Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Created 5.11.2017
Updated 13.1.2021

Nikola Stiliyanov Кalitzin

Donor: Stiliyan Kalitzin

(26 October 2017)

  1. Diploma № 1439/23 June 1962

  2. Diploma № 238/11 April 1963


№ 1, size 18/24 cm, 1943

№ 2, size 18/24 cm

№ 3, size 20/12 cm, 5 August 1968

№ 4, size 18/12 cm

№ 5, size 18/13 cm

№ 6, size 11/17 cm

№ 7, size 16/11 cm

№ 8, size 14/9 cm

№ 9, size 14/9 cm

№ 10, size 14/9 cm

№ 11, size 14/9 cm

№ 12, size 14/9 cm

№ 13, size 14/9 cm

№ 14, size 14/9 cm

№ 15, size 14/9 cm

№ 16, size 14/9 cm

№ 17, size 14/9 cm

№ 18, size 14/9 cm

№ 19, size 14/9 cm

№ 20, size 14/9 cm

№ 21, size 13/8 cm

№ 22, size 13/8 cm

№ 23, size 13/8 cm

№ 24, size 12/8 cm

№ 25, size 12/8 cm

№ 26, size 10/7 cm

№ 27, size 10/7 cm

№ 28, size 10/7 cm

№ 29, size 10/7 cm

№ 30, size 10/7 cm

№ 31, size 10/7 cm

№ 32, size 10/7 cm

№ 33, size 10/7 cm

№ 34, size 10/7 cm

№ 35, size 10/7 cm

№ 36, size 10/7 cm

№ 37, size 10/7 cm

№ 38, size 10/7 cm

№ 39, size 10/7 cm

№ 40, size 10/7 cm

№ 41, size 10/7 cm

№ 42, size 10/7 cm

№ 43, size 10/7 cm

№ 44, size 10/7 cm

№ 45, size 10/7 cm

№ 46, size 10/7 cm

№ 47, size 8/6 cm

№ 48, size 8/6 cm

№ 49, size 8/6 cm

№ 50, size А4

№ 51, size А4, 24 May 1997

№ 52, size А4, 24 May 1997

№ 53, size 17/25 cm

№ 54, size 17/25 cm

№ 55, size 17/25 cm, 1996

№ 56, size 18/23 cm

№ 57, size 17/25 cm

№ 58, size 12/17 cm

№ 59, size 12/17 cm

  1. Metal plate, № 177709, 9 August 1973

  2. Glasses with case

  3. Сметачна линийка с дължина 33 см със скъсан калъф

  4. Сметачна линийка с дължина 57 см с калъф

  5. Части от теодолит "Dennert & Pape Hamburg Altone" в калъф с дължина 26 см

  6. Части от теодолит в калъф с дължина 25 см, Dr.Wilhelm Artaer WIEX XIV Backmanngasse 16

  7. Цветна филмова магнитна лента "Ну погоди", 8 мм / 60 м, 24 кадъра в секунда, б.г.

  1. p. 1. Ръкопис с формули на немски, б.д. година 5, бр. 2 на в. Развитие

  2. p. 2-3. Ръкопис с чертежи и формули на немски, б.д.

  3. p. 4.Ръкопис на лекции по математика І (8.ХІ.1909 - 21.ІІ.1910) и ІІІ част (4.ХІ.1910 - 8.ІІІ.1911) на немски език

  1. Cospar, Information Bulletin, No 57, March 1971 (копие от съдържанието)

  1. Air et Cosmos, Special Astronautique Congres de la F.I.A. Cette Semaine, Paris, Capitale de la Cosmonautique, Nr. 23 - 1, 50 F, 23 Sept. 1963 (2 бр)

  2. Journal des Telecommunications, Special Espace, 1968; Приложение: Stations Terriennes Destinees aux services des Telecommunications

  3. New in 1982, Mathematics and Statistics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Group, 1982

  4. New in 1982, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy and Earth Science, Addison-Wesley Publishing Group, 1982

  5. Exhibition Catalogue, 15th International Sofia Book Fair, Sofia, Bulgaria, 7-12 May 1982

  6. Pharmazeutika CIBA, Vademecum, 1973

  7. Spelunca, Nr. 30, 1988

  8. Wissenschaftliche Welt, 1961, V, Nr. 3

  9. Wissenschaftliche Welt, 1969, Nr. 2

Publications of Kalitzin
  1. Nikola St. Kalitzin, Multitemporal Theory of Relativity, Монография, б.д.

  2. Nikola St. Kalitzin, Multitemporal Theory of Relativity, б.д.

  3. Nikola St. Kalitzin, Spinor Fields, p. 103-116

  4. Nikola St. Kalitzin, Uber Einige Exakte Losungen der Mehrdimensionalen Gravitationstheorie, Wlche Anwendung in der Astronomie und in der Physik finden konnen, Известия на секцията по астрономия, т. 1, БАН, б.д. 1 оптечатък

  5. N. Kalitzin, Elektromagnetismus und Gravitation, Доклади на БАН, т. 4, кн. 2, с. 13-16, 1951, 2 отпечатъка

  6. N. Kalitzin (Physikalisches Institut, BAS), Uber die Wechselwirkung des Nukleons mit dem Mesonfeld, Acta Physica, Academie Scientiarum Hungaricae, 3(1) 45-54 (1953), (3 бр)

  7. N. Kalitzin, Uber Eine Neue Kerntheorie, Acta Physica, Academie Scientiarum Hungaricae, 6(1) 1-13 (1956) 2 отпечатъка

  8. N. Kalitzin, G. Kalitzin, Uber eine Moglichkeit den schub von Raketen zu vergrossern, Astribaytuca Acta, 6(1) 75-77 (1960)

  9. N. Kalitzin, Weltraumfluge von Ziolkoedki bis Gagarin, Leipzig, 1961

  10. N. Kalitzin, Eine Verallgemeinerung der Gleichungen der Elektrodynamik, Доклади на БАН, т. 4, кн. 2, с. 17-20 (1961)

  11. N. Kalitzin, Weltraumfluge von Ziolkowski bis gagarin, Leipzig, 1961

  12. N. Kalitzin, Une derivation exacte de l'equation independante du temps de schrodinger de la theorie de la stabilite des mouvements dans la mechanique classique, Journal de Physique at Radium, t. 22, 821-823 (1961)

  13. N. Kalitzin, Dynamik der relativistischen raketen und einiger astronomischen objekte, I Band, Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisches Institut mit experimenteller Atomforschungsstelle, Sofia, 1963

  14. N. Kalitzin, On some discrepancies between general relativity and astronomy, International Conference on Relativistic Theories of Gravitation, v. 2, London, July 1965, p. 1-4

  15. N. Kalitzin, The CP invariance, the paritino and the spurion, Доклади на БАН, т. 18(7) с. 627-629 (1965)

  16. N. Kalitzin, On an exact solution of Einstein's gravotatopma; Equations and its application to groups of galaxies and quasi-stellar radio sources, Доклади на БАН, т. 18, кн. 6, с. 505-508 (1965) 3 отпечатъка

  17. N. Kalitzin, Uber Eine Mehrdimensionale Gravitationstheorie, Известия на Физическия институт с АНЕБ, т. 15, 1966, 2 отпечатъка

  18. N. Kalitzin, The masses of elementary particles and the multitemporal theory of relativity, Вопросы теории элементарных частиц, Труды международного семинара по теории элементарных частиц, Варна, 6-19 мая 1968, с. 536-545

Bulgarian Books
  1. Raschco Zaycoff, Funfdimensionale Relativitatstheorie, Houdojnik, 1928

  2. A. Sotirova, S. Athanassov, Textes Economiques et Lettres Commerciales, Sofia, 1951

  3. T. Thomov, Morphologie du Francais Moderne, Sofia, 1960

  4. G. Sand, La petite fadette, Narodna Prosveta, Sofia, 1964

  5. Chantons, amis, Narodna Prosveta, Sofia, 1965 (2 br)

  6. P. Boulyova, N. Levkova, M. Rankova, English by television, First year, Sofia, 1966

  7. E. Stankova, English phonetic exercisees, Sofia, 1966

  8. M. Karakacheva, A. Sotirova, Lectures, Narodna Prosveta, 1967

  9. A. Sotirova, M. Karakacheva, Le Francais par la television, Sofia, Naouka i izkustvo, 1970

  10. M. Avdjieva, J. Mellinger, Conversations Francaises, Sofia, 1971

  11. A. Sotirova, M. Karakacheva, Le Francais par la television, Nauka i izkustvo, Sofia, 1971

  12. A. Sotirova, V. Peupkova, A. Draguiev, Correspondance Commerciale, Sofia, 1972

  13. L. Ratcheva, Manuel de Francais, Sofia, Narodna Prosveta, 1973

  14. A. Sotirova, M. Karakacheva, Le Francais parle, Narodna Prosveta, Sofia, 1973

  1. III. Der Weg zur allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie, b.d.

  2. Horoscope (диплянка)

  3. A Wassilieff, New Vocabulary English-Russian, Paris

  4. Budapest

  5. Chateaubriand, Memoires d'outre - Tombe, Paris, b.d.

  6. Chateaubriand, Pages Choisies, I, Paris, b.d.

  7. Chateaubriand, Pages Choisies, II, Paris, b.d.

  8. Essais de Montaigne, Paris (без корица)

  9. Ein auto musste man haben, b.d.

  10. L'Anglais sans maitre

  11. Madame Lescot, Mariages d`aujourd`hui, Collection Stella, Paris

  12. Meteorological Satellites and Sounding Rockets, NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  13. Muammar Al Qathafi, The Green Book, Part One, Democracy, The Authority of the People

  14. Muammar Al Qathafi, The Green Book, Part Two, The Solution of the Economic Problem, Socialism

  15. Muammar Al Qathafi, The Green Book, Part Three, The Social Basis of the Third Universal Theo

  16. Original Amsler-Planimeter

  17. Pays du Mont Blanc, Chamonix, France

  18. A. Exupery, Oeuvres, Moscow, б.г.

  19. Space, U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, All figures used in this handbook appear in the English measure. Readers who wish to convert to the metric equivalents may find the following table useful: Feet to Meters: Multiply by 0.3 (exact 0.3048); Miles to Kilometers: multiply by 1.6 (exact 1.6093); Pounds to Kilograms: Multiply by 0.45 (exact 0.4536); Short Tons to Metric Tons: multiply vy 0.91 (exact 0.9072); Long Tons to Metric Tons: multiply by 1.016; Square Feet to Square Meters: multiply by 0.093 (exact 0.0929); Fahrenheit to Celsius (Centigrade) degrees: subtrate 32, multiply by 0.55; One billion equals one thousand million (2 броя)

  20. A. Musset, Comedies et Proverbes, Paris, 1830

  21. G. Verdi, Le Trouvere, Il Trovatore, Opera, Paris, 1857

  22. R. Wagner, Tristan et Yseult, Poeme et Musique, Leipzig

  23. H. Murger, Scenes de la Vie de Boheme, Paris, 1893

  24. James Clerk Maxwell, Faraday's Kraftlinien, прев. L. Boltzmann, Leipzig, Verlag, 1895

  25. A. Heinhold, Francais-Allemand et Allemand-Francais, Petit Dictionnaire, Paris, 1900

  26. Paul Appell, Mecanique Rationnelle, Paris, 1902

  27. M. Faraday, Experimental-Untersuchungen uber Elektricitat, Leipzig, 1903

  28. Peladan, Les Amants de Pise, Paris, 1908

  29. Ferdinand Rudio, Die Elemente der Analytischen Geometrie, Leipzig, 1908

  30. O. Burklen, Formelsammlung und Repetitorium der Mathematik, Sammlung Goschen, Leipzig, 1909

  31. J. Chailley-Bert, Tu Seras Commercant, Paris, 1911

  32. Corneile, Le Cid, Paris,

  33. C. OpitzKonigtrich Bayern, Masstab 1:600 000, Grosse 64 x 72 cm (2 карти на Мюнхен), 1911

  34. H. Ebert, Lehrbuch der Physik nach vorlesungen an der technischen hochschule zu Munchen, Erster Band, Mechanik - Warmelehre, Leipzig, 1912

  35. Z. Rettler, Flemmings Spezialkarte der mittleren Westfront (mit Paris) Masstab 1:320 000, Grosse 88x71 cm

  36. Henri Poincare, Wissenschaft und Methode, Leipzig, 1914 (18.III.1914)

  37. B. Cietz, Plan von Lliunchen, 1914

  38. K. Peucker, Die Zentralen Balkanlander zwischen Adria und Pontus, Serbien, Bulgarien, Turkei, Montenegro und Griechische Grenze, Massstab 1:864 Vlauflage, Newe bulgarisch-turkische Grende, Wien, October 1915

  39. F. Auerbach, Worterbuch der Physik, Berlin, 1920

  40. A. Chenier, Poesies, Paris, 1920

  41. A. Haas, Einfuhrung Theoretische Physik, Zweiter Band, Berlin, 1921

  42. M. Planck, Einfuhrung in die Allgemeine Mechanik, Leipzig, 1921

  43. M. Planck, Einfuhrung in die Theorie der Elektrizitat und des Magnetismus, Leipzig, 1922

  44. Webster Dictionary 40,000 words, 1922

  45. V. Maurice, Le Navire de Commerce, Paris, 1923

  46. A. Einstein, H. Lorentz, H. Weyl, H. Minkowski, The Principle of Relativity, USA, 1923

  47. H. Weyl, Raum Zeit Materie vorlesungen uber allgemeine relativitatstheorie, Springer, Berlin, 1923

  48. E. Whittaker, Analytische Dynamik der Punkte und starren korper, Berlin, 1924

  49. Goethes Gedichte, Berlin, 1925

  50. F. Klein, Vorlesungen Uber Nicht-Euklidische Geometrie, Berlin, 1925

  51. Shakespeare, Macbeth, Paris, 1925

  52. C. Cranz, Innere Ballistik, Berlin, 1926 (Библиотека, Маш.инж. Ив. Кисьов)

  53. C. Baudelaire, Poesies Choisies, Paris, 1926

  54. Racine, Andromaque, A. Hatier, Paris, 1926 [Marta D, Zlatewa]

  55. J. Calvet, Morceaux choisis des Auteurs Francais du X au XX Siecle, Paris, 1928

  56. E. Foerster, Hilfsbuch fur den Schiffbau, I-II, Berlin, 1928

  57. Hutte Bootsbau Praktische Schiffbau, Berlin, Verlag, 1929

  58. E. Foerster, Praktischer Stahlschiffbau, Berlin, 1930

  59. H. Geiger, K. Scheel, Handbuch der Physik, Band VI Mechanik der Elastischen Korpen, Berlin, 1928

  60. E. Schrodinger, Abhandlungen zur Wellenmechanik, Leipzig, 1928

  61. L. Bieberbach, Theorie der Differentialgleichungen, Berlin, 1930

  62. K. Boehm, Elliptische Funktionen, Erster Teil, Berlin, 1930

  63. G. Candace, La Marine Marchande Francaise, Paris, 1930

  64. W. Blablaschke, Vorlesungen uberDifferential Geometrie, Berlin, 1930

  65. M. Planck, Einfuhrung in die Theoretische Optik, Verlagm Leipzig, 1931

  66. L. Schiller, Hydro und Aerodynamik, Handbuch der Experimentalphysik, Leipzig, 1931

  67. A. Sommerfeld, Atombau und Spektrallinien, I Band, Braunschweig, 1931

  68. C. Schaefer, Einfuhrung in die theoretische Physik, Berlin, 1932

  69. R. Becker, Theorie der Elektrizitat, Band 1, Einfuhrung in die Maxwellsche Theorie der Electrizitat, Leipzig, 1933

  70. R. Becker, Theorie der Elektrizitat, Band 2, Elektronentheorie, Leipzig, 1933

  71. J. Lense, Reihenentwicklungen in der mathematischen Physik, Berlin, 1933

  72. Moliere, Femmes savantes, Paris, 1933

  73. Racine, Iphigenie, Paris, 1933

  74. Voltaire, Lettres Choisies, I, Paris, 1933

  75. L. de Broglie, L'Electron Magnetique (Teorie de Dirac), Paris, 1934

  76. A. Haas, Kleiner Grundriss der Theoretischen Physik, Leipzig, 1934

  77. P. Loti, Le Roman d'un Enfant, Paris, 1934

  78. O. Bassler, Der Grosse Dude, Grammatik der Deutfchen Spradche, Leipzig, 1935, 1938

  79. J. Fischer, Einfuhrung in die klassische Elektrodynamik, Berlin, 1936

  80. Hutte des Ingenieurs Taschenbuch, I Band, Berlin 1936

  81. P. Blatchke, Franzofifch-Deutfch und Deutfch-Franzofifch, Berlin, 1937

  82. G. Gamow, Structure of Atomic Nuclei and Nuclear Transformations, Oxford, 1937

  83. J. Gichendorff, Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts, Germany, 1936

  84. G. Sand, Lettres d'un voyageur, Paris, 1933

  85. Corneille, L`Illusion Comique, Classiques Larousse, Paris, 1937 (2 бр)

  86. C. Schaefer, Einfuhrung in die theoretische Physik, Dritter Band, Quantentheorie, Berlin, 1937

  87. A. Sesmat, Systemes de Reference et Mouvements, III Les Systemes Privilegies de la Theorie Restreinte, Paris, 1937

  88. F. Tolke, Kurze Einfuhrung in die Elemente der Punkt und Korpermechanik, Berlin, 1937

  89. R. Weyrich, Die Zylinderfunktionen und ihre anwendungen, Leipzig, 1937

  90. 50 Jahre Hadac 1888 - 1938

  91. C. Eichler, Vom Bug Zum Hech, Berlin, 1938

  92. M. Faraday, Experimental-Untersuchungen uber electricitat, Leipzig, 1938

  93. H. Kallmann, Einfuhrung in die Kernphysik, Leipzig, 1938

  94. Moliere, Le Misanthrope, Paris, 1938

  95. La Fontaine, Fables Choisies, Paris, 1939

  96. La Fontaine, Fables Choisies, II, Paris, 1939

  97. O. Kommerell, Erlauterungen zu den Vorschriften fur geschweisste Stahlbauten, I Teil: Hochbauten, Berlin, 1940

  98. J. Sartre, L'Imaginaire, Gallimard, 1940 [Daria Kalitzin]

  99. A. Foppl, L. Foppl, Drang und Zwang, Erster Band, Berlin, 1941

  100. Schiffbau Kalender, Hilfsbuch der Schiffbau Industrie, 1942

  101. Ludwig Prandtl, Fuhrer durch die Stromungslehre, Braunschweig1942

  102. R. Mugge, Wetterkunde und wettervorhersage, Berlin, 1942

  103. M. Buhl, Nouveaux elements d'analyse, t. 4, Cours de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, Paris, 1943

  104. P. Garoche, Le Marin de commerce, Paris, 1943

  105. G. Joos, Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik, Funfte Auflage, Leipzig, 1943

  106. E. Kamke, Diefferentialgleichungen Losungsmethoden und Losungen, 1. Gewohnliche Differentialgleichungen, Leipzig, 1943

  107. H. Koch, Technisches Worterbuch, Berlin, 1943

  108. A. Millet, Nicole et Vuctir Methode de Lecture, Larousse, 1943

  109. G. Wentzel, Einfuhrung in die Quantentheorie der Wellenfelder, Wien, 1943

  110. Balzac, Eugenie Grandet I, Paris, 1946

  111. Balzac, Eugenie Grandet II, Paris, 1946

  112. Moliere, L'Avare, A. Hatier, Paris, 1946

  113. A. Vigny, Poe sies Choisies, Hatier, Paris, 1946

  114. A. de Musset, Poesies, Hatier, Paris, 1947

  115. Fenelon, Lettre A l'Academie Francaise, Paris, 1947

  116. Pearl Buck, L’epouse en colere, 1947

  117. Charles Dicjebs, American Notes, Moscow, 1950

  118. Premiere Lecture, Moscow, 1952

  119. G. Simenon, Maigret Chez le Coroner, Paris, 1952

  120. Emile Zola, Germinal, Paris, 1953

  121. Romain Rolland, Jean-Christophe, Paris, 1953 (2 br)

  122. I. Yefremov, Stories, Moscow, 1954

  123. M. Peyrollaz, M. Bara de Tovar, Manuel de phonetique et de diction francaises, Larousse, Paris, 1954

  124. Atom for peace, International conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy, Geneva, August, 1955

  125. H. Lehmann, K. Symanzik, W. Zimmermann, Zur Formulierung quantisierter Fildtheorien, Nuovo Cimento, v. 1, N. 1, s. 205-224, 1955 [фотокопие]

  126. Guy de Maupassant, Contes Choisis, Paris, 1955

  127. G. Mauger, Cours de langue et de civilisation Francaises, II, 1955; III, Paris, 1959

  128. P. Claudel, Le Soulier de Satin, France, 1956

  129. J. Dubois, G. Jouannon, Grammaire et exercices de Francais, Paris, 1956

  130. J. Foex, Histoire Sous-Marine des Hommes, Paris, 1957

  131. G. Mauger, IV La France et ses ecrivains, Paris, 1957

  132. V. Scott, Ivanhoe, Moscow, 1957

  133. Unser Deutschland, Berlin, 1957

  134. Vers la France, Didier, Paris, 1957

  135. Balzac, Le cousin pons, Paris, 1958

  136. G. Duby, R. Mandrou, Historie de la Civilisation Francaise, Moyen Age, XVI Siecle, Parish, 1958

  137. G. Duby, R. Mandrou, Historie de la Civilisation Francaise, XVII-XX Siecle, Parish, 1958

  138. G. Mauger, J. Charon, Le Francais commercial, manuel, 1, Larousse, Paris, 1957

  139. Honore de Balzac, Le Cousin Pons, France, 1958

  140. Honore de Balzac, Medecin de Campagne, France, 1958

  141. G. Simenon, Les scrupules de maigret, Paris, 1958

  142. M. Twain, A Connectigut Yankee in King Arthur's Coutr, Leipzig, 1958

  143. IXth International Astronautical Congress, Amsterdam, 1958, Wien, Springer-Verlag, 1959

  144. F. Anstey, The Brass Bottle, Leningrad, 1959

  145. J. Cooper, The Deerslayer, Moscow, 1959

  146. J. Cooper, The last of the Mohicans, Moscow, 1959

  147. English Reader, Moscow, 1959

  148. George Sand Horace, Moscow, 1959

  149. A. Gide, Les Faux-Monnayeurs, Paris, 1959

  150. Hsiao Kan-Niu, The old man spting, Peking, 1959

  151. J. Jerome, Three man in a boat, Moscow, 1959

  152. Mathematik Physik/Chemie und Grenzgeviete 1945–1959, Springer, 1959

  153. Y. Ryabov, Celestial Mechanics, Moscow, 1959

  154. M. Twain, Two stories, Moscow, 1959

  155. G. Chesterton, Stories, Moscow, 1960

  156. E. Caldwell, Short Stories, Moscow, 1960

  157. Conversational Formullas, 1960

  158. A. Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Leningrad, 1960

  159. J. Conrad, Short Stories, Moscow, 1960

  160. T. Dreiser, The Machine and the Maiden, Moscow, 1960

  161. A. France, L'ile des Pingouins, Moscou, 1960

  162. J. Jerome, Sketches, Moscow, 1960 (2 бр)

  163. Jules Verne, Casar Cascabel, Moscow, 1960

  164. J. London, Two stories, Moscow, 1960

  165. Modern American Short Stories, Moscow, 1960

  166. R. Rolland, Antoinette, Moscow, 1960

  167. J. Ruskin, The king of the golden river, 1960

  168. Russian-English Conversation Book, Moscow, 1960

  169. T. Sawyer, The Adventures, Moscow, 1960

  170. Short Stories and poems, Leningrad, 1960

  171. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1960

  172. A. Trepenenkova, Stories, poems, jokes and games for the 7th form, Moscow, 1960

  173. J. Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Moscow, 1961

  174. R. Blackmore, Lorna Doone, Moscow, 1961

  175. A. Bombard, Naufrage Volontaire, Moscow, 1961

  176. A. Coppard, Tales, Moscow, 1961

  177. A. Cronin, Shannon's Way, Moscow, 1961

  178. English Humourm, Moscow, 1961

  179. Etiquette, Moscow, 1961

  180. Roger Martin du Gard, Les Thibault, I-II, Paris, 1961

  181. Linguaphone Sprachkurse, Berlin, 1961

  182. W. Saroyan, My name is Aram, Moscow, 1961

  183. Famous People, Moscow, 1963

  184. P. Gamarra, Le maitre d'ecole, Moscow, 1961

  185. V. Hugo, L`Homme quirit, Москва, 1961

  186. Humorous Stories, Moscow, 1961

  187. Livre de lecture pour la neuvieme, Moscow, 1961

  188. H. Mann, Professor Unrat, Berlin, 1961

  189. A. Marshall, Ausralian Stories, Leningrad, 1961

  190. F. Mauriac, Le Mystere Frontenac, France, 1961

  191. Moskau, Moscow, 1961

  192. Jules Verne, Voyage au Centre de la Terre, Москва, 1961

  193. I. Petrivm Kectures Francaises, Narodna Prosveta, Sofia, 1961

  194. Recits et Nouvelles des Ecrivains Francais (Повести и рассказы французких писателей ХІХ–ХХ вв), Москва, 1961

  195. R. Rolland, Jean-Christophe, Moscow, 1961

  196. V. Ruderman, Choose the right word, Moscow, 1961

  197. A. Sewell, Black beauty, Leningrad, 1961

  198. M. Shishkanova, N. Vasilyeva, Modern English and American Short Stories, Moscow, 1961

  199. Stories by Modern English Authors, Moscow, 1961

  200. Stories about animals and birds you know, Leningrad, 1961

  201. I. Arnold, N. Diakonova, Analytical Reading, Leningrad, 1962

  202. R. Ballantyne, The coral island, Leningrad, 1962

  203. P. Curnier, Pages commentees d'auteurs contemporains, t. 1, Paris, 1962; t. 2, 1965

  204. A. Conan Doyle, The Lion's Mane, Leningrad, 1962

  205. S. Eneva, I. Petrov, Le francais par la conversation, Narodna Prosveta, 1962

  206. G. Flaubert, L'Education sentimentale, Moscow, 1962

  207. Liste des marchandises d'exportation et d'importation des entreprises commerciales d'etat, Chambre de Commerce de Bulgarie, 1962

  208. Memento du commerce exterieur de bulgarie, 1962

  209. Saint-George, La Bataille du Platine, Paris, 1962

  210. J. Olivier, Colin Lantier, Moscow, 1962

  211. Georges Simenon, Romans, Editions du Progres, 1962

  212. Haensch Marot, Le francais tel qu1on le parle, Munchen, 1962

  213. F. Durant III, International Astronautical Federation, 1961-1962, New York, 1962

  214. D. Jones, English Pronouncing Dictionary, Moscow, 1962

  215. J. Steinbeck, The red Pony, Moscow, 1962

  216. У. Теккерей, Мещанская история (in English), Moscow, 1962

  217. G. Trevelyan, Trinity College A History and Guide 1940–1951, Cambridge, 1962

  218. J. Wheeler, Geometrodinamica, Academic Press, New York, 1962

  219. A. Alvernhe, Y. Brunsvick, A Paris, Didier, 1963

  220. H. de Balzac, La Peau de chagrin, Moscou, 1963

  221. English for Home Reading, Moscow, 1963

  222. G. Greene, The Quiet American, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1963

  223. R. Guillot, A. Biancheri, P. Cousin, Tipiti le rouge-gorge, Paris, 1963

  224. M. Hadshidekova, I. Petrov, Petites Scenes, Sofia, Narodna Prosveta, 1963

  225. J. Jerome, Tommy Co. Moscow, 1963

  226. T. Kahan, Quantentheorie, Academie Verlag, Berlin, 1963

  227. E. Laboulaye, Contes, Moscow, 1963

  228. Modern English short stories, Moscow, 1963

  229. W. Thackeray, The History of Pendennis, v. 1, v. 2, Moscow, 1963

  230. The Magic Basket, Leningrad, 1963

  231. Francoise D`Obonne, Voyage en Cosmos, Moscow, 1963

  232. The Citadel, Moscow, 1963

  233. H. Wells, The invisible man, Moscow, 1963

  234. E. Williams, The wooden horse, Moscow, 1963 (2 бр)

  235. O. Wilde, The picture of Dorian Gray, Moscow, 1963

  236. C. Borgal, Roger Martin du Gard les Thibault, Paris, 1964

  237. P. Boyer, P. Durand, Le Francais vivant, Paris, 1964

  238. Roy Fuller, The Ruined Boys, Moscow, 1964

  239. M. Grevisse, Le bon usage, Grammaire Francaise, Paris, 1964

  240. R. Guillot, A. Biancheri, P. Cousin, Rex et Mistigri, Paris, 1964

  241. T. Heyerdal, The Kon-Tiki expedition, Высшая школа, Москва, 1964

  242. House of Commons, A Guide for Visitors to the Galleries, 1964

  243. La Fontaine Fables, Paris, 1964

  244. La Framce d'aujourd'hui son visage - sa civilisation, Hatier, Paris, 1964

  245. Lectures at jeux, Moscow, 1964

  246. M. Leon, Exercices systematiques de prononciation Francaise, 1964

  247. G. Mauger, G. Gougenheim, Le francais elementaire, debjtants 1 level, Paris, 1964

  248. Pierre and Monique Leon, Introduction a la phonetique corrective, 1964

  249. Looking around London, 1964

  250. M. Nita, D. Andreescu, Zborul Rachetei Nedirijate si Dirijate, Editura Militara, Bucuresti, 1964

  251. Science Fiction, Moscow, 1964

  252. Voltaire, Romans et conte philosophique, 1964

  253. M. Brand, Plays, Moscow, 1965

  254. L. Fomin, From Fire to Atom, Moscow, 1965

  255. A. France, Crainquebille, Высшая школа, Москва, 1965

  256. H. Haggard, The people of the mist, Moscow, 1965

  257. International Conference on Relativistic Theories of Gravitation, v. 1, v. 2, London, July 1965

  258. R. Kipling, Captains Ourageous, Moscow, 1965

  259. A. Platkow, M. Jaworowski, Parlez-Vous Francais, Warszawa, 1965

  260. E. Phillpottd, The human boy again, Moscow, 1965

  261. Sea Stories, Moscow, 1965

  262. M.A. Tonnelat, Les Theories Unitaires de L'Electromagnetisme et de La Gravitation, Paris, 1965

  263. G. Trease, Missing from home, Moscow, 1965

  264. Л. Андреевская, Pour Mieux Savoir le Francais, Москва, 1966

  265. P. Ahnert, Kalender fur sternfreunde, Leipzig, 1966

  266. Beethoven, Просвещение, Москва, 1966

  267. A. Bombar, Sea stories, Man overboard, Moscow, 1966

  268. Bureau Pour l'Enseignement de la Langue et de la Civilisation Francaises a l'Eranger, Presentation de la Civilisation Francaise Contemporaine, Dossier Pedagogique, Directives, 1966

  269. D. Cusack, Say no to death, Moscow, 1966

  270. V. Hugo, Cosette, Просвещение, Москва, 1966

  271. N. Goloubeva, Les verbes en vers, Moscow, 1966

  272. I. Gvardzhaladze, T. Kochinashvili, A. Gilbertson, 500 English Proverbs and Sayings with their translations and Equivalents, Moscow, 1966

  273. R. Fuillot, Le maitre des elephants, Moscow, 1966

  274. W. Hyman, Magna Carta of Space, New York, 1966

  275. International Space bibliograpy, New York, 1966

  276. H. Itokawa (Ed), Cospar, Information Bulletin, Nr. 34, 1966

  277. Р. Короткова, Nous Chantons en Francais, Москва, 1966

  278. F. Mauriac, Therese Desqueyroux, Moscou, 1966 [Картичка, 18.07.1966]

  279. A. Maurois, Nouvelles, Moscow, 1966

  280. P. Merimee, Nouvelles, Hatier, Paris, 1966

  281. H. Muller, Signale yom Mond, Leningrad, 1966

  282. M. Pagnol, Souvenirs d'Enfance, Москва, 1966

  283. Parlons francais, С. Батура, Н. Полозов, Пособие по развитию навыков устной речи французского языка, Высшая школа, Москва, 1966

  284. La Francais Parle, Poste, Telegraphe, Telephone, Москва, 1966

  285. Reader's Digest Auswahlbucher, Verlag, Wien 1966

  286. A. Reboullet, Les exercices structuraux, larousse, Paris, 1966

  287. Simenon, La pipe de Maigret, Moscow, 1966

  288. S.Tery, L'Histoire de Danielle Casanova, Moscow, 1966

  289. Twelve Short Stories, Moscow, 1966

  290. Н. Церешко, aux Moments des oisirs, A l'usage des eleves de V-VII classes, Просвещение, Москва, 1966

  291. Stendhal, Vanina Vanini, Berlin, 1966

  292. E. Velichkov, Petites histoires, Prosveshtenie, Moskva, 1966

  293. S. Arnaud, La Longue Veille, Просвещение, Москва, 1967

  294. Anthologie du theatre francais, 1935-1965, Moscow, 1967

  295. Au fil des mois, Moscow, 1967

  296. M. Brueziere, J. Charon, Le francais commercial, Texties d'etude, 2, Larousse, Paris, 1967

  297. A. Conan Doyle, The Sign of the Four, Moscow, 1967

  298. Conversons, Prosveshtenie, Moscow, 1967

  299. R. Duchateau, Le Mystere du Serpent a Plumes, Moscow, 1967

  300. Le de Jigny, La Canne de Jonc, London, 1967

  301. П. Буртемберг, L`extraordinaire aventure du docteur Fleming, Просвещение, Москва, 1967

  302. A. Maltz, Circus come to town, Berlin, 1967

  303. G. Mauger, G. Gougenheim, Le francais elementaire, debjtants 2 level, Paris, 1967

  304. Space Resources for The High School Industrial arts Resource Units, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, 1967

  305. Surveyor III, A Preliminary Report, NASA SP-146, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, 1967

  306. United States Spase Science Program Report to Cospar, Tenth Meeting, London, July 1967, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Washington, 1967

  307. Nasa's Space Science and Applications Program, Washington, 1967

  308. Petites Histoires, Просвещение, Москва, 1967

  309. J. Ollivier, Deux oiseaux ont Disparu, Prosveshtenie, Moscow, 1967

  310. A. Papapetrou, Spezielle Relativitatstheorie, Verlag, 1967 (С. Манов 1968)

  311. R. Forbes-Watson, Ambar, Moscow, 1967

  312. Reports on Programmes, IQSY, London, 1967

  313. Romain Rolland, Jean Christophe, Москва, 1967

  314. M. Sabaneva, Phrases Cliches, le Francais Parle, Prosveshtenoe, Moscow, 1967

  315. Sea Stories, Moscow, 1967

  316. G, Simenon, Le Chien Jaune, Москва, 1967

  317. G. Simenon, Les freres Rico, Moscow, 1967

  318. А. Щетина, Lecture amusante, Просвещение, Москва, 1967

  319. The Technology Utilization Program, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, 1967

  320. Voyace dans le Cosmos, Moscow, 1967

  321. O. Wilde, The Happy prince, Moscow, 1967

  322. F. Cap, F. Fbltzky, D. Floriani, W. Groebner, H. Knapp, A. Schett, J. Weil, Lie Series for celestial mechanics, accelerators, satellite stabilization and optimization, NASA Contractor Report 1046, Washington, 1968

  323. A. Clarke, 2001 aspaceodyssey, London, 1968

  324. A. Cronin, Shannon's Way, Moscow, 1968

  325. P. Guth, Le Naif aux quarante enfants, Ленинград, 1968

  326. Les aventures amusantes de Roudoudou et de Riquiqui, Просвещение, Москва, 1968 [посвещение от maman, Sofia, 12.V.1969]

  327. 24.08.1968, Metro Goldwyn Mayer

  328. Pages Chois, Auteurs contemporains, Prosveshtenie, Moscow, 1968

  329. The Heron in the Reeds Изд. Высшая школа, Москва, 1968

  330. Belles Pages de Francais, Paris, 1968

  331. G. Duvic, Louis Pasteur, Moscow, 1968

  332. G. Flaubert, Salammbo, Hatier, Paris, 1968

  333. E. Gordon, I. Krilova, Modality in Modern English, Moscow, 1968

  334. O. Heckmann, Theorien der Kosmologie, Springer, Berlin, 1968

  335. E. Hemingway, The Undefeated, Moscow, 1968

  336. E. Jonesco, Le Roi se Meurt, Larouse, Paris, 1968

  337. Les Courageux, 1968

  338. Les Contes de Perrault, 1968

  339. J. London, From the Road to the Pen, Berlin, 1968

  340. Marie-Anne Hameau, Le francais pour les petits, Paris, 1968

  341. G. Mauger, Grammaire pratique du francais d'aujourd'hui, Paris, 1968

  342. P, Pride, A collection of humorous stories, Moscow, 1968

  343. Sea stories, About all kind of ships, Moscow, 1968

  344. Sea Stories, A shipwreck, Moscow, 1968

  345. R. Stevenson, Poems, Moscow, 1968

  346. P. Strevens, English 901, Book 1, London, 1968

  347. P. Strevens, English 901, Book 2, London, 1968

  348. P. Strevens, English 901, Book 3, London, 1968

  349. P. Strevens, English 901, Book 4, London, 1968

  350. P. Strevens, English 901, Book 5, London, 1968

  351. P. Strevens, English 901, Book 6, London, 1968

  352. Romain Rolland, Colas Breugnon, Москва, 1968

  353. The Lady or the tiger, Moscow, 1968

  354. G. Trease, Rows against the Barons, Leningrad, 1968

  355. M. Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Moscow, 1968

  356. A. Alvernne, Y. Brunsvick, P. Ginestier, De la langue a la civilisation Francaise,En France, Premiere Partie, Deuxieme Partie, Didier, Paris, 1969

  357. M. Ayme, La Vouivre, Просвещение, Ленинград, 1969

  358. A. Camus, L'Etranger La Peste, Moscou, 1969 [Писмо 20.08.1964]

  359. B. Harte, Three stories, Moscow, 1969

  360. Humour Gabrovien, Balgarski Houdojnik, 1969

  361. P. Ginestier, A. Maillet, A. Alvernne, Culture et Civilisation Francaises, Didier, Paris, 1969

  362. W. Jacobs, The white cat, Moscow, 1969

  363. Guy de Maupassant, La Parure, Berlin, 1969

  364. I. Newton, A life devoted to science, Moscow, 1969

  365. M. Paoletti, Civilisation francaise contemporaine, Hatier, Paris, 1969

  366. G. Perec, Une histoire des annees soixante les choses, Moscow, 1969

  367. H. Pourrot, Le tresor des xontes, Просвещение, Москва, 1969

  368. R. Wright, Uncle Tom's children, Moscow, 1969

  369. Space travel stories, Moscow, 1969

  370. N. Zouieva, Histoires en images, Moscou, 1969 (2 бр.)

  371. M.-L. Vert, Contes de Perrette, 1969

  372. И. Деева, English proverbs and how to use them, Просвещение, Москва, 1970

  373. Evolution Stellaire Avant la Sequence Principale, v. 59, Liege, Belgique, 1970

  374. Frederic Joliot-Curie, Moscow, 1970

  375. З. Хованская, Lire et Parler, Читай и говори по французски, вып. 3, Москва, 1970

  376. Bonjour les amis 1, Berlin, 1971

  377. Bonjour les amis 2, Berlin, 1971

  378. Bonjour les amis 3, Berlin, 1971

  379. Bonjour les amis 4, Berlin, 1971

  380. Bonjour les amis 7, Berlin, 1971

  381. A. Chtilko, Le Travail Culturel de Masse des Syndicats Sovietiques, Moscow, 1971

  382. Cospar International Bulletin, No 57, March 1971

  383. T. May, G. McVittie, Uniform model universes containing matter and blackbody radiation II, Mon.Not. R. astr. Soc. (153) 491-500 (1971)

  384. A. Anguelevitch, Un peu de Rire, Просвещение, Москва, 1972

  385. N. Zouieva, Marcel, Renee, Pierrot at C (a Moscou), Просвещение, Москва, 1972

  386. L. Andreevskaia-Levenstern, Methodologie de l'enseignement du francais, Moscow, 1973

  387. Guy de Maupassant, Une Vie, Mosscou, 1974

  388. Guy de Maupassant, Contes et Nouvelles choises, Mosscou, 1974

  389. E. Zola, La Curee, Leningrad, 1974

  390. G. Antrushina, Short Stories to read and discuss, Moskwa, 1975

  391. V. Levi, Nous et moi, Moscow, 1975

  392. Read and Speak English, Moscow, 1975

  393. M. Andjieva, J. Musard, Conversations Francaises, Sofia, Narodna Prosveta, 1976

  394. Judoselbstverteidigung, Berlin, 1978

  395. XVII Congres International de Thalassotherapie, Programme, Varna, 16-20 May 1878

  396. Science Fiction English and American Short Stories, Moscow, 1979

  397. English для физиков, Москва, 1980

  398. Madurodam, Holland, 1980

  399. Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1981

  400. S. Shevtsova, Getting English in Focus, Moscow, 1981

  401. Р. Бредбери, Short Stories, Просвещение, Москва, 1983

  402. R. Bradbury, Short Stories, Moscow, 1983

  403. M. Soulenq, Aikido Enseignements traditionnels, Paris, 1985

  404. Supersymmetry and its applications, Proceedings of a Workshop, Cambridge, 23.06.1985–14.07.1985

  405. Supersymmetry Supergravity Superstrings, Proceedings of the Trieste Spring School, 7-15 April 1986

  406. M. Hourdry, Mots croises gradues, Paris, 1988

  407. Les Houches Session XLIX, NATO, 1988

  408. N. Bialokur, L'Aikido, Paris, 1989

  409. Audio-Marchand

  1. M. Ill, Bahnbestimmung von kunstlichen erdsatelliten auf grund visueller beobachtungen

  2. A. Papapetrpu, Ober zeitabbangige Losungen der Feidgleichingen der allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie, Annalen der Physik, 7(2) 87-96 (1958) 2 отпечатъка

  3. H. Honl, Ein brief Albert Einsteins an Ernst Mach, Physikalische Blatter, 16(11) 1960

  4. G. Ludwig, Raum und zeitvorstellung in der physik,Universitatstage, Berlin, 16-29 (1960)

  5. Cr. M. Subotowicz, Test of the general theory of relativity, Nature,November 17, С28-С30, 1962 (фотокопие в плик от Dr.Mieczyslaw Subotowicz, Lublin, ul. Weteranow № 34, m. 8, Poland)

  6. R. Arenstorf, Periodic solutions of the restricted three body problem reprisenting analytic confinuations of keplerian elliptic motions, American Journal of Mathematics, v. 85, No 1, p. 27-35, 1963

  7. L. de Broglie, D. Bohm, P. Hillon, F. Halbwachs, T, Takabayesi, J-P. Viguer, Rotator Model of Elementary Particles considered as Relativistic Extended Structures in Minkowski Space, Physical Review, 129(1) 438-450 (1963)

  8. A. Lurie, Trust Programming in a Central Gravitational Field, Topics in Optimization (1967) 103-146

  9. A. Slavnov, Vectorlike Lepton Model with supersymmetric interaction, Сообщение Обединенного института ядерных исследовании, Дубна, Е2-10097, 1976

History of Physics
  1. Galileo Galilei 1564-1964, Jenaer Reden und Schriften, Friedrich Schiller Universitat, 1964

  2. The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, v. 1 The Early Years 1879–1902, Princeton University Press, 1987
