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Album 2
Pravda (1962) - 3
P. Anderson, G. Baskaran, Z. Zou, T. Hsu, Resonating-Valence-Bond Theory of Phase Transitions and Superconductivity in LawCuO4 Based Compounds, Physical Review Letters, 58 (26) 2790-2793 (1987)
M. Daoud, Representations and properties of generalized A statistics, 20,June 2006, 12 p
Wu-Sheng Dai, Mi Xie, Intermediate-statistics spin waves, Journal Stat Mechanics (2009) P04021 arxiv:0906.4818v1, 22 p
Wu-Sheng Dai, Mi Xie, Gentile statistics with a large maximum ocupation number, Annals of physics, v. 309 (2) 295-305 (2004)
D. Finkelstein, Palev statistics and the chronon, In: V. Dobrev (ed), Lie theory and its applications in physics, IX International Workshop (2013) p.25-37
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W. Hofstetter, J. Cirac, P. Zoller, E. Demler, M. Lukin, High-Temperature superfluidity of Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattices, Physical Review Letters, 89 (22) 220407-1 - 220407-4(2002)
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J-L. Loday, T. Popov, Parastatistics Algebra and Super Aemistandard Young Tableaux and the Super Plactic Monoid
T. Palev, A-superquantization, Dubna, E2-11942, 1978, 17 p.
T. Palev, N. Stoilova, J. van der Jeugt, Jacobson Generators of (Quantum) sl(n+1/m). Related statistics, Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2002, 8 p
J. Richter, O. Dershko, A. Honecker, The sawtooth chain: From Heisenberg spins to Hubbard electrons, International Journal of Modern Physics B (2008)
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J. Van der Jeugt, Wigner Quantization and Lie Superalgebra Representations, Dedicated to T. Palev 75 birthday
T. Palev, SL(3/N) Wigner quantum oscilators (An example of a noncommutative square commutative geometry) 24.05.2005
T. Palev, Is the statistics of hardcore bosons an A-statistics? 3p, 03.10.2011
T. Palev, Gutzwiller projections, Habbard operators and related A-statistics, 26 p, 09.07.2012
T. Palev, Abstract, 27 p, 26.11.2013 (7 copies)
T. Palev, Elementary introduction to the statistics of class A, 8 p. 21.05.2016 (2 copies)
T. Palev, Do new quantum staatistics exist in nature? Simple wigner quantum systems, 12 p. 05.01.2017 - 06.02.2018 (5 copies)
T. Palev, Do new quantum statistics exist in nature? Wigner quantum systems, 12 p, 14.12.2014 (3 copies)
Tchavdar Palev, Wigner Oscillators with Non-commutative Square Commutative Geometry, Lambert Academie Publishing, Mauritius (2018) 79 p ISBN: 978-613-9-83711-3 - 3 br
Ikon "St. Demetrius of Thessalonica" made by wood