He graduated physics at the Sofia University (1956)
Amov became natural Philosophy doctor (Ph.D. 1969), and Science doctor (Sc.D. 1984)
His main research areas were: radiometry and low activities, nuclear spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and lead isotope analysis
By elaboration the measurement method Amov reached high accuracy of data. He determined isotope composition of lead ore up to 0,1%. Developing mathematical model for data analysis of more than 600 Bulgarian ore pattern and 250 Bulgarian rock pattern he found a new idea about lead isotopes evolution of the Earth
Amov became assistant professor at the Technical university chair of physics (1957)
He was appointed to the Institute of physics (1961–1972), where professor Elisabet Kara-Michailova was his director of study
Amov became member of the spectroscopy research group at the Institute for nuclear research and nuclear energy, where he has elected for ІІ (1973) and І rank (1987) researcher
He headed laboratory for nuclear methods (1992–2002)
He initiated creation of the laboratory for "Mass spectrometry and ion implantation" (2002–2008)
Teaching activity:
Amov was a lector on "Atomic and nuclear physics" and "Radioactivity protection and protection" at the Sout-West University of Blagoevgrad (1991)
He initiated a new course on "Isotopе Geology" at the University of Mining and Geology.
Amov has more than 100 scientific articles and some memoirs.
Б. Амов, Професор Елисавета Карамихайлова, Разпространение и развитие на физико-математическите знания в България, София (2007) 19-24
Б. Амов, Професор Елисавета Карамихайлова, Доклади на Българското ядрено дружество, 3(1) 107-110 (1998)
T. Tsvetkova, B. Amov, S. Balabanov, I. Wilson, Ion implantation subsequent annealing influence on some properties of As3 Se2 films, Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors, 12 International Conference, Prague, 24-28 August 1987, Abstracts, p. 38, Proceedings, p. 443-446 [S. Balabanov]
Професор дфн Благой Георгиев Амов създател и дългогодишен ръководител на Лабораторията по масспектрометрия и йонна имплантация, 40 години Институт за ядрени изследвания и ядрена енергетика, БАН (2012) 257-258
И. Ванков, Проф. дфн Благой Георгиев Амов (1931–2010), Светът на физиката, кн. 2, с. 332 (2010)