University Professor
Ivan Zhelyazkov Petkov headed Physics Department at the Shumen University
He lectured the cours for nuclear reaction theory at the Sofia University
A. Antonov, P. Hodgson, I. Petkov, Nucleon Density and Momentum Distributions in Nuclei, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1988)
I. Petkov, M. Stoitsov, Nucleon Density Functional Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1991)
A. Antonov, P. Hodgson, I. Petkov, Nucleon Correlations in Nucli, Springer, Berlin (1993)
Professor Ivan Zhelyazkov Petkov
Професор Иван Желязков Петков, 40 години Институт за ядрени изследвания и ядрена енергетика, БАН (2012) с. 189-191