Created: 22.2.2008
Updated: 13.11.2024
Curriculum Vitae
Associate Professor Dr. Curator
Scientific Research Field:
History of Physics
Born: 1956
Children: Daughter and Son.
Physicist, Master degree, Sofia University (1981).
Ph.D. ISSP-BAS (2015)
Professional experience:
From 16.06.1985 until 31.10.1988, Secretary, United Centre on Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
01.11.1988, Physicist, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
12.05.1989, Research fellow III degree, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
15.10.1992, Research fellow II degree, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
06.12.2001, Research fellow I degree, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
29.06.2011, Assistant, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
20.05.2015 Doctor (PhD)
11.12.2015 Associate Professor
The next five Projects were financed by Bulgarian Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science:
F-251 (19921995, the value of 68 000 lv)
F-517 (19951999, the value of 630 000 lv)
F-1312 (20032007, the value of 5 400 lv)
DNIM 01/94 (20112012, the value of 1 692 lv)
DNIM 01/95 (20112012, the value of 811 lv).
Scientific interests: History of Physics in Bulgaria
Teaching activities:
Teacher on Physics: High School, Antonovo (19811983); 118 High School, Sofia (FebruaryJune 1983); Dress Vocational College, Omurtag (19831984); 69 High School, Sofia (198415.06.1985).
Other activities:
History of Physics Museum Curator (since 2000)
Board Member of Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria (19941996; 20042007; 20072011).
Board Member of the History of Physics Group, European Physical Society since 2010
Editorial Board of Bulgarian Magazine "World of Physics" (20092015)
Scientific Results:
Demetrius Mutieff (18181864) contribution in theoretical physics and metheorology has marked for the first time as a result of documentary research in Bulgarian government archives and SIBAL
[1, s. 165-208].
His activities in Russia (18431856) is unknown yet
His Ph.D. thesis "De Psychrometria" (1842) has fond in Bulgaria
Textbooks on Physics and Mathematics: Working with archives of Nayden Gerov
[2, pp. 229-293], Joakim Gruev
[2, pp. 229-293], Emanuil Vaskidovich
[17], Bulgarian Central eparchial school in Plovdiv
[39] and textbooks on mathematics
[45] and physics
published up to 1878 the sources, used by Nayden Gerov are found
[9], and the stages are defined.
Education on Physics expressing by Bulgarian secondary school curriculums and textbooks are examined up to 1925.
Physics in the Sofia University from 1889 to 1950
[29]: Lectures
[26], and scientific results of Prof. P. Bachmetiew
[27], Prof. G. Maneff
[38], Prof. G. Nadjakov
[28], independent physics speciality creation
and education in doctorate in physics in Bulgaria during the thirties of XX century
[24] are determined.
Research on Physics: in the Sofia University from 1889 to 1950
[52] has experimental and teoretical results
Theoretical Physics [43],
[67] in the Sofia University
[33] and from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
[40] is analysed.
Milko Borissov
[64]. In the field of solid state physics
Milko Borissov worked with one hundred co-authors and made 403 publications in 30 different areas, because his research model has cyclic direction between science reports, patented inventions, and manufactured technologies
Semi-conductors mono-crystal growth has great importance for Bulgarian solid-state physics experiments during the second half of XX century [Τ2].
Milko Borissov's research on history of physics has two stages. He examined development of the physics in Bulgaria mainly
Visiting card:
"Georgi Nadjakov" Institute of Solid State Physics - BAS
72 TsarigradskoShose Blvd.
1784 Sofia
Tel: (+359 2) 979 58 31 Office; GSM: (+359) 899 75 05 90
Fax: (+359 2) 416 93 57
E-mail: gkamish@issp.bas.bg