Bulgarian Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created 7.2.2025
Updated 9.2.2025

Evgeny Hristov Semkov
(07.01.1960 - 29.12.2024)

Born in Sofia


He stadied astronomy in the Faculty of Physics at the Sofia University (1980-1985)

He was PhD student at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1987-1990) and became Dr (1994) and DSc (2023)

He spoke English, Russian and Franch language


Professor Semkov investigated by colour photometry spectral variability and astriophysics of young stars, galaxy nuclei, quasars and blazars

Teaching experience

He lectured in the National Astronomical Observatory

Professional experience

Evgeny Semkov worked in the Sofia Astronomical Observatory (1985-1987)

In the Institute of Astronomy, he was mamber of scientific counsel (2008-2024), secretary scientific (2008-2016) and director (2016-2024)

In Bulgarian Academy, he was mamber of generaly assembly (2020-2024). He has elected for coresponding member (2024)

In the BAS Institute of Astronomy, he was physicist (1995-1997), assistant (1997-2000), chief assistant (2000-2006), associate professor (2006-2015) and professor (2015)

in the National Astronomical Observatory, he operated with telescope 2ì (1990-1994) and managed new telescope 1,5 ì building


He was member of the International Astronomical Union and the Planetary Society

He has awarded with medals "Stara Planina" First degree and "Marin Drinov"

He has honored member of the town Shumen and Doctor Honosic Causa of the University of Shumen


He published 205 scientific articles

  1. M. Tsvetkov, E. Semkov, The Ha Emission - Line Stars in the Region of the Khavtasi 193 Dark Nebula, Astrophysics (22) 421-423 (1985)

  2. E. Semkov, M. Tsvetkov, New Ha emission stars in the field of the dark nebulae NGC 7129 and IC 5146, Star Clusters and Associations, Pub. of the Astr. Dep. Eotvos Univ., Budapest (8) 141-145 (1986)

  3. M. Tsvetkov, Ts. Georgiev, B. Bilkina, K. Tsvetkova, E. Semkov, The Photometric UBVR System of the 50/70 cm Schmidt Telescope of the National Astronomical Observatory Rozhen, Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgar des Sciences (40) 9-12 (1987)

  4. E. Semkov, Photographic Photometry of RT Cep, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (3483) 1-4 (1990)

  5. A. Skopal, L. Hric, Z. Urban, A. Pigulski, C. Blanco, J. Papousek, D. Hanzl, F. Agerer, P. Niarchos, H. Rovithis-Livaniou, K. Tsvetkova, E. Semkov, Z. Velic, F. Michalek, L. Komacka, E. Schweitzer, S. Korth, Photometry of Symbiotic Stars - an International Campaign. III, Contributions Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso (22) 131-172 (1992)

  6. E. Semkov, Photographic Photometry of V 350 Cep, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (3825) 1-4 (1993)

  7. E. Semkov, New Variable Star in Cepheus, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (3870) 1-4 (1993)

  8. E. Semkov, CCD Observations of a New T Tauri Star in Cepheus, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (3918) 1-4 (1993)

  9. E. Semkov, K. Tsvetkova, M. Tsvetkov, C. Prosser, Flare Star Search in the Alpha Persei Cluster, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (3917) 1-4 (1993)

  10. L. Hric, A. Skopal, D. Chochol, R. Komzik, Z. Urban, J. Papousek, P. Niarchos, H. Rovithis-Livaniou, P. Rovithis, L. Chianarova, A. Pikhun, K. Tsvetkova, E. Semkov, Z. Velic, E. Schweitzer, Photometry of Symbiotic Stars - an International Campaign V, Contributions Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso (24) 31-56 (1994)

  11. E. Semkov, Wide-field Observations of Variable Stars in the Region of NGC 7129, In Mac Gillivray et al. (eds.), Astronomy From Wide-field Imaging, IAU Symposium (161) 475-477 (1994)

  12. Ts. Georgiev, R. Getov, E. Semkov, A. Mutafov, H. Todorova, A CCD Camera (ST-6) at Rozhen Observatory: the BVRI System, Working group on “Wide-field imaging”, Newsletter (6) 21-22 (1994)

  13. E. Semkov, A Very Active T Tauri Star in NGC 7129, In: J. Greiner, H. Duerbeck, R. Gershberg (eds), Flares and Flashes, IAU Colloquium No 151, “Lecture Notes in Physics”, Springer Verlag, p 223 (1995)

  14. A. Antov, R. Konstantinova-Antova, E. Semkov, N. Borissov, Ts. Georgiev, V. Umlensky, New Deep Minimum of the Cataclysmic Binary KR Aur, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (4315) 1-4 (1996)

  15. M. Tsvetkov, E. Semkov, K. Tsvetkova, V. Hambaryan, Observations of the Flare Star V 1929 Cygni, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (4328) 1-4 (1996)

  16. E. Semkov, Photographic and CCD Photometry of V 350 Cep, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (4339) 1-4 (1996)

  17. E. Semkov, Non-stable Objects in the Region of NGC 7129, In: F. Malbert, A. Castets (eds.), Low Mass Star Formation from Infall to Outflow, Poster Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No 182 Herbig-Haro Flows and the Birth of Low-Mass Stars, 42-44 (1997)

  18. E. Semkov, A. Mutafov, Wide-Field Spectroscopy with 3.5 Degree Objective Prism and 50/70 cm Rozhen Schmidt Telescope, In: E. Kontizas, et al. (eds), Proc. of the International Conf. Wide-Field Spectroscopy, Athens, Greece, Kluwer, 125-126 (1997)

  19. M. Tsvetkov, K. Stavrev, K. Tsvetkova, E. Semkov, A. Mutafov, The Spectroscopic Plate Archives in the Wide-Field Plate Database, In: E. Kontizas et al (eds), Proc. of the International Conf. Wide-Field Spectroscopy, Athens, Greece, Kluwer, p 87 (1997)

  20. M. Tsvetkov, K. Stavrev, K. Tsvetkova, E. Semkov, A. Mutafov, M. Michailov, The Wide-Field Plate Database: Present Status and Future Development, Baltic Astronomy (6) 271 (1997)

  21. M. Tsvetkov, K. Stavrev, K. Tsvetkova, E. Semkov, A. Mutafov, M. Michailov, The Wide-Field Plate Database - A New Tool in Observational Astronomy, In: B. McLean (ed), Proc. of the IAU Symp. 179 New Horizons from Multiwavelength Sky Survey, Baltimore, Kluwer, p 462 (1998)

  22. M. Tsvetkov, K. Stavrev, K. Tsvetkova, E. Semkov, A. Mutafov, A. Borisova, The Wide-Field Plate Database: New Development and Applications, Working group on “Sky Surveys”, Newsletter (10) p 10 (1998)

  23. E. Semkov, K. Tsvetkova, M. Tsvetkov, C. Prosser, Flare Star Search in the Alpha Persei Cluster II, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (4600) 1-4 (1998)

  24. E. Semkov, A. Mutafov, U. Munari, M. Rejkuba, A Long-Term Photometric Study of the Pre-Main-Sequence Star V 350 Cep, Astronomische Nachrichten (320) 57 (1999)

  25. M. Tsvetkov, K. Stavrev, K. Tsvetkova, E. Semkov, A. Mutafov, A. Borisova, The Wide-Field Plate Database, 1999, Publications of Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, 64, 11

  26. E. Semkov, Young Binary and Multiple Systems in the Star Forming Regions NGC 7129 and NGC 7000, In: B. Reipurth, H. Zinnecker (eds.), Birth and Evolution of Binary Stars, IAU Symposium No 200 The Formation of Binary Stars, p 121 (2000)

  27. E. Semkov, K. Tsvetkova, M. Tsvetkov, Flare Star Activity in the Open Cluster Alpha Persei, Astronomische Nachrichten (321) 161 (2000)

  28. M. Tsvetkov, M. Stavinschi, K. Tsvetkova, K. Stavrev, H. Lukarski, S. Christov, V. Popov, E. Semkov, The Wide-Field Plate Database: Towards a European Plate Centre, Baltic Astronomy (9) 613 (2000)

  29. E. Semkov, Stellar variability in the early evolution stages, In: A. Antov, R. Konstantinova-Antova, R. Bogdanovski, M. Tsvetkov (eds.), Balkan Meeting of Young Astronomers, 25-29 September 2000, Belogradchik, Proceedings, p 116 (2001)

  30. E. Semkov, UBVRI observations of V350 Cep in the period 1998-2001, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5214) 1-4 (2002)

  31. G. Borisov, D. Dimitrov, E. Semkov, G. Apostolovska, T. Bonev, A. Ivanova, B. Bilkina, V. Ivanova, K. Panov, UBVRI Photometry of SN 2002ap in M74, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5264) 1-4 (2002)

  32. A. Skopal, M. Vanko, T. Pribulla, M. Wolf, E. Semkov, A. Jones, Photometry of symbiotic stars X. EG And, Z And, BF Cyg, CH Cyg, V1329 Cyg, AG Dra, RW Hya, AX Per and IV Vir, Contributions Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso (32) 62 (2002)

  33. E. Semkov, A Long-term Photometric Study of the PMS Star V 391 Cep, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5373) 1-4 (2003)

  34. E. Semkov, GRB 030226 optical observations, GCN Circulars, 1935 (2003)

  35. E. Semkov, GRB 030329 optical observations, GCN Circulars, 2111 (2003)

  36. E. Semkov, GRB 030329 optical observations in Rozhen observatory, GCN Circulars, 2179 (2003)

  37. E. Semkov, Photometric and spectroscopic study of V 1184 Tauri, Astronomy and Astrophysics (404) 655 (2003)

  38. E. Semkov, Tree New PMS Variables in the Vicinity of NGC 7129, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5406) 1-4 (2003)

  39. A. Skopal, T. Pribulla, M. Vanko, E. Semkov, Z. Velic, M. Wolf, A. Jones, Photometry of symbiotic stars XI. EG And, Z And, BF Cyg, CH Cyg, CI Cyg, V1329 Cyg, TX CVn, AG Dra, RW Hya, AR Pav, AG Peg, AX Per, QW Sge, IV Vir and the LMXB V934 Her, Contributions Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso (34) 45 (2004)

  40. E. Semkov, A. Borisova, GRB Optical Observations at Rozhen Observatory, Baltic Astronomy (13) 257 (2004)

  41. E. Semkov, A new deep minimum in the light curve of the PMS star V 1184 Tauri (CB 34V), Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters (419) L59 (2004)

  42. E. Semkov, Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the FUOR Candidates V 1184 Tau and V 350 Cep, Baltic Astronomy (13) 538 (2004)

  43. M. Mikolajewski, S. Zola, M. Kurpinska-Winiarska, C. Galan, K. Gazeas, P. Niarchos, G. Stachowski, M. Winiarski, M. Siwak, M. Drozdz, W. Îgloza, A. Majewska, J. Krzesinski, M. Drachus, W. Waniak, A. Pigulski, G. Michalska, Z. Kolaczkowski, T. Tomov, D. Craczyk, M. Cromadzki, G. Maciejewski, A. Majcher, D. Kolev, D. Dimitrov, E. Semkov, B. Bilkina, A. Dàpergolas, I. Bellas-Velidis, B. Csak, B. Gere, P. Nemeth, G. Apostolovska, Photometric observations of two very long period eclipsing binaries: AZ Cas and EE Cep, ASP Conference Series (318) 378 (2004)

  44. E. Semkov, UBVRI Observations of V350 Cep in the period 2002-2004, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5556) 1-4 (2004)

  45. E. Semkov, VRI photometric observations of V 1647 Ori (IRAS 05436-0007), Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5578) 1-4 (2004)

  46. E. Semkov, R. Bachev, A. Strigachev, Spectral Observations of Bright Quasars at NAO Rozhen, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria (20) 99 (2005)

  47. R. Bachev, A. Strigachev, E. Semkov, Short-term optical variability of high-redshift QSO's, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (358) 774 (2005)

  48. M. Mikolajewski, C. Galan, K. Gazeas, P. Niarchos, S. Zola, M. Kurpinska-Winiarska, M. Winiarski, A. Majewska, M. Siwak, M. Drahus, W. Waniak, A. Pigulski, G. Michalska, Z. Kolaczkowski, T. Tomov, M. Gromadzki, D. Graczyk, J. Osiwala, A. Majcher, M. Hajduk, M. Cikala, A. Zajczyk, D. Kolev, D. Dimitrov, E. Semkov, B. Bilkina, A. Dapergolas, L. Bellas-Velidis, B. Csak, B. Gere, P. Nemeth, G. Apostolovska, Preliminary Photometric Results for the 2003 Eclipse of EE Cep, Astrophysics and Space Science (296) 445-449 (2005)

  49. S. Boeva, A. Antov, E. Semkov, R. Bachev, CCD Photometry of KR Aurigae in 1996-2005, ASP Conference Series (349) 197-2004 (2006)

  50. E. Semkov, VRI Light Curve of V1647 Ori in the Period August 2004 - November 2005, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5683) 1-4 (2006)

  51. E. Semkov, GRB 060218/SN 2006aj: optical observations at Rozhen Observatory, GCN Circulars, 4932 (2006)

  52. E. Semkov, Photometric and spectroscopic variability of the pre-mainsequence star V 1184 Tauri (CB 34V), Astronomische Nachrichten (327) 328-334 (2006)

  53. E. Semkov, GRB 060218 (SN 2006aj): IR afterglow detection six months after the burst, GCN Circulars, 5358 (2006)

  54. S. Nordhagen, W. Herbst, E. Williams, E. Semkov, The recurrent eclipse of the unusual Pre-Main-Sequence star HMW 15 in IC 348, The Astrophysical Journal Letters (646) 151-154 (2006)

  55. E. Semkov, Photometric observations of PMS stars with the telescopes of NAO Rozhen, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal (8) 81-88 (2006)

  56. C. Raiteri, M. Villata, V. Larionov, T. Pursimo, M. Ibrahimov, K. Nilsson, M. Aller, O. Kurtanidze, L. Foschini, J. Ohlert, I. Papadakis, N. Sumitomo, A. Volvach, H. Aller, A. Arkharov, U. Bach, A. Berdyugin, M. Bottcher, C. Buemi, P. Calcidese, P. Charlot, A. Delgado Sanchez, A. Di Paola, A. Djupvik, M. Dolci, N. Efimova, J. Fan, E. Forne, C. Gomez, A. Gupta, V. Hagen-Thorn, L. Hooks, T. Hovatta, Y. Ishii, M. Kamada, N. Konstantinova, E. Kopatskaya, Y. Kovalev, Y. Kovalev, A. Lahteenmaki, L. Lanteri, J. Le Campion, C. Lee, P. Leto, H. Lin, E. Lindfors, M. Mingaliev, S. Mizoguchi, F. Nicastro, M. Nikolashvili, S. Nishiyama, L. Ostman, E. Ovcharov, P. Paakkonen, M. Pasanen, E. Pian, T. Rector, J. Ros, K. Sadakane, J. Selj, E. Semkov, D. Sharapov, A. Somero, I. Stanev, A. Strigachev, L. Takalo, K. Tanaka, M. Tavani, I. Torniainen, M. Tornikoski, C. Trigilio, G. Umana, S. Vercellone, A. Valcheva, L. Volvach, M. Yamanaka, WEBT and XMM-Newton observations of 3C 454.3 during the post-outburst phase. Detection of the little and big blue bumps, Astronomy and Astrophysics (473) 819-827 (2007)

  57. A. Skopal, M. Vanko, T. Pribulla, D. Chochol, E. Semkov, M. Wolf, A. Jones, Recent photometry of symbiotic stars, Astronomische Nachrichten (328) 909-916 (2007)

  58. E. Semkov, M. Tsvetkov, K. Stavrev, A. Borisova, P. Kroll, Construction of the historical light curve of V 1184 Tauri, Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 34 (2) 240-247 (2007)

  59. A. Strigachev, R. Bachev, E. Semkov, WEBT-Coordinated Optical Monitoring of Intra-night Variable Blazars – S5 0716+71 and OJ 287, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal (9) 3-4 (2007)

  60. B. Mihov, L. Slavcheva-Mihova, R. Bachev, A. Strigachev, E. Semkov, G. Petrov, Photometric Monitoring of the Blazar 3C 345 For the Period 1996 – 2006, Astronomische Nachrichten (329) 77-83 (2008)

  61. A. Strigachev, R. Bachev, E. Semkov, Discovery of a New Variable Star GSC2.3 N2X9042559, Open European Journal on Variable Stars, No 0079 (2008)

  62. C. Raiteri, M. Villata, V. Larionov, M. Aller, U. Bach, M. Gurwell, O. Kurtanidze, A. Lahteenmaki, K. Nilsson, A. Volvach, H. Aller, A. Arkharov, R. Bachev, A. Berdyugin, M. Bottcher, C. Buemi, P. Calcidese, E. Cozzi, A. di Paola, M. Dolci, J. Fan, E. Forne, L. Foschini, A. Gupta, V. Hagen-Thorn, L. Hooks, T. Hovatta, M. Joshi, M. Kadler, G. Kimeridze, T. Konstantinova, A. Kostov, T. Krichbaum, L. Lanteri, L. Larionova, C. Lee, P. Leto, E. Lindfors, F. Montagni, R. Nesci, E. Nieppola, M. Nikolashvili, J. Ohlert, A. Oksanen, E. Ovcharov, P. Paakkonen, M. Pasanen, T. Pursimo, J. Ros, E. Semkov, L. Sigua, R. Smart, A. Strigachev, L. Takalo, K. Torii, I. Torniainen, M. Tornikoski, C. Trigilio, H. Tsunemi, G. Umana, A. Valcheva, Radio-to-UV monitoring of AO 0235+164 by the WEBT and Swift during the 2006-2007 outburst, Astronomy and Astrophysics (480) 339 (2008)

  63. E. Semkov, M. Tsvetkov, A. Borisova K. Stavrev, P. Krol, K. Birkle, H. Mandel, H. Mito, K. Tarusawa, A Long-term photometric study of V 1184 Tau, Astronomy and Astrophysics (483) 537–542 (2008)

  64. E. Semkov, S. Peneva, BVRI photometric observations of V733 Cep (Persson's star), Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5831) 1 (2008)


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