Bulgarian Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created 18.4.2023
Updated 7.3.2025

Elka Georgieva Nadjakova-Nikolova
(21.05.1936 - 28.01.2025)



Elka Nadjakova was born in Sofia

She is the daughter of Georgi Nadjakov and Vera Postompirova-Nadjakova


She graduated from the Russian High School in Sofia (1954) with a gold medal

She graduated cum laude from an industry oriented profile of physics at Sofia University (1954–1959)

She spent nine months specializing in the laboratory of solid state physics at the Paris Faculty of Science (1966-1967)

In 1967, she began to work as a volunteer at the Institute of Solid State Physics. In 1974 she started working on a dissertation on the subject of the Twyman effect and some of its applications. She received a PhD degree in physics in 1978

Professional Experience

Department of Physics, Technical University, Sofia

Assistant professor (1960-1964)

Senior Assistant Professor (1964-1973)

Chief Assistant Professor (1973-1979)

Associate Professor (1979–1996)


Professor Dr. Elka Nadjakova-Nikolova was the founder of the museum of physics at the Institute of Solid-State Physics. She and her husband Professor Nikola Nikolov made significant contributions to its present state. They have donated all personal documents and apparatus used by acad. Georgi Nadjakov, so that the legacy of the founder of the first Institute of Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences can be preserved forever. In 2014 the Museum of Physics was recognized as a historical site by the European Physical Society. Elka Nadjakova has also donated a large number of physics textbooks, reference materials and books

Teaching Experience

She has given lectures in physics to foreign students at the Higher Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Institute (Technical University) in Sofia


She has received an award for her activities as a member of the Society of Physicists in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria

Conference Presentations

  1. G. Nadjakov, S. Balabanov, I. Vassilev, B. Kandilarov, E. Kantardzieva, E. Nikolova, S. Simov, Kinetics of surface photopotential in textured layers obtained by evaporation in high vacuum, 3rd Symposium of the USSR focused on electronic processes on the surface of and in thin monocrystal layers of semiconductors, Novosibirsk, July 23-27, 1969, Page 24 (conference presentation summaries)

  2. S. Balabanov, E. Kantardzieva, E. Nikolova, M. Mihailov, S. Simov, Influence of the recrystallization of thin layers of CdS on the kinetics of surface photopotenial, Conference on the optical and photoelectric properties of semiconductors, Sofia, 18-22 May 1971, Page 7 (conference presentations summary)

  3. S. Simov, S. Balabanov, E. Kantardzieva, E. Nikolova, N. Pashov, Electronic and microscopic studies of filiform crystals in layers of CdS, Conference on electronic microscopy, presentation summaries. Varna, 12-15 October 1971, Page 11

  4. N. Pashov, S. Simov, E.Nikolova, E. Kantardzieva, E. Borissova, On some specific properties of the surface structure of thin layers of CdS, Materials of the 9th Conference of the USSR on electronic microscopy, Tbilisi, 29 October – 2 November 1973, Page 61

  5. N. Pashov, E.Nikolova, S. Simov, E. Kantardzieva, E. Borissova, Electronic and microscopic studies of the surface morphology of evaporated layers of CdS. 6th National Conference of Physics, 3-17 December 1973, Page 50 (conference presentation summaries)


  1. E. Nikolova, G. Nadjakov, Author Certificate No. 10 932 with a reg. No. 4494 and priority from 09.01.1965 for the invention “Needle- Quadrant System for Electrometers, Voltmeters and other Electrometric Apparatus where it is Applicable”

  2. E. Nikolova, G. Nadjakov, Author Certificate No. 11 007 from 1965 for the invention “Needle-Quadrant System for Electrometers, Voltmeters and other Electromeasuring Apparatus where it is Applicable”

  3. E. Nikolova, S. Balabanov, S. Simov, Author Certificate No. 17234 with reg. No. 17554 and priority from 14.05.1971 issued for the invention “Method for Increasing the Surface Photopotential of Thin Semiconductor Layers of Cadmium Sulfide”

  4. E. Nikolova, Author Certificate No. 22167 with reg. No. 28798 and priority from 24.01.1975 issued for the invention “Method for the Production of Concave Spherical Mirrors for Measuring Apparatus”

Publications in the Latin Alphabet

  1. G. Nadjakov, E. Nadjakova, Sur les methodes electrometriques de la difference de potentiele de contact, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 10(6) p. 457 (1957)

  2. G. Nadjakov, E. Nikolova, Neuartiger Nadel-Faden-Torsions-quadranten Elektrometer, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 19(3) p. 193 (1966)

  3. G. Nadjakov, E. Nikolova, Zweiter neuer Typ eines Nadel-Faden-Torsions-quadranten Elektrometer, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 19(4) p. 273 (1966)

  4. E. Nikolova, Chimisorption de l'oxigens sur CdSe monocrystallin, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides de la Faculte des sciences de Paris (1967)

  5. G. Nadjakov, S. Balabanov, E. Nikolova, S. Simov, On some photoelectrical properties of CaS, Proceedings of IX International conference of the physics of semiconductors (1) 510-515 (1968)

  6. G. Nadjakov, S. Balabanov, E. Nikolova, S. Simov, Kinetics of Surface Photopotential in Polycrystal CdS Layers, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 23(7) p. 763 (1970)

  7. S. Balabanov, E. Kantardjieva, E. Nikolova, S. Simov, On the observations Whiskers in evaporated Films of CdS, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 24(8) p. 1019 (1971)

  8. S. Balabanov, E. Kantardjieva, E. Nikolova, N. Pashov, S. Simov, Morphology Whiskers in thin CdS Films, Physica Status Solidi a (6) p. K73 (1971)

  9. B. Kandilarov, N. Pashov, S. Simov, S. Balabanov, E. Kantardjieva, E. Nikolova, Hends of Pin-like Whiskers in CdS-Layers, Physica Status Solidi a (9) p. K95 (1972)

  10. S. Balabanov, S. Simov, E. Nikolova, Effect of Stimulated Recrystallization of Surface Photopotential of Thin CdS Layers, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 25(1) p. 1495 (1972)

  11. E. Nikolova, S. Simov, N. Pashov, E. Kantardjieva, Whisker junctions betwin growth structures CdS Layers, Journal of Materials Science (8) p. 1215 (1973)

  12. S. Simov, E. Nikolova, E. Kantardjieva, Some hexagonal forms in the surface structure of thin Cadmium Sulfide films, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 27(5) p. 635 (1974)

  13. E. Nikolova, On an interesting phenomenon connected with the Surface energy of solids, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 28(7) p. 897 (1975)

  14. S. Simov, M. Kalitsova, E. Nikolova, I. Baltov, Surface photovoltage spectroscopy of CdS thin films, Surface Science, 59(1) p. 115 (1976)

  15. E. Nikolova, A new type of spherical crystalline diffraction lattice for X-rays, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 30(5) (1977)

  16. E. Nikolova, Light-interference method of studying the anisotropy of crystals, Journal Physics C - Solid State Physics (1977)

  17. E. Nikolova, A New Method of Studying Anisotropy of Crystals, Kristall und Technik, 12(9) 983-86 (1977)

  18. E. Nikolova, Uber den Twyman effekt – erganzende Untersuchungen zu einer Arbeit von Ratajczyk, Feingeratetechnik, 26(1) (1977)

  19. E. Nikolova, Effective surface tension of solids, Journal of materials science (1977)

  20. E. Nikolova, K. Hristova, Influence of Temperature on Twyman Effect, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 31(3) (1978)

  21. E. Nikolova, K. Hristova, On Anisotropy of Sapphire Crystals, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 32(6) (1979)

  22. E. Nikolova, L. Popova, Twyman Effect in Metals, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 35(3) (1982)

  23. E. Nikolova, Review On the Twyman effect and some of its applications, Journal of Materials Science (20) 1-8 (1985)

  24. E. Nikolova, The Twyman effect in Plexiglass, Journal of Materials Science (4) 888-889 (1985)

  25. E. Nikolova, I. Vassilev, On Anisotropy of Lead Molybdate Crystals, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 39(10) (1986)

  26. E. Nikolova, M. Gospodinov, The Twyman effect in crystals of Bi4Ge3O12 and Bi12SiO20, Journal of Materials Science (1989)

    Irena Nikolova, the daughter of Elka Nadjakova and granddaughter of Georgi Nadjakov has assisted in editing this page

