Created 8.2.2019
Updated 12.2.2024
Record 1 – 7,
Record 8 – 13,
Record 14 – 21,
Record 22
Protocol for Adoption
Record 22
(12 January 2019)
Atlas of High Resolution IUE Spectra of Late-Type Stars 2500-3230 Angstrom, Perkins Observatory, Ohio State University, 1983
Atlas of Galactic Globular Clusters with Colour Magnitude Diagrams, Universidad Catolica de Chile, 1973
Atlas of Neptune, Cambridge University, 1994
An Atlas of Objective-Prism Spectra, The University of Michigan, 1974
An Atlas of Low-Dispersion Grating Stellar Spectra, Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago, 1968
An Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra, University of Tokio, 1976
The AAVSO Variable Star Atlas, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 1980
Photometric Atlas of Northern Bright Galaxies, University of Tokyo, 1990
A. Gaterer, Grating Spectrum of Iron, Specola Vaticana, 1951
Photometric Atlas of Dtelar Spectra, Book 8, University of Michigan, 1946
Ch. Moore, A Multiplet Table of Astrophysical Interest, NSRDS, Washington, 1972
The Minnesota Lectures on the Structure and Dynamics of the Milky Way, Astronomical Society of the Pasific Conference Series, v. 39, San Francisco, California, 1993
Selected Tables of Atomic Spectra, A Atomic Energy Levels - Second Edition, B Multiplet Tables, NSRDS, Washington, 1963
Revised MK Spectral Atlas for Stars Earlier than the Sun, University of Chicago, 1978
Catalog of Emission Lines in Astrophysical Objects, II
S. Chandrasekhar, An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure, University of Chicago, 1957
Diplomarbeit vorgelegt von Hans Joachim Becker, Untersuchungen zur Radialgeschwindigkeitsmessung bei Sternen mit helfe eines automatischen Mikrodensitometers, Bonn, 1979
Hans Joachim Becher, Eine Spektroskopische Analyse des W una-systems ae Phoenicis mit digitalen methoden, Bonn, 1984
Paola Belloni, Inaugural - Dissertation zu Erlangung der Doktorwurde der Naturwissenschaftlich - Mathematischen Gesamtfakultat der Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat, Heidelberg, 1994
R. Dummler, Bestimmung der Hubble-Konstante mit Hilfe von Galaxienleuchtkraftfunktionen, 1994 [ïèñìî]
H. Gewirtz, D. Martin, How to prepare for SAT II Physics, Sixth Edition, USA, 1994
J. Rizzuto, How to prepare for the SAT II Mathematics Level IC, 7th Edition, USA, 1994
Forschung in Bulgarien und Rumanien, Probleme und Perspektiven nach dem EU-Beitritt, Humboldt-Kolleg, Sofia, 30.11.- 02.12.2007, Sofia, 2008
Humboldt Kosmos, 77, 2001
Humboldt Kosmos, 81, 2003
Humboldt Kosmos, 82, 2003
Humboldt Kosmos, 83, 2004
Humboldt Kosmos, 87, 2006
Humboldt Kosmos, 92, 2008
Humboldt Kosmos, 93, 2009
Humboldt Kosmos, 94, 2009
Humboldt Kosmos, 95, 2010
Humboldt Kosmos, 98, 2011
Humboldt Kosmos, 100, 2013
Humboldt Kosmos, 101, 2013
Humboldt Kosmos, 102, 2014
Humboldt Kosmos, 103, 2014
Humboldt Kosmos, 104, 2015
A. Hermann, Die Neue Physik, Germany, 1979
Denkscnrkft zur lage der Astronomie, Wiesbaden, 1962
H. Keller, Das Himmelsjahr, Sonne, Mond und Sterne im Jahreslauf, Stuttgart, 1986 [ïîñâåùåíèå "Mit bete geiter"]
Lexikon der Astronomie, 1, A-M, Herder, Freiburg, 1989
Lexikon der Astronomie, 2, M-Z, Herder, Freiburg, 1990
L'Anno Galileiano, Universita Degli Studi di Padova Galileo a Padova 1592 - 1610, Celebrazioni del IV Centenario 7 dicembre 1991 - 7 dicembre 1992, v. 1, Edizioni LINT, Trieste, 1995
Galileo e la Cultura Padovana, Convegno a cura dell'Accademia Patavina di Scienze Lettere ed Arti Padova, 13-15 febbraio 1992, Universita Degli Studi di Padova Galileo a Padova 1592 - 1610, Celebrazioni del IV Centenario 7 dicembre 1991 - 7 dicembre 1992, v. 2, Edizioni LINT, Trieste, 1995
Galileo e la Cultura Veneziana, Convegno a cura dell'Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti Venezia, 18-20 giugn o 1992, Universita Degli Studi di Padova Galileo a Padova 1592 - 1610, Celebrazioni del IV Centenario 7 dicembre 1991 - 7 dicembre 1992, v. 3, Edizioni LINT, Trieste, 1995
Tribute to Galileo in Padua, International Symposium 2-6 dicembre 1992, Universita Degli Studi di Padova Galileo a Padova 1592 - 1610, Celebrazioni del IV Centenario 7 dicembre 1991 - 7 dicembre 1992, v. 4, Edizioni LINT, Trieste, 1995
Occasioni Galileiane, Conferenze e Convegni, maggio-novembre 1992, Universita Degli Studi di Padova Galileo a Padova 1592 - 1610, Celebrazioni del IV Centenario 7 dicembre 1991 - 7 dicembre 1992, v. 5, Edizioni LINT, Trieste, 1995
H. Schafer, Elektromagnetische Strahlung, Informationen aus dem Weltall, 1985
Record 23
(23 January 2019)
S. Adelman, T. Lanz (eds), Elemental Abundance Analyses, Proceedings of the IAU Workshop, Universite de Lausanne, 7-11 September 1987
J. Becquerel, Principe de Relativite et la Theorie de la Gravitation, Paris, 1921
Constantes Fondamentales de l'Astronomie, Colloques Internationaux, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 27 Mars-1 Avril 1950
Cosmic Dust Catalog (Particles from Collection flag W7029) v. 2, Nr. 1, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston, Texas, April 1982
J. Cox, R. Giuli, Principles of Stelar Structure, v. 2, Applications to Stars, London, 1968 (êîïèå)
Dark and Outflows Around Young Stars, A conference honouring Hans Elsasser, Program, Abstracts, Participants, 6-9 September 1994, Heidelberg, Germany
Evolution in the Universe, Symposium, European Southern Observatory, Garching, 5-6 May 1981
G. Fasching, Sternbilder und ihre Mythen, Springer, Wien, 1993 (êîïèå)
R. Gershberg, L. Luud, Emission Lines in Stellar Spectra: observations and interpretation, Preprint 7, Tartu, 1975
JPL Highlights, JET Propulsion Laboratiry, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 1987
M. Rees, Perspectives in Astrophysical Cosmology, Cambridge, 1995
H. Schafer, Astronomische Probleme und ihre physikalischen Grundlagen, Wiesbaden, 1978 (êîïèå)
R. Tayler, The Stars: their structure and evolution, Cambridge, 1970 (êîïèå)
J. Hantakis, Compendium in Astronomy, London, 1982
Zeit Das ewige Ratsel, Special 5 (êîïèå)
Record 24
(31 January 2019)
E. Hubble, Das Reich der Nebel, 1936
S. Verweij, The Stark Effect of Hydrogen in Stellar Spectra, Amsterdam, 1936
L. Aller, Astrophysics Nuclear Transformations, Stellar Interiors and Nebulae, I, II, II ÷àñò, New York, 1954
I. Eygenidou, Xaptai, Atina, 1966
W. Rose, Astrophysics, 1973
Spectroscopy of astrophysical plasmas, Cambridge, 1987
Record 25
(4 February 2019)
R. Petrie, A Spectrographic Study of the Composite Binary System, Publication of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, v. 7(16) 273-295 (1938)
Photographic Plates for use in Spectroscopy and Astronomy, Codak, New York, 1946
J. Jefferies, Spectral Line Formation, University of Hawaii, 1968
P Cygn1: Vollautomatische Analyse Komplexer Linienprofile, Munster, 1984
Comments on Astrophysics, A Journal of Critical Discussion of the Current Literature, v. 16(1) 1992
The Great Comet Crash, Cambridge, 1995
R. Muller, E. Geyer, A Study of the phenomena exhibited by eclipsing binary systems, Berlin, 2005
Record 26
(7 February 2019)
F. Becker, Einfuhrung in die astronomie methoden und ergebnisse, Mannheim, 1980
M. Longair, Our Evolving Universe, Cambridge, 1996
Teaching of Astronomy in Asian Pacific Region, Bulletin 19, 15.11.2003
Record 27
(18 July 2019)
J. Frank, M. Meyerhof, Ein Astrolab aus dem Indischen Mogulreiche, Heidelberg, 1925
R. Peletier, Elliptical Galaxies Structure and Stellar Content, Brussels, 1962
S. Chandrasekhar, Stelar Structure, Chicago, 1967
21st Century Science and Technology, How the Solar System was Formed, July-August 1988
MPI Fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Jahresbericht Annual Report, 1996
European Survey of National Priorities in Astronomy, May 2004
Record 28
(27 August 2019)
A. Batten, Binary and Multiple Systems of Stars, Pergamon, 1973 (ÁÊ422)
C. Kitchin, Early Emission Line Stars, Bristol, 1982 (ÁÊ430)
P. Eggleton, J. Pringle (Eds), Interacting Binaries, Cambridge, NATO, Advanced Science Institute Series, 1983 (ÁÊ423)
J. Pringle (Ed.), Interacting binary stars, Cambridge, 1985 (ÁÊ424)
G. Contopoulos, D. Kotsakis, Cosmology, The Structure and Evolution of the Universe, Springer, 1987 (ÁÊ428)
I. Appenzeller, H. Habing, P. Lena (Eds), Evolution of Galaxies Astronomical Observations, Lecture NotesSpringer, 1988 (ÁÊ426)
V. Rubin, G. Coyne (Eds), Large-Scale Motions in the Universe, Princeton, 1988 (ÁÊ432)
J. Beckman, B. Pagel, Evolutionary Phenomena in Galaxies, Cambridge, 1989 (ÁÊ431)
W. Unno, I. Osaki, H. Ando, H. Saio, H. Shibahashi, Nonradial Oscillations of Stars, Tokio, 1989 (ÁÊ426b)
Kodmolohir unf Teilchenphysik, Heidelberg, 1990 (ÁÊ429)
C. Leitherer, N. Walborn, T. Heckman, C. Norman (Eds), Massive Stars in Starbursts, Cambridge, 1990 (ÁÊ433)
M. Zombeck, Handbook of Space Astronomyu and Astrophysics, Cambridge, 1990 (ÁÊ425)
J. Davies, Astronomy from Space, The Design and Operation of Orbiting Observatories, 1997 (ÁÊ427)
Record 29
(28 August 2019)
R. Sawyer, Experimental Spectroscopy, New York, 1963 (ÁÊ443)
T. Swihart, Astriophysics and stellar astronomy, USA, 1968 (ÁÊ439)
Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, v. 168, Nr. 3927, 1970
E. Novotny, Introduction to Stellar Atmospheres and Interiors, Part 1, Oxford, 1973 (ÁÊ441)
E. Novotny, Introduction to Stellar Atmospheres and Interiors, Part 2, Oxford, 1973 (ÁÊ442)
M. Harwit, Astrophysical Concepts, Springer, 1988 (ÁÊ437)
E. Bohm-Vitense, Introduction to stellar astrophysics, v. 3, Cambridge, 1989 (ÁÊ440)
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 22, No. 2, 1990
K. Jonrd (Ed), Webb Society Deep-Sky Pbserver's Handbook, v. 8, USA, 1990 (ÁÊ438)
Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, v. 248, page 933-1048, 1990
Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, v. 248, page 1585-1688, 1990
Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, v. 249, 1990
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 23, No. 2, 1991
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 23, No. 3, 1991
H. MacGillivray (Ed), International Astronomical Union Commission 9, Working group on Wide-field imaging Newsletter 1, Edinburg, 1991
P. Murdin, Flammendes Finale, Spektakulare Ergebnisse der Supernova-forschung, Verlag, 1991 (ÁÊ436)
H. MacGillivray (Ed), International Astronomical Union Commission 9, Working group on Wide-field imaging Newsletter 3, Edinburg, 1993
H. MacGillivray (Ed), International Astronomical Union Commission 9, Working group on Wide-field imaging Newsletter 4, Edinburg, 1993
H. MacGillivray (Ed), International Astronomical Union Commission 9, Working group on Wide-field imaging Newsletter 5, Edinburg, 1994
L. Balona, H. Henrichs, J. Contel (Eds), Pulsation, Rotation and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars, Netherlands, 1994 (ÁÊ435)
Record 30
(30 August 2019)
Katalog der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Zweite Abtheilung, Zone - 6o Bis - 10o, Wien - Ottakring, Leipzig, 1904 (ÁÊ459)
Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Michigan, Detroit Observatory, v. 2, 1916 (ÁÊ460)
T. Walraven, The Line Spectrum of g Cephei, Amsterdam, 1948 (ÁÊ458)
Recerche Astronomiche, v. 7, Nr. 2, 1965 (ÁÊ470)
M. Hack, Colloquium on supergiant Stars, Proceedings, Trieste, 1971 (ÁÊ444)
Nicolaus Copernicus, Verlag, Berlin, 1973 (ÁÊ465)
T. Schmidt-Kaler (Ed), Optische Beobachtungsprogramme zur Galaktischen Struktur und Dynamik, Conference Proceedings, Bochum, 1975 (ÁÊ463)
Hinotori Symposium on Solar Flares, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Tokyo, 1982 (ÁÊ467)
Z. Sekanina (Ed), Archive of Observations of Periodic Comet Crommelin, NASA, 1985 (ÁÊ462)
P. Murthy, A. Wolfendale, Gamma-ray astronomy, Second edition, Cambridge, 1986 (ÁÊ446)
The Astronomical Journal, v. 327, Nr. 1, part 1, Chicago, 1988 (ÁÊ446)
Kosmologie Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Heidelberg, 1988 (ÁÊ461)
Solar Physics, A Journal for Solar and Solar-Stelar Research and the Study of Solar Terrestrial Physics, v. 118, 1988 (ÁÊ469)
MIDAS Environment, 1991 (ÁÊ471)
C. Loore, C. Doom, Structure and Evolution of Single and Binary Stars, Kluwer, 1992
A. Evans, The Dusty Universe, Ellis horwood, 1993 (ÁÊ445)
O. Montenbruck, T. Pfleger, Astronomy on the Personal Computer, Springer, Heidelberg, 1994 (ÁÊ447)
F. Combes, P. Boisse, A. Mazure, A. Blanchard, Galaxies and Cosmology, USA, 1995 (ÁÊ449)
Annales D'Astrophysique, Ñúäúðæàíèå, v. 1-31, Suppl 1-8, 1938 (ÁÊ445)
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