Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences















Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created 30.5.2014

       European Physical Society               Constitution 1968               EPS History of Physics Group       

Professor Luisa Cifarelli opened a new historic site of the European Physical Society in the Institute of Solid State Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences together with Professor Alexander G. Petrov, Director of the Institute, 23 May 2014. ãîäèíà

Prof. L. Cifarelli is a vice-president of the European Physical Society now. She is a destinguished italian nuclear physicist, editor in chief of the European Physical Journal Plus (ISSN: 2190-5444 electronic version only). It startes in 2011 as a continuation of Il Nuovo Cimento B, published by the Italian Physical Society with a new interdisciplinary approach of topics and article formats. EPS awarded Luisa Cifarelli with Gero Thomas Medal on 12 November 2021

Memorial plaque announces the study of Georgi Nadjakov as a historic site of the European Physical Society.


  1. Quantum mechanics in Gottingen, an EPS Historic Site Plaque, Germany, 1 April 2025

  2. Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Austria, 7 June 2024

  3. Misa Anastasijevic Mansion, University of Belgrad, Serbia, 15 September 2023

  4. Faculty of Physics, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iash , Romania, 22 May 2023

  5. Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, 19 April 2023

  6. Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory, Finland, 8 December 2022

  7. IESC, Institut d'etudes scientifiques de Cargese, Pasquale Paoli University of Corsica, France, 7 October 2022

  8. Victor Franz Hess Measuring Station, Hafelekar, Innsbruck, Austria, 29 September 2022

  9. Zagreb-Gric Observatory, Croatia, 23 September 2022

  10. Aldo Pontremoli Department of Physics, University of Milan, Italy, 16 September 2022

  11. Theodor von Grotthuss laboratory, Zeimelis, Lithuania, 2 July 2022

  12. Zeeman Laboratory, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25 May 2022

  13. The old Physics Department of Lund University, Biskopsgatan 3, Lund, Sweden, 10 May 2022

  14. Cyclotron Hall Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 12 October 2021

  15. Sonnenborgh Observatory, Netherlands, 7 April 2021

  16. Ecole de Physique des Houches, 5 October 2020

  17. Physics Department at the University of Dundee, UK, 2 December 2019

  18. Academy of Sciences of the Bologna Institute, Italy, 7 November 2019

  19. Institute for High Voltage Technology, Aachen, Germany, 30 September 2019

  20. The Great Telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland, 20 September 2019

  21. Mendeleev Museum Archive, St Petersburg, 12 September 2019

  22. Arthur von Weinberg and former Institute of Physics, University of Frankfurt, 3 September 2019

  23. Holy Spirit College, where Georges Lemaitre founded the Big Bang theory, Leuven, Belgium, 23 May 2019

  24. Atominstitut, Technical University, Wien, Austria, 22 May 2019

  25. Institute of Physics of Archirafi Street, Palermo, Italy, 18 February 2019

  26. Jungfraujoch Research Station, Switzerland, 7 February 2019

  27. Bergara Laboratorium, Spain, 20 October 2018

  28. Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary, 12 October 2018

  29. Laboratories of Kirchhoff and Bunsen, Heidelberg, Germany, 1 October 2018

  30. Observatories on the Haldde mountain, Norway, 26 August 2018

  31. Dunsink Observatory, Dublin, Ireland, 23 June 2018

  32. Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia, 20 June 2018

  33. Magurele Physics Campus, Bucurest, Romania, 15 November 2017

  34. Curie Museum, Paris, France, 7 November 2017

  35. Philips NatLab, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 5 October 2017

  36. BM Research Ruschlikon, Switzerland, 26 September 2017

  37. H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory (Royal Fort), Bristol University, UK, 13 September 2017

  38. Bastions Building, Geneva University, Switzerland, 29 March 2017

  39. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 9 November 2016

  40. Uddmanska house of Lise Meitner, Kungalv, Sweden, 29 October 2016

  41. Piersanti Mattarella, Italy, 21 August 2016

  42. Former Institute of Physics (Rontgen 1895), University of Wurzburg, Germany, 7 June 2016

  43. The Cabinet of Physics of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, 11 March 2016

  44. The Ernst Mach Physics Institute, Prague, Czech Republic, 18 February 2016

  45. The Hotel Metropole, Brussels, Belgium, the venue of Solvay Conferences (30.10.1911 - 03.11.1911), 24 October 2015

  46. The Einstein House, Bern, Switzerland, 14 September 2015

  47. The Institute for Radium Research, Vienna, Austira, 28 ìàé 2015 ã.

  48. The Mount Vesuvius Observatory, Hercolaneum, Naples, Italy, 23 May 2015

  49. The Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, Spain, 13 May 2015

  50. Physics Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat , Munich, Germany, 6 May 2015

  51. Fasor Lutheran Secondary School of Budapest, Hungary, 23 April 2015

  52. Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory and the Institute Lorentz, Leiden, Netherlands, 9 February 2015

  53. CERN 600 MeV Synchrocyclotron, Laussane, Switzerland, 19 June 2014

  54. Georgi Nadjakov Study, Sofia, Bulgaria, 23 May 2014

  55. Fabra Observatory, Barcelona, Spain, 9 May 2014

  56. Blackett Laboratory, London, United Kingdom, 30 April 2014

  57. UK National Physical Laboratory, London, United Kingdom, 31 January 2014

  58. AdA Storage Ring, Frascati, Italy, 5 December 2013

  59. Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Danmark, 3 December 2013

  60. MTA Atomki, Debrecen, Hungary, 25 October 2013

  61. Kleist Palais, Kamien Pomorski, Poland, 11 October 2013

  62. PTB’s Berlin Institute, Germany, 8 October 2013

  63. LAL-LURE complex, Orsay, Paris, France, 13 September 2013

  64. Island of Hven, Sweden, 11 September 2013

  65. Villa Griffone, Bologna, Italy, 26 May 2013

  66. Hill of Arcetri, Iraly, 17 May 2013

  67. JINR in Dubna, Russia, 22 February 2013

  68. Hoza 69 building, Warsaw, Poland, 10 January 2013

  69. Refuge des Cosmiques, France, 23 July 2012

  70. Fermi fountain, Rome, Italy, 20 April 2012


  1. Bart van Tiggelen, Ecole de Physique des Houches has become EPS Historic Site

  2. High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, Switzerland, 7 February 2019

  3. A. Brekke, EPS Historic Site: The observatories on the Haldde mountain, e-EPS News, 20 November 2018

  4. Laboratorien von Kirchhoff und Bunsen werden historische Erinnerungsstatte der Physik, Pressemitteilung Nr. 114/2018, 28 September 2018

  5. A. Pawlak, Der Geburtsort der Spektralanalyse, Physik Journal (11) 12 October 2018

  6. The Curie Museum distinguished as EPS Historic Site

  7. M. Pfalz, Historisch ausgezeichnetes IBM-Forschungslabor, Physik Journal, 27 September 2017

  8. J. Lacki, An EPS Historic Sites Award celebrating two Genevan physicists, Swiss Physical Society, Mitteilungen (52) July 2017, p. 32-35

  9. A. M. Heinz, B. Jonson, I. Pazsit, Uddmanska House Kungalv, Sweden, Europhysics News, 48(1) 4-5 (2017)

  10. G. de Natale, Reale Osservatorio Vesuviano, Herculaneum (Naples) Italy, Europhysics News, 48(1) p. 6 (2017)

  11. D. Lee, Joint EPS-APS Historic Site – The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, e-EPS, Dec 2016

  12. M. H. Palmgren, EPS Historic Site – Lise Meitner and the discovery of nuclear fission, e-EPS, December 2016

  13. R. Emmerich, Former Institute of Physics Wurzburg University, Europhysics News 47(5-6) p. 4-5 (2016)

  14. T. Pena, The Old Cabinet of Physics of the University of Coimbra distinguished as EPS Historic Site, Europhysics News 47(4) p. 4-5 (2016)

  15. C. Cimoes, D. R. Martoms, Cabinet of Physics University of Coimbra, Portugal, Europhysics News 47(3) p. 4-5 (2016)

  16. J. Minar, New EPS Historic Site in Prague dedicated to Ernst Mach, e-EPS, March 2016; Ernst Mach house Ovocny trh 7 Prague, Czech Republic, Europhysics News, 47(2) p. 4-5 (2016)

  17. J. Ongena, Hotel Metropole, Place de Brouckere 31, Brussels, Belgium, Europhysics News 47(1) p. 4-5 (2016)

  18. P. M. Schuster, The Institute of Radium Research, Boltzmanngasse 3, Vienna, Austria, Europhysics News 46 (5-6) p. 4-5 (2015)

  19. N. Kroo, The Fasor Lutheran Secondary School, Budapest, Hungary, Europhysics News, 46(3) 4-5 (2015)

  20. L. Cifarelli, The European Historic Sites Heritage, Society Italian Physics (SIT) Prima Pagina, 23 March 2015

  21. O. Yordanov, A. Petrov, EPS Historic Sites, The Laboratory of Georgi Nadjakov, Sofia, Bulgaria, Europhysics News, 46(1) 1-2 (2015)

  22. A. G. Petrov, R. Kamburova, The study of Georgi Nadjakov declared an EPS Historic Site, e-EPS, 25 June 2014

  23. M. Duff, The Blackett Laboratory: EPS site of historical interest, Europhysics News 45(4) p. 4-5 (2014)

  24. Interview with Dr. Luisa Cifarelli, The European Physical Journal Plus Editor in Chief (1) 2014

  25. Luisa Cifarelli, Curriculum Vitae, Homepage, University of Bologna, Italy

  26. The main building of MTA Atomki is a historic site in physics

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
72 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd.
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria

Curator: Ganka Kamisheva, Ph.D.

Phone: +359 2 979 58 31; GSM: +359 899 75 05 90
Fax: +359 2 416 93 57