Created 19.3.2014
Updated 28.3.2022
Alexander Frants Vavrek
(12.03.1947 – 07.08.2003)
in Veliko Tarnovo
He studied physics at the Sofia University (1965–1967) and in the Moscow State University (1967–1971).
He was PhD student in the Institute of Solid State Physics (1986).
Electron-Phonon Interactions are the field of his research.
Professional experience:
He headed Electron-Phonon Interaction Laboratory in the Institute of Solid State Physics, BAS (1989–2003).
A. Vavrek was scientific secretary of the BAS (1991–2003)
International Expert:
Expert in the International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures, Wroclaw, Poland.
A. Vavrek, A. Ivanov, V. Kussev, G. Nadjakov, X-Rays Depolarization of Polycrystaline Sulphur Photoelectrets, Comptes Rendus De l'Academy Bulgare, v. 2, Nr. 6, p. 811-814 (1976)
A. Vavrek, Photoelectret State in Polycrystal Sulphur by X-Rays, Comptes rendus de l'Academy Bulgare, v. 30, Nr. 10, p. 1395-1398 (1977)
A. Vavrek, V. Kussev, K. Hristova, Pulse Light Depolarization of Polycrystalline Sulphur Photoelectret, Comptes rendus de l'Academy Bulgare, v. 32, Nr. 6, p. 735-738 (1979)
A. Vavrek, Photoelectret State in Polycrystalline Sulphur After X-Rays Irradiation, Comptes rendus de l'Academy Bulgare, v. 32, Nr. 10, p. 1331-1334 (1979)
D. Ouroushev, M. Borisov, A. Vavrek, Temperature waves and the Boltzmann kinetic equation for phonons, Bulgarian Physical Journal (15) 504 (1988)
M. Borissov, A. Vavrek, G. Kamisheva, Survey of the History of Education in Physics in Bulgaria. – Proceedings of the 1st General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Tessaloniki, 1991, Balkan Pysical Union 1, Athens (1991), No 1, p. 21-23
A. Vavrek, G. Kamisheva, M. Borissov, Physics as a Subject in the Bulgarian schools until the end of the World War I. – Proceedings Supplement of the Balkan Physics Letters, 2(2) 1337-1341 (1994)
A. Vavrek, G. Kamisheva, M. Borissov, Dissemination of Newton’s Mechanics on Bulgarian Soil During the Bulgarian National Revival. – Newtonian physics and its dissemination in the wider Balkan region, Edited by G. N. Vlahakis, Symposium, 17-18 December 1993, Athens (1996) 129-144
G. Kamisheva, A. Vavrek, M. Borissov. A contribution to the portrait of Dimitar Mouteff as a scientist and teacher. – 3rd General Conference of the BPU, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 2–5 September 1997
A. Vavrek, 50-th anniversary of Establishing the Institute of Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and 100 Years from the Birth of its Foundes–the Academician Georgi Nadjakoff, Proceedings 9th ISCMP, Varna, (1996).
A. Vavrek, 100th Anniversary of the birth of academician Guergi Nadjakoff, Future directions in thin films science and technology, Singapore, World Scientific (1997) p. IX.
A. Vavrek, The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in transition from learned society to totalitarian academy (1944–1949), Proceedings of the EPS International conference on History and philosophy of physics in education, 21-24 August 1996, Bratislava, Slovakia (1997) 102-106.
A. Vavrek, The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in transition from learned society to a totalitarian academy (1944–1949), Science and Education (7) 301-306 (1998)
G. Kamisheva, A. Vavrek Milestones in the development of Physics in the Sofia University (1889–1945), Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 27(4) 55-58 (2000)
G. Kamisheva, A. Vavrek, Contents of the courses in Physics in the Sofia university (1889–1945), Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 27(4) 59-62 (2000)
Л. Спасов, Г. Камишева (съст.), Милко Борисов за себе си и другите за него, Акад. изд. М. Дринов, София, 2008, с. 183
Г. Камишева, In memoria ст.н.с. А. Ф. Ваврек (1947 – 2003), Светът на физиката (4), 385 (2003)
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