palev, M. Samiullah, Symmetry and the behaviour of the amplitudes for $\rho + \pi \rightarrow \rho + \pi$ at high energy, ICTP Int. Rep. 28/1967

  82. I. Patera, T. Palev, Theoretical interpretation of the experiments on the elastic $\pi-p$ scattering on the synchrophasotrone of JINR, Soviet Physics JETP 11 710 (1960)


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