Created 10.12.2020
Updated 18.10.2022
Bonka Marinova Terziyska
( – 10.2020)
Professional Experience
Assoc. Prof. Dr. B. Terziyska was member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Solid State Physics Superconductivity and Superconducting Materials Laboratory
N. Bogdanova, B. Terziyska, A description of cryogenic temperature sensor characteristics by the weighted orthonormal polynomial expansion method: Germanium and platinum thermometer calibration test data approximation Rev. Sci. Instrum (67) 3885 (1996)
R. Wawryk, Cz. Marucha, K. Balcerek, B. Terziyska, Z. Ivanova, Thermal conductivity of polycrystalline and amorphous Se-Te-Cu system, CRYOGENICS 40 (2000) 749-752
V. Kovachev, E. Nazarova, V. Lovchinov, E. Vlakhov, B. Terziyska, D. Dimitrov, N. Balchev, Superconductivity and Superconducting Materials Laboratory, Jubilee Collection 30-th Anniversary of the Institute of Solid State Physics 1972-2002, ed. A. G. Petrov, p. 125-141 (2002)
B. Terziyska, A. Czopnic, E. Vateva, D. Arsova, R. Czopnik, Low-temperature specific heat of Ge-As-S glasses, Phil. Mag. Letters (85) 145-150 (2005)
B. Terziyska, H. Misiorek, E. Vateva, A. Jezowski, D. Arsova, Low-temperature thermal conductivity of GexAs40-xS60 glasses, Solid State Comm. (134) 349-353 (2005)
E. Vateva, B. Terziyska, H. Misiorek, A. Jezovski, D. Wlosewics, D. Arsova, Low-temperature thermal properties of Ge-As-S glasses, J. Optoelectron..Adv. Mater. (7) 357-360 (2005)
N. Bogdanova, B. Terziyska, H. Madge, Thermometric characteristics approximation of germanium film temperature microsensors by orthonormal polynomials, The Review of scientific instruments 76 (11) 116104-116104-4 (2005)
N. Bogdanova, B. Terziyska, Excess Specific Heat of Ptfe and Pctfe at Low Temperatures: Approximation Details, arxiv (2008)
B. Terziyska, I. Bivas, K. Nenkov, Modeling of low-temperature specific heat data for Ge27As13S60 and As40S60 glasses by means of phenomenologically modified soft, Physics, 7(1), p.84-88 (2009)
N. Bogdanova, B. Terziyska, Mathematical description of additional low temperature specific heat components for twofluoropolymers, PTFE and PCTFE, CP1203, 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, edited by A. Angelopoulos and T. Fildisis, American Institute of Physics (2009) 1233-1239