He published 45 scientific articles, 3 patents and many reports
International School of Holography, Primorsko (1978)
International Symposium on Heterogeneous catalysis, Varna (1975)
International high semiconductors photoelectricity and electrophotography conference, Varna (1973)
Symposium on photon detectors, Varna (1971)
Âñåñúþçíè ñúâåùàíèÿ â Íîâîñèáèðñê (1969), Êèåâ (1971) è Âèëíþñ (1972)
International conference on amorphous semiconductors, Pardubice, Czech (1978)
Conferences on optical end photoelectet properties of semiconductors, Varna (1971, 1974 è 1977)
²Õ International Conference on semiconductors physics, Moskow (1968)
N. Sturbov, S. Balabanov, I. Bineva, "Al doped ZnO thin films - microstructure, physical and sensor properties", 17th International School on Condensed Matter Physics, 2-7 September 2012, Journal of Physics Conference Series, v. 398, Article 012019 (2012)
T. Tsvetkova, L. Bischoff, V. Krastev, P. Stefanov, I. Avramova, "X ray photoelectron study of Si+ ion implanted polymers", Journal of Physics conference series 253 (1) 012070 (2010)
T. Tsvetkova, S. Balabanov, L. Avramov, E. Borisova, I. Angelov, Photoluminescence enhancement in Si+implanted PMMA", Vacuum 83, 252-255 (2009)
S. Tinchev, P. Nikolova, S. Balabanov, N. Georgiev, Amorphous hydrogenated carbon coatings for thermal solar collectors, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 113, 2008, 012026
S. Balabanov, T. Tsvetkova, E. Borisova, L. Avramov, L. Bischoff, Dose dependence of visible range diffuse reflectivity for Si and C ion implanted polymers, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 113, 2008, 012038
S. Balabanov, T. Tsvetkova, E. Borisova, L. Avramov, L. Bischoff, Spectral distribution of UV range diffuse reflectivity for Si ion implanted polymers, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 113, 2008, 012039
E. Radeva, L. Yourukova, K. Kolentsov, B. Amov, S. Balabanov, D. Zhechev, V. Steflekova, Study of organosilicon plasma polymers implanted by carbon ions, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 113, 2008, 012041
S. Balabanov, T. Tsvetkova, E. Borisova, L. Avramov, L. Bischoff, Spectral distribution of UV range diffuse reflectivity for Si+ ion implanted polymers, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 113(1) 012039 (2007)
T. Tsvetkova, S. Balabanov, E. Skordeva, S. Kitova, J. Sielanko, D. Maszka, J. Zuk, Ion implantation induced surface morphology changes in As3Se2 films, Vacuum (69) 471-475 (2003)
S. Balabanov, K. Velitchkova, K. Krezhov, "Photoluminescence of carbon-implanted ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene composite and its modification b gamma irradiation, Vacuum, 69(1-3) 107-11224 (2002)
T. Tsvetkova, S. Balabanov, E. Skordeva, S. Kitova, J. Zuk, J. Sielanco, Ion Implantation Surface Morphology Changes in Thin As3Se2 Films, Materials of IVth International Symposium, Ion Implantation and Other Application of Ions and Electrons (2002)
S. Balabanov, K. Velitchkova, K. Krezhov, Photoluminescence of carbon implanted polyethylene and its modification by gamma radiation, Vacuum (60) (2001)
K. Krezhov, K. Velitchkova, S. Balabanov, Transport properties of Se implanted polymer composites, Vacuum (60) (2000)
K. Velitchkova, K. Krezhov, S. Balabanov, Temperature dependence of surface DC electrical conductivity of carbon implanted polymers modified by gamma irradiation, Vacuum (58) 531-535 (2000)
K. Velitchkova, K. Krezhov, S. Balabanov, Gamma irradiation effects on the DC voltage-current characteristics of carbon implanted polymers, XI ISCMP`2000, Varna, 3-8 September, Bulgaria, 488-491 (2000)
K. Velitchkova, K. Krezhov, S. Balabanov, On the electrical transport in carbon implanted polymers modified by gamma irradiation, Proseedings of Balkan Physics Letters, V. Tarnovo, 22-27 August (2000)
S. Balabanov, K. Krezhov, Electricl conductivity and electrostatic properties of radiationally modified polymer composites with carbon black, Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, 32(19) 2573-2577 (1999)
S. Balabanov, T. Tsvetkova, E. Skordeva, B. Amov, A. Djakov, Electrical and optical properties of vitreous chalcogenide films after carbon ion implantation, VEIT`96, International School of vacuum, electron and ion technologies, Varna, 399-404 (1996)
S. Balabanov, K. Krezhov, DC electrical conductivity of gamma radiation modified ion-implanted carbon in a polymer matrix, IX International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Varna`96, 9-13 September (1996)
S. Balabanov, V. Krastev, E. Skordeva, T. Marinova, A. Djakov, Peculiarities of the DC conductivity of thin amorphous As-Se layers after C+ implantation, Physics Status Solidi (a) (151) 143-149 (1995)
S. Balabanov, T. Tsvetlpva, K. Nanev, E. Skordeva, T. Marinova, V. Krastev. B. Amov, Ch. Angelov, Formation of carbon aggregates in ion-implanted amorphouse As-Se, Journal of Non-crystaline Solids (192-193) 482-485 (1995)
S. Balabanov, K. Krezhov, Electrical conductivity and dielectric properties of radiationally modified polymer composites filled with a. Se, Proceedings of Balkan Physics Letters v. 2(p. 1) 553-557 (1994)
S. Balabanov, T. Tsvetkova, K. Nanev, E. Skordeva, Annealing behaviour of implanted thin chalkogenide films, Thin films and fase transitions on surfaces, Proceedings of EWSSW'94, Pamporovo, 287-290 (1994)
S. Balabanov, T. Tsvetkova, K. Nanev, E. Skordeva, T. Marinova, Morphology changes in C+ implanted As-Se films after annealing, VIII International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Varna, 18-23 September (1994)
S. Balabanov, A. Kyurkcziev, A. Paldamov, K. Krezhov, Electrostatic Properties of radiationally modified polymar composites with carbon black, Materials Science, Poland, v. 17 (1991)
S. Balabanov, A. Kyurkcziev, K. Krezhov, Electrical conductivity of carbon chain structures in polymeric matrix after gamma radiation treatments, VII International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Varna, 21-29 September (1990)
T. Tsvetkova, B. Amov, S. Balabanov, I. Wilson, Ion implantation subsequent annealing influence on some properties of As3 Se2 films, Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors, 12 International Conference, Abstracts, Prague, 24-28 August 1987, Abstracts, p. 38, Proceedings, p.443-446
B. Kandilarov, N. Pashov, S. Simov, S. Balabanov, E. Kantardjieva, E. Nikolova, Hends of Pin-like Whiskers in CdS-Layers, Physica Status Solidi a (9) p. K95 (1972)
S. Balabanov, S. Simov, E. Nikolova, Effect of Stimulated Recrystallization of Surface Photopotential of Thin CdS Layers, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 25(1) p. 1495 (1972)
S. Balabanov, E. Kantardjieva, E. Nikolova, S. Simov, On the observations Whiskers in evaporated Films of CdS, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 24(8) p. 1019 (1971)
S. Balabanov, E. Kantardjieva, E. Nikolova, N. Pashov, S. Simov, Morphology Whiskers in thin CdS Films, Physica Status Solidi a (6) p. K73 (1971)
G. Nadjakov, S. Balabanov, E. Nikolova, S. Simov, Kinetics of Surface Photopotential in Polycrystal CdS Layers, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 23(7) p. 763 (1970)
G. Nadjakov, S. Balabanov, E. Nikolova, S. Simov, On some photoelectrical properties of CaS, Proceedings of IX International conference of the physics of semiconductors (1) 510-515 (1968)
G. Nadjakov, V. Vassilev, S. Balabanov, On the Work Function of Au and Al during Vacuum-air Transition, Comptes Rendus de l’Acad. Bulg. Des Science, t. II, No 6, p. 461-464 (1958)
Ê. Êîëåíöîâ, Ñâåòúò íà ôèçèêàòà (2) 230-231 (2012)