Created 18.12.2006
Updated 2.5.2022
(14.02.1911 – 12.02.1994)
Assene Borissoff Datzeff was born in Kamenar, village nåar town Rasgrad
He attended lectures on theoretical physics by Professor Georgi Maneff at the Sofia University (1929–1933) and obtained PhD in Paris (1934–1938)
Academician Assene Datzeff initiated solid state physics theory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He investigated classical heat conductivity and quantum mechanics
Professional experience
Assene Datzeff was assistant in physics (1939–1944), associate professor (1947–1950) and professor (1950) at the Sofia University. He took up a professorship (1955–1984) and he was dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (1950–1955)
He joined to the Institute of Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and created theoretical physics department in the Institute of Solid State Physics
Teaching activities
Academician Assene Datzeff lectured theoretical physics 40 years. His lectures included: "theoretical mechanics", "thermodinamics", "statistical physics", and "quantum mechanics"
In Bulgarian Academy of Sciences he was coressponding-member (1952), academician (1961) and Physics and Mathematics Department secretary (1962–1968)
À. Datzeff, Sur le probleme lineaire general de propagation de la choleur dans un milieu a plusieurs couches, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sciences Mathem. et Natur., t. 2 (1949) 2-3, p. 21
À. Datzeff, Sur certaines analogies mecaniques de la theorie de la chaleur, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sciences Mathem. et Natur., t. 2 (1949) No 2-3, p. 25
À. Datzeff, Memorial des Scienses Physiqie, Paris (1963)
A. Datzeff, Mecanique Quantique et Realite Physique, Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sofia, 1969
À. Datzeff, Memorial des Scienses Physiqie, Paris (1970)
A. Datzeff, Sur le Probleme Lineaire de Stefan, Paris (1970)
A. Karastoyanov, In face to the problems of the century (Assene Datzeff), Dissemination and Development Physics and Mathematics on the Balkans, ISSP, Sofia (2012) 141-146
G. Kamisheva, The Roots of theoretical physics in Bulgaria, Proceedings of the first joint European Symposium on the History of Physics, Peter Maria Schuster (Editor), Pollau Castle, Stiria, Austria, 28-29 May 2010, Living Edition Science (2013) 291-306
Assene Datzeff
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