Bulgarian Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created 12.11.2024
Updated 20.2.2025

AIvan Todorov Todorov
(26.10.1933 - 14.02.2025)


Born in Sofia


(1956) MSc in Physics from the Sofia University. He speak English, French and Russian languages

Ivan Todorov specialized in Dubna (1958–1968); USA (1968–1970 and 1974–1975); Frnce (1967–2019); and Italy (1966, 1980–2006)

(1960) PhD from Dubna

(1963) DSc from Dubna

(1967) Corresponding Member

(1974) Full Member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Professional Experience

He was head of the Laboratory for elementar particlew theory at the Bulgarian Acadmy of Sciences

Ivan Todorov. Professor Emeritus at INRNE-BAS, 24 June 2011, Special Session Honouring the 75 year Jubilee of Tchavdar Palev, Professor Emeritus at INRNE-BAS, Varna, Bulgaria


Area: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics


  1. Димитровска награда (1971)

  2. Medaille Francois I of College de France (1986)

  3. Alexander von Humboldt Reserarch Award (2003)

  4. The Bogoliubov prize (2024)


  1. A. Logunov, Nguen van Hieu, I. Todorov, Asymptotic relations between scattering amplitudes in local field theory, Annals of Physics 31 (1965) 203-234

  2. A. Oksak, I. Todorov, Invalidity of TCP-theorem for infinite-component fields, Commun. Math. Phys. 11 (1968) 125-135

  3. G. Mack, I. Todorov, Irredducibility of the ladder representations of U(2,2) when restricted to the Poincarй subgroup, J. Math. Phys. (10) 2078-2085 (1969)

  4. I. Todorov, Analytic Properties of Feynman Diagrams in Quantum Field Theory, transl. by Cl. Risk, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1971) 152 p

  5. I. Todorov, Quasipotential equation corresponding to the relativistic eikonal approximation, Phys. Rev. D3 (1971) 2351-2356

  6. G. Mack, I. Todorov, Conformal invariant Green functions without ultraviolet divergencies, Phys. Rev. D8 (1973) 1764-1787

  7. И. Тодоров, В. Ризов, Задачата за две тела в квантовата теория, Наука и изкуство, София (1974) 276 p.

  8. N. Bogolubov, A. Logunov, I. Todorov, Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory, authorized translation from Russian, Ed. S. Fulling, Addison-Wesley/W. Benjamin (1975) 708 p

  9. V. Dobrev, G. Mack, V. Petkova, S. Petrova, I. Todorov, On Clebsch - Gordan expansion for O(2h + 1, 1), JINR Report E2-7977, Dubna (1974)

  10. V. Dobrev, V. Petkova, S. Petrova, I. Todorov, On the exceptional integer points in the representation space of the pseudo-orthogonal group O(2h + 1, 1), Trieste preprint. IC/75/1 (1975)

  11. V. Dobrev, G. Mack, V. Petkova, S. Petrova, I. Todorov, On the Clebsch - Gordan expansion for the Lorentz group in n dimensions, Rep. Math. Phys. (9) 219-246 (1976)

  12. V. Dobrev, V. Petkova, S. Petrova, I. Todorov, Dynamical derivation of vacuum operator product expansion in euclidean conformal quantum field theory, Phys. Rev. D (13) 887-912 (1976)

  13. M. Mintchev, V. Petkova, I. Todorov, Scale and conformal covariance in quantum electrodynamics, Rep. Math. Phys. (9) 355-376 (1976)

  14. V. Dobrev, G. Mack, V. Petkova, S. Petrova, I. Todorov, Harmonic Analysis on the n-Dimensional Lorentz Group and its Application to Conformal Quantum Field Theory, Lecture Notes in Physics (63) Springer, Berlin, (1977) p. 1-280

  15. V. Bargmann, I. Todorov, Spaces of analytic functions on a complex cone as carriers for the symmetric tensor representations of SO(n), J. Math. Phys. 18 (1977) 1141-148

  16. I. Todorov, M. Mintchev, V. Petkova, Conformal invariance in quantum field theory, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (1978) p. 1-270

  17. A. Maheshwari, E. Nissimov, I. Todorov, Classical and quantum two-body problem in general relativity, Lett. Math. Phys. 5:5 (1981) 359-366; arXiv:1611.02943 [gr-qc]

  18. P. Furlan, V. Petkova, G. Sotkov, I. Todorov, Conformal quantum electrodynamics and nondecomposable representations, Riv. del Nuovo Cim., 8 (3) 1-50 (1985)

  19. I. Todorov, Current algebra approach to conformal 2-dimensional models, Phys. Lett. (153B) 77 (1985)

  20. V. Kac, I. Todorov, Superconformal current algebras and their unitary representations, Commun. Math. Phys. (102) 337-347 (1985)

  21. V. Petkova, G. Sotkov, I. Todorov, Conformal gauges and renormalized equations of motion in massless QED, Comm. Math. Phys. (97) 227-256 (1985)

  22. P. Furlan, G. Sotkov, I. Todorov, Two-Dimensional Conformal Quantum Field Theory, La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, vol.12, (6) (1989)

  23. N. Bogolubov, A. Logunov, A. Oksak, I. Todorov, General Principles of Quantum Field Theory, transl. by G.G. Gould, Kluwer, Dordrecht et al. (1990) 694

  24. L. Michel, Ya. Stanev, I. Todorov, D-E classification of the local extensions of su(2) current algebras, Teor. Mat. Fiz. (92) 507-521 (1992)


    Obituary from INRNE

