Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Created 7.1.2014
Updated 12.2.2024

Bogomil Kowatschew
Record 1 – 7,     Record 8 – 13,     Record 14 – 21,     Record 22

Protocol for Adoption 14
(3 January 2014)

  1. George B. Rybicki, Alan P. Lightman, Radiative processes in Astrophysics, USA, 1979

  2. Astrophysics, 10th European Regional Astronomy Meeting of the IAU, Praha, Czechoslovakia, August 24-29, 1987, Edited by Petr Harmanec, Proceedings, vol. 5, 1987

  3. Chaos Methods, Manuscripts, 1996

Protocol for Adoption 15
(13 February 2014)

  1. J.-C. Pecker (Ed.) Astronomer's Handbook, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, volume XIIC, Academic Presss, London and New Your, 1966

  2. Rudolf Muller, Eine Studie zur Berechnung des Orbits enger Doppelsterne, Shaker Verlag, Berlin, 2007

  3. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, First Light Science with the GTC, Mexico, v. 29, Junio 2007

  4. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, Circumstellar Media and Late Stages of Massive Stellar Evolution, Mexico, v. 30, Agosto 2007

  5. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Mexico, v. 48, Numero 1, Abril 2012

Protocol for Adoption 16
(13 March 2014)

  1. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, Science with the GTC 10-m Telescope, v. 16, Agosto 2003

  2. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, IAU Colloquium 194 compact binaries in the galaxy and beyond, v. 20, Julio 2004

  3. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, IAU colloquium 191 the environment and evolution of double and multiple stars, v. 11, Agosto 2004

  4. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, Triggering Relativistic Jets, v. 27, Marzo 2007

  5. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, First Light Science with the GTC, Mexico, v. 28, Junio 2007

  6. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, The 3rd Mexico-Korea Conference on Astrophysics: Telescopes of the future adn san pedro martir, v. 29, Junio 2007

  7. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, Circumstellar Media and Late Stages of Massive Stellar Evolution, v. 30, Agosto 2007

  8. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, Workshop on astronomical site evaluation, v. 31, Octubre 2007

  9. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, The Nuclear Region, Host galaxy and environment of active galaxies, v. 32, Abril 2008

  10. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, Massive Stars: Fundamental Parameters and Circumstellar Interactions, v. 33, Septiembre 2008

  11. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, In reunion sobre astronomia dinamica en latinoamerica (ADeLA 2008), v. 34, Diciembre 2008

  12. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, The interferometric view on hot stars, v. 38, Marzo 2010

  13. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, Astronomical Site testing data in Chile, v. 41, Diciembre 2011

  14. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 40, Numero 2, Octubre 2004 ISSN-0185-1101

  15. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 43, Numero 1, Abril 2007 ISSN-0185-1101

  16. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 43, Numero 2, Octubre 2007 ISSN-0185-1101

  17. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 44, Numero 1, Abril 2008 ISSN-0185-1101

  18. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 44, Numero 2, Octubre 2008 ISSN-0185-1101

  19. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 46, Numero 1, Abril 2010 ISSN-0185-1101

  20. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 46, Numero 2, Octubre 2010 ISSN-0185-1101

  21. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 47, Numero 1, Abril 2011 ISSN-0185-1101

  22. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 47, Numero 2, Octubre 2011 ISSN-0185-1101

  23. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, v. 48, Numero 1, Abril 2012 ISSN-0185-1101

Protocol for Adoption 17
(25 February 2015)

  1. Leopold von Pfaundler (Emeritiertem Professor der Universitat Graz), Physik des Taglichen Lebens, Stuttgart und Berlin, Deutsche Verlags - Unstalt (1913)

  2. Hans Kohnert, Das Ionisationsgleichgewicht in Sternatmospharen, Diplomarbeit, Universitats-Sternwarte, Munchen, Oktober 1970

  3. Negley Harte, John North, The World of University College London (1828 - 1978), Introduction by Lord Annan (1978)

  4. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Proceedings of the Gamow Memorial Conference St. Petersburg Session, Volume 19, Issue 3-4 (2000)

  5. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, volume 21 Issues 1-3 (2002)

  6. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, volume 21 Issues 4-6 (2002)

  7. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, volume 22 Issues 1 (2003)

  8. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, volume 22 Issues 2 (2003)

Protocol for Adoption 18
(172 books, 5 February 2018)

  1. Abstract Collection, Sonderforschungsbereich 375, Research in Particle Astrophysics, 1998

  2. E. Angerer, G. Joos, Wissenschaftliche photographie, Eine Einfuhrung in Theorie und praxis, 6 auflage, Leipzig, 1956

  3. Astronomical Instruments and Methods of Observations, Symposium, GDR, 1984

  4. K. Bechert, Ch. Gerthsen, A. Flammersfeld, Theorie des Atombaus, 2 Teil, Band 4, Berlin, 1963

  5. D. Bergamini, Das Weltal, Life - Wunder der Natur, 1971

  6. H. Bernhard, K. Lindner, M. Schukowski, Wissensspeicher Astronomie, Berlin, 1986

  7. M. Born, Optik, Springer, 1972

  8. Brockhaus Enzyklopadie, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997

  9. F. P. de Bulhoes Carvalho, Structure and evolution of the Universe, Rio De Janeiro, 1979

  10. S. Chandrasekhar, Chicago-Illinois, 1939

  11. Ph. Charles, F. Seward, Exploring the X-ray Universe, Cambridge, 1995

  12. Der Grosse Brockhaus, London, 1 (1977), 2 (1977), 3 (1878), 4 (1978), 5 (1979), 6 (1979), 7(1979), 8 (1979), 9 (1980), 10 (1980), 11 (1980), 12 (1981)

  13. Der Grosse Weltatlas, Mit brillanten Satellitenaufnahmen, 1987

  14. J. L. E. Dreyer, A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler, Second Edition, 1953

  15. Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, IoP, v. 1 (2001), v. 2 (2001), v. 3 (2001), v. 4 (2001)

  16. A. Einstein, H. Lorents, H. Weyl, H. Minkowski, The Principle of Relativity, A Collection of original papers on the special and general theory of relativity notes by A. Sommerfeld,

  17. H. Erben, Intelligenzen im Kosmos. Die Antwort der Evolutionsbiologie, Piper, Zurich, 1984

  18. A. Fabian, M. Geller, A. Szalay, Large scale structures in the universe, Seventeenth advanced course of the Swiss society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Saas-Fee, 1987

  19. R. Fowler, P. Kapitza, The International Series of Monographs on Physics, Oxford, 1934

  20. E. Goursat, Lehrbuch der Analysis, Erster band, Leipzig, 1910

  21. E. Hartung, Astronomical objects for Southern Telescopes, Cambridge, 1968

  22. W. Heisenberg, Physikalische prinzipien der Quantentheorie, Germany, 1958

  23. F. Hoyle, From Stonehenge to Modern Cosmology, USA, 1972

  24. F. Hund, Grundbegriffe der Physik, Germany, 1969

  25. M. Johnson, Astronomy of Stellar Energy and Decay, New Your, 1959

  26. R. Kippenhahn, Licht vom Rande der Welt, 1985

  27. R. Kippenhahn, Abenteuer Weltall, 1991

  28. P. Kuin, Stellar Coronae and Their Mass Loss, 1853

  29. M. Lindow, Differentialrechnung, Leipzig, 1927

  30. A. Lubke, Der Himmel der chinesen, Leipzig, 1931

  31. G. Ludwig. Wellenmechanik, Einfuhrung und Originaltexte, Oxford, 1969

  32. The Macmillan Encyclopedia, 2nd edition, 1985

  33. P. Mezger, Blick in Das Kalte Weltall, DVA, 1992

  34. P. Moore, Facts and Feats, 1979 (copy)

  35. P. Moore, H. Zimmer, Das neue Guinness Buch der Sterne, Ullstein, 1993

  36. Der Grosse Muret-Sanders, Langenscheidts Enzyklopadisches Worterbuch, Englisch-Deutsch, 1 Band A-M (1962); 2 Band L-Z (1963)

  37. Der neue Muret-Sanders, Langenscheidts Enzyklopadisches Worterbuch, Deutsch-Englisch, 1 Band A-K (1974); 2 Band L-Z (1975)

  38. F. Paturi, Hsrenberg Schlusseldaten Astronomie, von den Sonnenuhren der Babylonier bis zu den Raumsonden im 21 Jahrhundert, Harenberg Lexikon Verlag, 1996

  39. M. Planck, L'Image du Monde dans la Physique Moderne, Stuttgart, 1949

  40. F. Praderie, D. Spicer, G. Withbroe, Activity and Outer atmospheres of the Sun and stars, 11th Advanced course Swiss Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Saas-Fee, 1981

  41. J. Puttkamer, Der zweite Tag der neuen Welt, Verlag, Frankfurt an Main, 1985

  42. J.H. Robinson, Using the Telescope, USA, 1978 (êîïèå)

  43. A. Rukl, Mondatlas, Praha, 1990

  44. C. Sagan, J. Leonard, Planeten, Life - wunder der Wissenschaft, 1971

  45. H. Sautter, Astrophysik I, Stuttgart, 1972; Astrophysik II, Stuttgart, 1972

  46. R. und H. Sexl, Weisse Zwerge - Schwarze Locher, Einfuhrung in die relativistische Astrophysik, 2 erweiterte Auflage, Wesbaden, 1979

  47. H. Sieden Topf, Grundriss der Astrophysik, Stutgart, 1950

  48. Solar and Stellar Flares, Proceedings of the 104th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held in Stanford, California, 15-19 August 1988, Kluwer, 1989

  49. Stelar Astronomy, v. 2, Proceedings of the Summer Institute for Observational Astronomy, New Yourk, 1967 (êîïèå)

  50. K. Thorne, Gekrummfer Raum und verbogene Zeit, Einsteins Vermachtnis, Droemer Knaur, 1993

  51. Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, v. 7, Cambridge, 1950

  52. H. Voigt, Abriss der Astronomie, 1980

  53. M. Zeilik, Astronomy, The Evolving Universe, 1997

Protocol for Adoption 19
(85 books, 3 April 2018)

  1. Albert Einstein, Hedwig und Max Born, Germany, 1969

  2. H. Aleven, C. Falthammar, Cosmical Electrodynamics Fundamental Principles, Oxford, 1963

  3. R. Burnham, Celestial Handbook, New York, v 1 (1966), v. 2 (1966), v. 3 (1978)

  4. Die Planeten, 1970 (èñòîðèÿ)

  5. J. Hoppe, Planeten, Sterne, Nebel, Leipzig, 1961

  6. R. Giese, Einfuhrung in die Astronomie, Germany, 1981

  7. W. Gitt, Signale aus dem All, Wozu gibt es Sterne, Berlin, 1995

  8. G. Roth, Handbuch fur Sternfreunde, Band 1-2, Springer-Verlag, 1989

  9. A. Unsold, B. Baschek, Der Neue Kosmos, Springer-Verlag, 1988 (êñåðîêîïèå)

  10. V. Shcheglov, L'Observatoire Astronomique de Tachkent, 1958

  11. Kepler und Seine Zeit , Katalog und Hommage, Munster, 1980

Record 20
(12 July 2018)

  1. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 1, Cologne, 25-27 May 1988 (2 áð.)

  2. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 2, Friedrichshafen, 11-14 April 1989 (2 áð.)

  3. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 3, Graz, 12-15 September 1989 (2 áð.)

  4. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 4, Berling, 27-29 March 1990

  5. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 5, Freiburg, 25-28 September 1990

  6. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 6, Bamberg, 9-12 April 1991 (2 áð.)

  7. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 7, Heidelberg, 1992

  8. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 8, Kiel, 8-12 March 1993

  9. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 9, Bochum, 27 Sepr - 1 Oct 1993

  10. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 10, Heidelberg, 1994

  11. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 11, Bonn, 18-23 September 1995

  12. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 12, Heidelberg, 1996

  13. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 13, Heidelberg, 1997

  14. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 14, Heidelberg, 1998

  15. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 15, Heidelberg, 1999

  16. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 16, Heidelberg, 2000

  17. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, 17, Bremen, 18-23 September 2000

  18. Astronomische Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Jahresberichte Astronomischer Institute fur 1998, Band 82, Hamburg 1999

  19. Astronomische Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Jahresberichte Astronomischer Institute fur 1999, Band 83, Hamburg 2000

  20. Astronomische Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Jahresberichte Astronomischer Institute fur 2001, Band 85, Hamburg 2002

  21. Denkschrift zur Lage der Astronomie, Wiesbaden, 1962

  22. Denkschrift Astronomie, DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), VCH, 1987 (2 áð)

  23. DFG, Maximale Arbeitsplatzkonzentrationen und Biologische Arbeitsstofftoleranzwerte, VCH, 1987

  24. ESA (European Space Agency) Annual Report, France, 1980

  25. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 43, August 1985

  26. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 48, November 1986

  27. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 49, February 1987

  28. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 50, May 1987

  29. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 51, August 1987

  30. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 52, November 1987

  31. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 53, February 1988

  32. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 55, August 1988

  33. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 56, November 1988

  34. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 57, February 1989

  35. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 58, May 1989

  36. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 59, August 1989

  37. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 60, November 1989

  38. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 61, February 1990

  39. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 62, May 1990

  40. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 63, August 1990

  41. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 64, November 1990

  42. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 65, February 1991

  43. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 66, May 1991

  44. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 67, August 1991

  45. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 68, November 1991

  46. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 69, February 1992

  47. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 70, May 1992

  48. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 71, August 1992

  49. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 72, November 1992

  50. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 73, February 1993

  51. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 74, May 1993

  52. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 76, November 1993

  53. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 77, February 1994

  54. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 78, May 1994

  55. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 79, August 1994

  56. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 80, November 1994

  57. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 81, February 1995

  58. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 82, May 1995

  59. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 83, August 1995

  60. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 83, August 1995

  61. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 84, November 1995

  62. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 85, February 1996

  63. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 87, August 1996

  64. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 88, November 1996

  65. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 90, May 1997

  66. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 91, August 1997

  67. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 92, November 1997

  68. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 93, February 1998

  69. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 94, May 1998

  70. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 95, August 1998

  71. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 96, November 1998

  72. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 97, March 1999

  73. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 98, June 1999

  74. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 99, September 1999

  75. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 100, December 1999

  76. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 101, February 2000

  77. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 102, May 2000

  78. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 103, August 2000

  79. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 105, February 2001

  80. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 106, June 2001

  81. ESA (European Space Agency) Bulletin, Number 107, August 2001 (2 áð)

  82. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 10, Number 4, 1986

  83. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 11, Number 1, 1987

  84. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 11, Number 2, 1987

  85. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 11, Number 3, 1987

  86. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 12, Number 1, 1988

  87. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 12, Number 2, 1988

  88. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 12, Number 3, 1988

  89. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 12, Number 4, 1988

  90. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 13, Number 1, 1989

  91. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 13, Number 2, 1989

  92. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 13, Number 4, 1989

  93. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 14, Number 1, 1990

  94. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 14, Number 2, 1990

  95. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 14, Number 3, 1990

  96. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 14, Number 4, 1990

  97. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 15, Number 1, 1991

  98. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 15, Number 2, 1991

  99. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 15, Number 3-4, 1991

  100. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 16, Number 1, 1992

  101. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 16, Number 2, 1992

  102. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 16, Number 3, 1992

  103. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 16, Number 4, 1992

  104. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 17, Number 1, 1993

  105. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 17, Number 2, 1993

  106. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 17, Number 4, 1993

  107. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 18, Number 1, 1994

  108. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 18, Number 2, 1994

  109. ESA (European Space Agency) Journal, volume 18, Number 3, 1994

  110. European Astronomers Look to the Future, 12th European Regional Astronomy Meeting of the International Astronomical Union Abstract Book, Davos, 8-11 October 1990

  111. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1965

  112. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1966

  113. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1967

  114. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1968

  115. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1969

  116. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1970

  117. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1971

  118. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1972

  119. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1973

  120. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1974

  121. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1975

  122. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1976

  123. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1977

  124. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1978

  125. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1979

  126. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1980

  127. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1981

  128. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1982

  129. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1983

  130. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1984

  131. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1985

  132. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1986

  133. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1987

  134. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1988

  135. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1990

  136. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1991

  137. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1992

  138. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1993

  139. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1994

  140. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1995

  141. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1996

  142. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1997

  143. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 1998

  144. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 2001

  145. European Southern Observatory, Annual Report, 2007

  146. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 1, 1966

  147. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 2, 1967 (2 áð)

  148. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 3, 1968

  149. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 4, 1968

  150. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 5, 1968

  151. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 6, 1969

  152. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 7, 1969

  153. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 8, 1971

  154. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 9, 1972

  155. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 10, 1974

  156. European Southern Observatory, Bulletin No 11, 1975 (2 áð)

  157. European Soputhern Observatory, Bulletin No. 12, 1975

  158. European Southern Observatory, Buletin No 108, 2001

  159. European Southern Observatory, Buletin No 109, 2002

  160. European Southern Observatory, Buletin No 110, 2002

  161. European Southern Observatory, Buletin No 111, 2002

  162. Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, 10 Anos de Encuentro

  163. Infrared Astronomy, IV Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, Tenerife, 7-18.XII.1992

  164. The Formation of Galaxies, V Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, Tenerife, 6-17.XII.1993

  165. The Structure of the Sun, VI Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, Tenerife, 5-16.XII.1994

  166. Instrumentation for large telescopes, VII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, Tenerife, 4-15.XII.1995

  167. Stellar Astrophysics for the Local Group: a first step to the Universe, VIII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, Tenerife, 2-13.XII.1996

  168. Astrophysics with Large Databases in the Internet Age, IX Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, Tenerife, 17-28.XI.1997

  169. Globular Clusters, X Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, Tenerife, 16-27.XI.1998

  170. Galaxies at High Redshift, XI Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, Tenerife, 15-26.XI.1999

  171. Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry, XII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, Tenerife, 13-24.XI.2000

  172. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XII General Assembly, Hamburg, 25 August - 3 September 1964, Preliminary Programme

  173. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XII General Assembly, Hamburg, 25 August - 3 September 1964, Programme

  174. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XII General Assembly, Hamburg, 25 August - 3 September 1964, Membres et Hotes

  175. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XIII General Assembly, Praha, 22-31 August 1967, Inauguration of the two-meter Telescope

  176. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XIII General Assembly, Praha, 22-31 August 1967, La Tchecoslovaquie Accueille les Astronomes

  177. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XIII General Assembly, Praha, 22-31 August 1967, Inaugural Ceremony

  178. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XIII General Assembly, Praha, 22-31 August 1967, Astronomie en Tchecoslovaquie

  179. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XIII General Assembly, Praha, 22-31 August 1967, Czechoslovakia for Astronomers

  180. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Fourteenth General Assembly, Brighton, Sussex, England, 18-27 August 1970, Final Programme

  181. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Seventeenth General Assembly, Montreal, 14 August 1979, Inaugural Ceremony

  182. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XVII General Assembly, Montreal, 14-23 August 1979, Programme definitif

  183. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XVII General Assembly, Montreal, 14-23 August 1979, Dnnonce Preliminaire

  184. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XVII General Assembly, Montreal, 14-23 August 1979, Programme Preliminaire

  185. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XVIII General Assembly, Patras, Greece, 17-26 August 1982, Preliminary Programme

  186. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XVIII General Assembly, Patras, Greece, 17-26 August 1982, Annince Preliminary

  187. International Astronomical Union (IAU), XXI General Assembly, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 23 July - August 1991, Final Scientific Programme

  188. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 15, 1965

  189. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 16, 1966

  190. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 17, 1966

  191. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 18, 1967

  192. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 19, 1968

  193. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 20, 1968

  194. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 21, 1968

  195. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 22, 1969

  196. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 23, 1970

  197. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 24, 1970

  198. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 26, 1971

  199. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 29, 1973

  200. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 30, 1973

  201. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 31, 1974

  202. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 32, 1974

  203. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 33, 1975

  204. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 34, 1975

  205. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 35, 1976

  206. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 36, 1976

  207. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 37, 1977

  208. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 38, 1977

  209. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 39, 1978

  210. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 40, 1978

  211. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 41, 1979

  212. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 42, 1979

  213. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 43, 1980

  214. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 44, 1980

  215. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 45, 1981

  216. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 46, 1981

  217. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Information Bulletin, No 47, 1982

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  367. The Planetary Report, Comets: Mementos of Creation, v. IX, Nr. 2, 1989

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Record 21
(1 October 2018)

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Record 22
