Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created 25.2.2025
Updated 27.2.2025

Dimitar Vasilev Stoyanov
(1944 – 01.02.2025)


His used lidar technology to investigate atmosphere


Dimitar Stoyanov became professor and ScD at the Institute of Electronics, BAS


  1. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, O. Vankov, E. Toncheva, L. Avramov, D. Stoyanov, Spatial intensity distribution of the radiative return from scattering media irradiated by a cw laser beam, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 10226 (2017)

  2. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, O. Vankov, D. Stoyanov, L. Avramov, Features of the attenuation and single-sided imaging potential of near infrared laser radiation in liquid turbid media, Journ. Mod. Opt. (2016)

  3. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, O. Vankov, E. Toncheva, L. Avramov, D. Stoyanov, Continuous Laser Beam Based Optical Detection of Ingredients in Highly Scattering Media, Bulg. J. Phys. (43) 215–223 (2016)

  4. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, O. Vankov, D. Stoyanov, L. Avramov, Turbid Media Extinction Coefficient for Near-Infrared Laser Radiation, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 594 012030 (9 pp) (2015)

  5. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, Z. Peshev, D. Stoyanov, Considerations about the lognormality of the aerosol lidar signal fluctuations, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9447, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA (2015)

  6. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, O. Vankov, L. Avramov, D. Stoyanov, Total attenuation coefficient of Intralipid dilutions for discrete laser wavelengths between 405 and 1315 nm, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9447, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA (2015)

  7. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, Finite system response shape due distortions of the temperature and density profiles in fusion plasmas recovered using Thomson scattering lidar, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9447, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA (2015)

  8. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, O. Vankov, I. Bliznakova, L. Avramov, D. Stoyanov, Turbid media optical properties derived from the characteristics of propagating laser radiation beams, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics (115) 427-441 (2014)

  9. D. Stoyanov, T. Dreischuh, I. Grigorov, Z. Peshev, A. Deleva, G. Kolarov, L. Gurdev, N. Kolev, Ts. Evgenieva, V. Mitev, E. Toncheva, V. Pencheva, LIDAR sensing of aerosol processes over Sofia region in the frame of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET), Proceedings of the Second Bulgarian National Congress on Physical Sciences, Paper S05.23 (7 pages) Heron Press Ltd. (2014)

  10. D. Stoyanov, T. Dreischuh, I. Grigorov, Z. Peshev, A. Deleva, G. Kolarov, L. Gurdev, N. Kolev, Ts. Evgenieva, V. Mitev, E. Toncheva, V. Pencheva, LIDAR sensing of aerosol processes over Sofia region in the frame of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET), Bulgarian Journal of Physics 40, 186-192 (2013)

  11. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Efficiency of determining electron temperature and concentration in thermonuclear plasmas by Thomson scattering lidar, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8770, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA (2013)

  12. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, I. Bliznakova, O. Vankov, L. Avramov, D, Stoyanov, Scattering of a laser beam in turbid media with forward-peaked Henyey-Greenstein indicatrices, Physica Scripta, vol. T 149 014074 (2012)

  13. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, Chapter 13 Deconvolution of Long-Pulse Lidar Profiles, IN: Lasers – Applications in Science and Industry, K. Jakubczak, Ed., InTech (2011) pp. 249-276

  14. D. Stoyanov, M. Beurskens, T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, O. Ford, J. Flanagan, M. Kempenaars, I. Balboa, M. Walsh, JET EFDA contributors, Deconvolution-Based Retrieving of Plasma Electron Temperature Pedestal from Thomson Scattering JET Core LIDAR Data, EFDA-JET Preprints and Conference Papers, EFDA-JET-PR (11) 43 (2011

  15. T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, L. Gurdev, O. Vankov, I. Bliznakova, L. Avramov, E. Borisova, Method for detection and analysis of small turbid inclusions in turbid media using single-sided laser sensing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences NEWS: Monthly Informational Bulletin About Science and Technologies (89) No. 1 (2011)

  16. I. Bliznakova, L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, O. Vankov, D. Stoyanov, L. Avramov, A dual interpretation of experimental data concerning the propagation of laser light through tissue-like turbid media, Proceedings of SPIE (7747) Bellingham, WA, USA (2011) 774710

  17. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Statistical modeling of deconvolution procedures for improving the resolution of measuring electron temperature profiles in tokamak plasmas by Thomson scattering lidar, Proceedings of SPIE (7747) Bellingham, WA, USA (2011)

  18. D. Stoyanov, M. Beurskens, T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, O. Ford, J. Flanagan, M. Kempenaaras, I. Balboa, M. Walsh, Resolving the plasma electron temperature pedestal in JET from Thomson scattering Core LIDARdata, 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland (2010) Europhysics Conference Abstracts 34A, P5.133, European Physical Society, Geneva (2010)

  19. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, Ch. Protochristov, On the Possibility of Determining the Distribution of a Substance Penetrating into a Dense Medium Using Gamma-Ray Detection and Ranging Approach, Acta Physica Polonica ?, 118 (4) 540-549 (2010)

  20. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, M. Beurskens, M. Walsh, A. Capel, JET EFDA contributors, Statistical modeling of the error in the determination of the electron temperature in JET by a novel Thomson scattering LIDAR approach, 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2009, Europhysics Conference Abstracts 33E1, P-2.149, European Physical Society, Geneva (2009)

  21. D. Stoyanov, T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, M. Beurskens, O. Ford, J. Flanagan, M. Kempenaars, I. Balboa, M. Walsh, JET EFDA Contributors, Deconvolution of JET core LIDAR data and pedestal detection in retrieved electron temperature and density profiles, 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2009, Europhysics Conference Abstracts 33E1, pp. 753-756, European Physical Society, Geneva (2009)

  22. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, MonteCarlo Analysis of the Accuracy of a Novel Thomson Scattering Lidar Approach to Measuring the Electron Temperature in Fusion Plasmas, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, vol. 1203, A. Angelopoulos, T. Fildisis (Eds), 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Melville, New York, pp. 1468-1473 (2009)

  23. L. Gurdev, I. Bliznakova, T. Dreischuh, O. Vankov, D. Stoyanov, L. Avramov, Quantitative Analysis of Experimental Data on the Effects Accompanying the Propagation of Laser Radiation through Biological-Tissue-Like Turbid Media, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, vol. 1203, A. Angelopoulos, T. Fildisis (Eds), 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Melville, New York, 716-721 (2009)

  24. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, Potential accuracies of some new approaches for determination by Thomson scattering lidar of the electron temperature profiles in thermonuclear plasmas, Proceedings of SPIE (7027) 702711 (2008)

  25. T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, L. Gurdev, Ch. Protochristov, Gamma-ray lidar for sensing dense optically-opaque media, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences NEWS: Monthly Informational Bulletin About Science and Technologies (44) No.4 (2007)

  26. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, Potentialities of lidar-type single-sided optical tomography of tissues, Proc. SPIE (6604) 66042I (2007)

  27. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Ch. Protochristov, O. Vankov, Application of a lidar-type gamma-ray tomography approach for detection and identification of buried plastic landmines, Proc. SPIE (6604) 660420 (2007)

  28. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, Ch. Protochristov, Gamma-Ray Lidar (GRAYDAR) in-Depth Sensing of Optically Opaque Media, in Nuclear Methods for Non-Nuclear Applications, ed. Ch. Stoyanov, Heron Press, Sofia (2007); Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 34 (s1) 333-348 (2007)

  29. L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, T. Dreischuh, Ch. Protochristov, O. Vankov, Gamma-ray backscattering tomography approach based on the lidar principle, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 54 (1) part 2, 262-275 (2007)

  30. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Ch. Protochristov, O. Vankov, On the Efficiency of a Lidar-Type Single-Sided Gamma-Ray Tomography Approach, in: American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, vol. 889, S. Cetin, I. Hikmet (Eds), 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Melville, New York, p.778 (2007)

  31. D. Stoyanov, T. Dreischuh, O. Vankov, L. Gurdev, Measuring the shape of randomly arriving pulses shorter than the acquisition step, Meas. Sci. Technol. (15) 2361-2369 (2004)

  32. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, High range resolution velocity estimation techniques for coherent Doppler lidars with exponentially-shaped laser pulses, Appl. Opt. (41) 1741-1749 (2002)

  33. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Retrieving high-resolution Doppler velosity profiles in 10.6 coherent lidars, Proc. SPIE (4397) 481-485 (2001)

  34. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, High-resolution Doppler-velocity estimation techniques for processing of coherent heterodyne pulsed lidar data, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A (18) 134-142 (2001)

  35. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Intercomparison between two approaches for improving the resolution of Doppler-velocity coherent profiles, Proc. SPIE (3571) 272-276 (1999)

  36. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, Pulse-backscattering tomography based on lidar principle, Opt. Commun. (151) 339-352 (1998)

  37. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, Deconvolution algorithms for improving the resolution of exponential-shape pulse lidars, Proc.SPIE (3052) 310-315 (1996)

  38. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Lidar profile deconvolution algorithms for some rectangular-like laser pulse shapes, Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing with Lidar, IN: A.Ansmann, R. Neuber, P. Raioux, U. Wandinger (eds), Springer Verlag, Berlin (1996) 135-138

  39. D.V. Stoyanov, L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, Reduction of the pulse spike cut error in Fourier-deconvolved lidar profiles, Appl. Opt. (35) 4798-4802 (1996)

  40. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Effect of pulse-shape uncertainty on the accuracy of deconvolved lidar profiles, Journal Opt. Soc. Am. A (12) 301-306 (1995)

  41. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, On the deconvolution of Doppler-lidar power profiles with zero spectral components of the laser pulses, in Coherent Laser Radar: Technology and Applications, vol. 19, 1995 OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, pp. 92-95 (1995)

  42. D. Stoyanov, L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, Filtering of pulsespike-induced uncertainty in deconvolved Doppler-lidar power profiles, in Coherent Laser Radar: Technology and Applications, vol. 19, 1995 OSA Technical Digest Series, Optical Society of America, Washington DC, pp. 226-229 (1995)

  43. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Rectangular-pulse deconvolution of lidar profiles, in Proceedings of the VIIIth School on Quantum Electronics Lasers-Physics and Applications, M. Nenchev, P. Atanasov, M. Himber (eds), 29 Sept.-4 Oct. 1994, Varna, Bulgaria, pp.380-385

  44. T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, L. Gurdev, On the influence of the pulse-shape uncertainty on the accuracy of Fourier-deconvolved lidar profiles, in Proceedings of the 17th International Laser Radar Conference, H. Inaba (ed), Tohuku Institute of Technology Press, Tohuku, Japan, pp. 561-563 (1994)

  45. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, On the accuracy of rectangular-pulse deconvolution of long-pulse lidar profiles, in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28 August-2 September 1994, IEEE Catalog Number: 94TH0614-8, pp. 393-394

  46. D. Stoyanov, L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, Ch. Werner, J. Streicher, S. Rahm, G. Wildgruber, One Approach to Improve the Resolution of Doppler Lidars, in Proceedings of 7th Conference on Coherent Laser Radar Applications and Technology, Paris, pp.229-232 (1993)

  47. T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, L. Gurdev, Statistical characteristics of Fourier - Deconvolved NOAA 10.6 Ground-Based Lidar Data, Proceedings of 7th Conference on Coherent Laser Radar Applications and Technology, Paris, pp.290-293 (1993)

  48. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Influence of the pulseshape uncertainty on the accuracy of the inverse techniques for improving the resolution of long-pulse lidars, Proceedings SPIE 1983, 1060-1061 (1993)

  49. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, Deconvolution Techniques for Improving the Resolution of Long-Pulse Lidars, Journal Opt. Soc. Am. A , 10 (11) 2296-2306 (1993)

  50. T. Dreischuh, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Investigation of Inverse Algorithms for Improving the Resolution of Rectangular-Long-Pulse Coherent Lidars, in P. Atanasov, Editor, Proc. of 7th International School on Quantum Electronics, Lasers - Physics and Applications, 28 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1992, Bulgaria, 383-386 (1992)

  51. L. Gurdev, T. Dreischuh, D. Stoyanov, High-Resolution Processing of Long-Pulse-Lidar Data, NASA Conference Publication 3158, Sixteenth International Laser Radar Conference (Part II) 637-640 (1992)

  52. L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, T. Dreischuh, Inverse Algorithm for Increasing the Resolution of Pulsed Lidars, in Technical Digest on Coherent Laser Radar: Technology and Applications, Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. (12) 284-287 (1991)

  53. E. Stoykova, L. Gurdev, D. Stoyanov, Low Doppler Velocity Estimation in Infrared Coherent Lidar, 15th International Laser Radar Conference, Tomsk (v. 2) 413-417 (1990)


  1. Obituary
