Bulgarian Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created 4.12.2020
Updated 7.12.2020

Todor Ruskov Christov
(20.08.1933 – 17.11.2020)

Born in Ruse


He graduated physics from the Sanct-Petersburgs University (1957)

He specialized at the Dubna Institute (1960–1963) and in France (1968–1970)

Scientific Research

He investigated in the Mossbauer spectroscopy, nuclear physics and nuclear energetics areas

Professional experience

He worked at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics (1957-1972) and Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy

He became research assistant ²² rank (1963 - 1967); research assistant ² rank (1967-1978); associate professor (1978-1983); professor since 1983

He created and headed Laboratory for Mossbauer spectroscopy at the Instityte for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS (1963)

Prof. Ruskov lectured university cource about interaction between gama quants and matter at the Sofia University nuclear physics chair (1965–1970)


  1. V Alfimenkov, Y Ostanevich, T Ruskov, A Strelkov, F Shapiro, Resonance Absorption Spectrum of 92 kev Zn $ sup 67$$ gamma $ emission in Zinc Oxide; ENERGETICHESKII SPEKTR REZONANSNOGO POGLOSHCHENIYA $ gamma $-IZLUCHENIYA 92 KEV Zn $ sup …, Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna, USSR Lab. of Neutron Physics (1961)

  2. V Alfimenkov, Y Ostanevich, T Ruskov, A Strelkov, F Shapiro, Observation of the Mossbauer Effect in Sm2 149Os3, Zh. Eksperim. i. Teor. Fiz. (42) 1036 (1962)

  3. V Alfimenkov, Y Ostanevich, T Ruskov, A Strelkov, Sha piro, FL; Wu-Kuang, Yen, Sov. Phys. JETP 15, 713 (1962)

  4. V Alfimenkov, Y Ostanevich, T Ruskov, A Strelkov, F Shapiro, Observation of the Mössbauer Effect in Sm149 2O3, JETP, 15 (4) 718 (1962)

  5. V Alfimenkov, Y Ostanevich, T Ruskov, A Strelkov, F Shapiro, Zhur. eksp. teor Fiz (42) 1029 (1962)

  6. V Alfimenkov, N Lebedev, Y Ostanevich, T Ruskov, A Strelkov, Zh. eksper. teor, Fiz 46, 482 (1964)

  7. V Alfimenkov, N Lebedev, Y Ostanevich, T Ruskov, A Strelkov, A Study of the Mössbauer Effect on Sm 149, SOVIET PHYSICS JETP-USSR 19 (2) 326-329 (1964)


  9. T Tomov, T Ruskov, MOESSBAUER SPECTROMETER, Prib. Tekh. Eksp., No. 5, 138-42 (Sept.-Oct. 1967)

  10. D Dobrev, T Tomov, T Ruskov, D Lefterov, Co MOESSBAUER SOURCE IN PALLADIUM, Prib. Tekh. Eksp., No. 5, 235-7 (Sept.-Oct. 1967)

  11. T Ruskov, Rapid phase analysis of iron ore treated by magnetic roasting (1975)

  12. T Ruskov, T Tomov, S Georgiev, Mossbauer investigation of the Morin transition in hematite, Physica status solidi (a) 37 (1) 295-302 (1976)

  13. S Asenov, T Ruskov, T Tomov, I Spirov, Angular dependence of diffusional broadening of the Mössbauer line in a 57Co—copper single crystal, Physics Letters A 79 (4) 349-352 (1980)

  14. R Dimitrov, A Hekimova, S Asenov, T Ruskov, T Tomov, Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy in pyritic and copper calcines studies, Thermochimica Acta, 40 (3) 349-355 (1980)

  15. ON Nikolov, TH Ruskov, SA Georgiev, AM Kadomtseva, IB Krinetskii, On the character of the unusual morin type transition in a cobalt-substituted dysprosium orthoferrite, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 22 (1) 15-20 (1980)

  16. S Asenov, T Ruskov, T Tomov, I Spirov, Adam, A., D. Billerey, C. Terrier, K. Katsumata, J. Magariflo, J. Tuchendler, Magnetic resonance experiments in NiBr2 at high frequencies and high magnetic fields, 79A, PHYSICS LETTERS (1980)

  17. S Asenov, T Ruskov, T Tomov, I Spirov, A Mossbauer furnace with a rotating sample-holder, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 180 (1) 137-139 (1981)

  18. O Nikolov, T Ruskov, T Tomov, AM Kadomtseva, IB Krinetskii, MM Lukina, Gallium substitution for Fe3+ ions and its influence on the phase transitions in dysprosium orthoferrite, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 44 (1-2) 181-186 (1984)


  20. T Ruskov, I Spirov, T Tomov, O Nikolov, S Asenov, L Dimitrov, A Kirov, On the methodology of Mössbauer spectroscopy with67Zn, Hyperfine Interactions 29 (1-4) 1587-1590 (1986)

  21. E Sinitsyn, O Nikolov, T Tomov, T Ruskov, S Ivanov, Spin reorientation in DyFe 0.95 Ga 0.05 O 3 solid solution, Fizika Tverdogo Tela 29 (4), 1001-1005 (1987)

  22. E Sinitsyn, O Nikolov, T Tomov, T Ruskov, S Ivanov, Spin reorientation in DyFe/sub 0. 95/Ga/sub 0. 05/O/sub 3/solid solution (1987)

  23. O Nikolov, T Ruskov, T Tomov, A Toshev, A Mossbauer study of the Morin transition on the surface and in the bulk of hematite single crystals, Hyperfine Interactions, 39 (4) 409-417 (1988)

  24. T Ruskov, R Ruskov, I Spirov, A Kirov, T Tomov, S Asenov, Searching for the electric dipole moment of the photon, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam (1989)

  25. V Alfimenkov, A Strelkov, T Ruskov, The search for neutron flux from hypothetical cold nuclear synthesis, Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (1989)

  26. O Nikolov, T Ruskov, GP Vorobyov, AM Kadomtseva, IB Krynetskii, A new mechanism of the spin reorientations in HoFeO3, Hyperfine Interactions 54 (1-4), 623-626 (1990)

  27. O Nikolov, T Ruskov, G Vorobyov, A Kadomtseva, I Krynetskii, A new mechanism of the spin reorientations in HoFeO sub 3, Hyperfine Interactions (Switzerland) 54 (1990)

  28. T Ruskov, R Ruskov, A Kirov, I Spirov, S Asenov, Search for electric dipole moment of the photon, Yadrena Energiya 27 (1990)

  29. T Ruskov, A Strelkov, G Passage, An improved “Keisch type” proportional counter for backscatter Mössbauer spectroscopy, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam (1992)

  30. T Ruskov, G Passage, A Rastanawi, R Radev, Low-temperature system for simultaneous counting of conversion electrons and backscattered Gama-rays in Mossbauer effect experiment, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam (1994)

  31. T Ruskov, A Rastanawi, A Strelkov, Low-temperature Mossbauer apparatus for simultaneous counting of conversion electrons and transmitted gamma-rays, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 28 (1) 174 (1995)

  32. T Ruskov, The Mossbauer effect, PPN, 26 (6) 669-677 (1995)

  33. V Alfimenkov, Y Ostanevich, T Ruskov, A Strelkov, Recoilless Resonance and Absorption in Sm149, Proceedings of the Dubna Conference on the Mössbauer Effect, 1963, 65-68 (1995)

  34. T Ruskov, S Turmanova, G Kostov, Study of IR and Mössbauer spectroscopy of grafted metal complexes of poly (acrylic acid) on to low density poly (ethylene) and on to poly (tetrafluoroethylene), European polymer journal, 33 (8) 1285-1288 (1997)

  35. S Turmanova, G Kostov, T Ruskov, Study of IR and Mossbauer spectroscopy of grafted metal complexes of poly (acrylic acid) on to low density poly (ethylene) and on to poly (tetrafluoroethylene), European Polymer Journal, 33 (8) 1285-1288 (1997)

  36. G Dolbilov, G Dolbilova, A Fateev, I Ivanov, N Lebedev, Multi-beam pulsed accelerator for electron beam processing system, Proceedings, EPAC-98, 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference (2) (1998)


  38. T Ruskov, R Ruskov, D Paneva, D Lefterov, Contribution of back-scattered electromagnetic rays to the Mössbauer conversion electron spectrum, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam (1999)

  39. T Ruskov, R Ruskov, D Petkov, G Dolbilov, S KonnovaEstimation of the radiation dose from the Bremsstrahlung due to the electron beam in the electron-beam technologies; Otsenka radiatsionnoj nagruzki ot tormoznogo izlucheniya (1999)

  40. T Ruskov, R Ruskov, D Petkov, GV Dolbilov, S Konnova, Estimation of the radiation dose from the Bremsstrahlung due to the electron beam in the electron-beam technologies, Laboratory of Particle Physics (1999)

  41. G Dolbilov, G Dolbilova, T Ruskov, A Mazhulin, I Ivanov, Multi-beam electron accelerator for industrial application (2000)

  42. T Ruskov, R Ruskov, I Dobrevski, S Konnova, N Zaharieva, P Menut, Radioactive {sup 55} Fe contamination in the primary circuit of WWER-440 (2001)

  43. T Ruskov, L Dimitrov, B Kunov, E Moravska, D Lefterov, D Petkov, Low Activity Beta-Alpha Radiometer (LABAR), Radionuclides and Heavy Metals in Environment, 297-304 (2001)

  44. T RUSKOV, L DIMTTROV, B KUNOV, E MORAVSKA, D. LEFTEROV and D. PETKOV, Radionuclides and Heavy Metals in Environment, 297 (2001)

  45. Y Stamenov, K Ilieva, T Ruskov, Scientific support of nuclear energy in Bulgaria (2002)

  46. T Ruskov, S Asenov, I Spirov, C Garcia, I Mönch, A Graff, R Kozhuharova, Mossbauer transmission and back scattered conversion electron study of Fe nanowires encapsulated in multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Journal of applied physics, 96 (12) 7514-7518 (2004)

  47. D Paneva, T Tsoncheva, E Manova, I Mitov, T Ruskov, Phase composition and catalytic properties in methanol decomposition of iron–ruthenium modified activated carbon, Applied Catalysis A: General, 267 (1-2) 67-75 (2004)

  48. T Ruskov, I Spirov, M Ritschel, C Moller, A Leonhardt, R Ruskov, Mössbauer morphological analysis of Fe-filled multiwalled carbon nanotube samples, Journal of applied physics 100 (8), 084326 (2006)

  49. T Ruskov, I Spirov, M Ritschel, C Moller, A. Leon hardt, and R. Ruskov, J. Appl. Phys 100 (084326), 1 (2006)

  50. N Koprinarov, M Konstantinova, T Ruskov, I Spirov, M Marinov, Ferromagnetic nanomaterials obtained by thermal decomposition of ferrocene in a closed chamber, Bulg. J. Phys (34) 17-32 (2007)

  51. T Ruskov, I Spirov, M Ritschel, C Muller, A Leonhardt, R Ruskov, Phase Analysis of Fe-Nanowires Encapsulated into Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes via 57Fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Bulg. J. Phys (34) 1-16 (2007)

  52. H Falcon, J Sanchez-BenItez, MJ MartInez-Lope, JA Alonso, K Krezhov, Neutron diffraction, Moessbauer and magnetotransport study of Fe-substituted derivatives of CaCu {sub 3} Mn {sub 4} O {sub 12} perovskite with colossal magnetoresistance (2007)

  53. T Ruskov, I Spirov, M Ritschel, C Mueller, A Leonhardt, R Ruskov, Phase analysis of Fe-nanowires encapsulated into multi-walled carbon nanotubes via 57Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy, Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 34 (suppl. 1) 14-29 (2007)

  54. P Krustev, T Ruskov, Magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications, Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 34 (suppl. 1) 46-56 (2007)

  55. R Mincheva, O Stoilova, H Penchev, T Ruskov, I Spirov, N Manolova, Synthesis of polymer-stabilized magnetic nanoparticles and fabrication of nanocomposite fibers thereof using electrospinning, European Polymer Journal, 44 (3) 615-627 (2008)

  56. O Stoilova, H Penchev, T Ruskov, I Spirov, N Manolova, I Rashkov, One-pot preparation of magnetic chitosan beads, Bulgarian chemical communications, 40 (4) 491-497 (2008)

  57. T Ruskov, I Spirov, H Green, D Kovacheva, P Tzvetkov, M Georgieva, Mossbauer milliprobe studies of small mineral samples with a silicon drift detector, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 35 (9) 485-491 (2008)

  58. T Ruskov, I Spirov, M Georgieva, S Yamamoto, HW Green, Mossbauer spectroscopy studies of the valence state of iron in chromite from the Luobusa massif of Tibet: implications for a highly reduced deep mantle, Journal of Metamorphic Geology 28 (5), 551-560 (2010)

  59. M Retuerto, MJ Martínez-Lope, A Muñoz, T Ruskov, I Spirov, K Krezhov, Synthesis, structural study and magnetic properties of TbFeMnO5, Solid state communications, 150 (37-38) 1831-1836 (2010)

  60. T Ruskov, I Spirov, M Georgieva, S Yamamoto, H Green, C McCammon, The valence state of iron in chromite from the Luobusa massif of Tibet: Mossbauer spectroscopy studies, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 74 (12) A893-A893 (2010)

  61. P Tzvetkov, D Kovacheva, D Nihtianova, T Ruskov, Structure stability towards cation substitutions in A2B2O5 perovskites with crystallographic shear planes, BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 43 (2) 339-345 (2011)

  62. T Lazarova, D Kovacheva, T Ruskov, I Spirove, P Krystev, P Todorova, Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nano sized MnFe2O4, Nanosci. Nanotechnol (11) 68 (2011)

  63. D Kovacheva, T Ruskov, P Krystev, S Asenov, N Tanev, I Mönch, Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nano-sized Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4, Bulg Chem Commun (44) 90-97 (2012)

  64. P Tzvetkov, D Kovacheva, D Nihtianova, N Velichkova, T Ruskov, Synthesis and crystal structure of new PbBaFe2–xMnxO5 perovskite-type compounds, BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (44) 137-145 (2012)

  65. M Retuerto, MJ Martinez-Lope, K Krezhov, T Ruskov, I Spirov, P Krystev, Mixed valence of iron inside tetrahedral and pseudopyramids in BiFeO, Physical Review B, 85 (17) 174406 (2012)

  66. N Koprinarov, M Konstantinova, G Avdeev, T Ruskov, T Tzacheva, Preparation and protection of iron and iron compounds, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 356 (1) 012029 (2012)

  67. Z Cherkezova-Zheleva, K Zaharieva, B Kunev, M Shopska, I Mitov, Synthesis and characterization of ferrite nanosized materials, SYNTHESIS (2013) 02-13

  68. W Alfimenkov, Y Ostanevich, T Ruskov, REcoTILFSS RESONANCE X ABSORPTION IN Sml% 3, Proceedings of the Dubna Conference on the Mössbauer Effect, 1963 (2013)

  69. T Lazarova, D Kovacheva, T Ruskov, S Atanasova-Vladimirova, P Krastev, Composite thin films of nanosized CoFe2O4 in polymer matrix, BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (47) 228-232 (2015)

  70. T Lazarova, D Kovacheva, T Ruskov, S Atanasova-Vladimirova, P Krastev, Composite thin films of nanosized CoFe (2015)


  1. Personal website

  2. Ë. Ñïàñîâ, Ã. Êàìèøåâà (ñúñò.), Ìèëêî Áîðèñîâ çà ñåáå ñè è äðóãèòå çà íåãî, Àêàä. èçä. Ì. Äðèíîâ, Ñîôèÿ, 2008, ñ. 223

  3. Obituary from the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
