He published 80 scientific articles
N. Kaltcheva, E. Paunzen, M. Prisegen, V. Golev, M. Watson, Absolute Magnitudes of Early-type Supergiants from uvby Beta Photometry and Parallax Data, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, vol 132 (1013) 1-12 (2020)
Y. Nikolov, V. Golev, G. Borisov, R. Zamanov, A. Tasheva, S. Boeva, Spectropolarimetric observations of the Be/X-ray binary star LSI+61 303, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, òîì 30 (4) 409-416 (2018)
N. Kaltcheva, V. Golev, E. Paunzen, Photometric Stromgren-H beta Quantification for O and B Stars of Luminosity Class V, Publication of the Astronomical Society of the Pcific, vol. 129 (981) 1-10 (2017)
N. Kaltcheva, G. Topasna, V. Golev, Stromgren-H photometry and optical polarization study of young open clusters, Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana (88) 832-833 (2017)
N. Kaltcheva, V. Golev, Characterizing Classical Be Stars via Intermediate-band Photometry, The B[e] Phenomenon: Forty Years of Studies, A. Miroshnichenko, S. Zharikov, D. Korcakova, M. Wolf (eds), Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series, San Francisco, USA (508) 51-56 (2017)
N. Kaltcheva, V. Golev, J. Beaver, S. Lund, Stromgren-H beta photometry of the young open cluster NGC 6913, Formation, Evolution, and Survival of Massive Star Clusters, 12 (S316) 149-150 (2017)
Y. Metodieva, A. Antonova, V. Golev, D. Dimitrov, D. García-Álvarez, J. G. Doyle, Low-resolution optical spectra of ultracool dwarfs with OSIRIS/GTC, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446 (4) 3878–3884 (2015)
R. Zamanov, G. Latev, S. Boeva, J. L. Sokoloski, K. Stoyanov, R. Bachev, B. Spassov, G. Nikolov, V. Golev, S. Ibryamov, Optical flickering of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi: amplitude–flux relation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 450 (4) 3958–3965 (2015)
N. Kaltcheva, V. Golev, K. Moran, Massive stellar content of the Galactic supershell GSH 305+01-24, Astronomy and Astrophysics (562) A69 (2014)
V. Golev, N. Kaltcheva, Star-formation in the Coalsack Loop, Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 85 (3) 593-596 (2014)
N. Kaltcheva, V. Fabbri, T. Conard, V. Golev, Cepheus Star-Forming Field Revisited, International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 3 (4) 472-479 (2013)
G. Nikolov, M. Kontizas, A. Dapergolas, M. Belcheva, V. Golev, Distribution of stars in three Magellanic Clouds star clusters NGC 1754, NGC 2005, NGC 2019, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal (19) 9-13 (2013)
N. Kaltcheva, K. Moran, T. Gehrman, V. Golev, Homogeneous Distances to Several Stellar Groups in the Second Galactic Quadrant, International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 3 (3A) 10-17 (2013)
B. Acharya, M. Actis, V. Golev, CTA Consortium, Introducing the CTA concept, Astroparticle Physics (43) 3-18 (2013)
N. Kaltcheva and V. Golev, Galactic Structure Toward the Carina Tangent, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 124 (912) 128-139 (2012)
M. Actis, G. Agnetta, F. Aharonian, V. Golev, CTA Consortium, Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: an advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, Experimental Astronomy (32) 193-316 (2011)
N. Kaltcheva, V. Golev, Improved distances to several Galactic OB associations (2011)
G. Nikolov, A. Dapergolas, M. Kontizas, V. Golev, Density profiles of populous star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal (14) 43-48 (2010)
L. Shestakova, F. Rspaev, A. Chalabaev, D. Bram, A. Dubovitskiy, T. Bonev, V. Golev, E. Le Coarer, Wide-field investigation of the velocity field of the circumsolar dust during the total solar eclipse on July 22, 2009, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal (14) 110-117 (2010)
A. Stoev, V. Golev, P. Stoeva, History of the First Astronomical Observatory in Bulgaria, report (2009)
I. Yankulova, V. Golev, K. Jockers, The luminous infrared composite Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7679 through the [O III] Lambda 5007 emission line, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 469 (3) 891 - 898 (2007)
M. Koleva, N. Bavouzet, I. Chilingarian, P. Prugniel, V. Golev, Validation of Inversion Methods for Stellar Population and Kinematical Analysis of Galaxies trough 3D-Spectroscopy, Meetings in Physics, University of Sofia (7) (2006)
V. Golev, I. Yankulova, The composite Sy2/starburst compton-thin galaxy NGC 7679 = Mark 534, Publications of the Astronomical Society "Rudjer Boskovic" (5) 67-74 (2005)
V. Golev, Ph. Prugniel, F. Simien, M. Longhetti, Central Mg2 indices for early-type galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. Volume 136 (3) 519-524 (1999)
Ph. Prugniel, V. Golev, G. Maubon, Effect of the large scale environment on the stellar content of early-type galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics (346) 25-29 (1999)
V. Golev, Ph. Prugniel, A catalogue of Mg2 indices of galaxies and globular clusters, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. (132) 255-260 (1998)
H. Markov, T. Valtchev, J. Borissova, V. Golev, An algorithm to “clean" close stellar companions, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. (122) 193-199 (1997)
A. Staneva, N. Spassov, V. Golev, The ellipticities of globular clusters in the Andromeda galaxy, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. (116) 447-461 (1996)
N. Spassova, A. Staneva, V. Golev, On the Ellipticities of Young Massive Clusters in M 31, Astrophysical Letters and Communications (33) 237-244 (1996)
V. Golev, I. Yankulova, T. Bonev, K. Jockers, New narrow-band imaging of the extended emission-line region in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3516, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 273 (1) 129–138 (1995)
V. Golev, I. Yankulova, T. Bonev, K. Jockers, Astrophys. Lett. Commun (29) 239-247 (1994)
I. Yankoulova, V. Golev, G. Petrov, An evidence for enhanced star formation rate in IRAS-detected Arakelian galaxies, Bulletin of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (35) 60-75 (1993)
T. Bonev, V. Golev, I. Yankulova, K. Jockers, The structure of the extended emission-line region in NGC 3516, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (8) 75-75 (1993)
V. Golev, I. Yankulova, T. Bonev, K. Jockers, Astron Ges. Abstr. Ser. No 7, P107, 182 (1992)
V. Golev, G. Ivanov, P. Kunchev, The brightest blue stars in M33 galaxy as unresolved star groups, Astrophysics and Space Science, 135 (2) 301-306 (1987)
V. Golev, I. Yankoulova G. Petrov, On the Physical State in the Narrow-Line Region of the Classical Seyfert Galaxy NGC 7469, Advances in Space Research, 3 (10–12) 235-237 (1984)
V. Golev, M. Tsvetkov, E. Vitrichenko, Hartmann test of the 50/70-cm Schmidt telescope of the National Astronomical observatory, Comptes rendus de BAS, 35 (6) 729-732 (1982)
Petrov, G. T., Yankulova, I. M., Golev, V. K., Physical Conditions in the Nuclei of Galaxies with Emission Lines, Astrophysics, ???:17, ????:1, 1981, ???.:22-28
I. Yankulova, V. Golev, G. Petrov, Physical Conditions in the Nucleus of the MARKARIAN 534 Galaxy, Soviet Astronomy Letters, 6 (6) 363-365 (1980)
V. Golev, I. Yankulova, G. Petrov, The nucleus of the galaxy NGC 5929 - Preliminary spectrophotometry, Soviet Astronomy Letters, 6 (5) 554-558 (1980)
Valeri Golev, Katedra po Astronomia, Fizicheski Facultet, SU, 07.06.2024
Valeri Golev
Valeri Golev
in memoriam Doc.d-r Valeri Golev (1951-2024), Svetat na physikata (2) 128-129 (2024)