Bulgarian Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created: 07.02.2011
Updated: 25.11.2020

Konstantin Vladimirov Stamenov
(04.05.1925 – 10.01.2003)


Konstantin Stamenov was born in Vratsa


He graduated physics in the Sofia University (1951)

He specialised quantum electronics at the Moskow State University (1964–1965)

Profesional Experiance

K. Stamenov was appointed to the Sofia University. He was assistant (1951–1957), senior assistant (1957–1963), head assistant (1963–1966), and assicuate professor (1966–1985)

He was head of the department of radiophysics and electronics (1974–1976)

He iniciated and managed quantum electronics department (1978–1985)

He was a founder of the Laser Technic Laboratory (1980), called Laser Technic Institute (1985)

Teaching activities

He initiated quantum electronics as a university course in the Sofia University.


"Honoured Scientist"; "Honorary sign of the Sofia University with a blue ribbon"


  1. S. Dinev, K. Stamenov, I. Tomov, Generation of tunable UV radiation in the range 216-234nm,Optics Commun.5,419-421,1972

  2. J. Vasilev, S. Dinev, K. Stamenov, I. Tomov, Single mode Nd:glass laser frequency conversion in the visible and ultraviolet range, C.R.L'Univers. Sofia, 66, 185-188, 1974/75

  3. S. Dinev, S. Saltiel, K. Stamenov, K. Stankov, I. Tomov, Generation of tunable picosecond light pulses in the visible and ultraviolet range, Bulg.J.Physics, 11, 520-532, 1975

  4. S. Dinev, I. Radoslavova, K. Stankov, K. Stamenov, A single frequency stabilized Nd:glass laser, Bulg. J.Physics, 4, 668-678, 1977

  5. S. Dinev, S. Saltiel, K. Stamenov, K. Stankov, V. Tunkin, Measurements of quadrupole nonlinear coefficient dispersion in calcite crystal, Opt. Commun., 24, 225-230, 1978

  6. S. Dinev, Ch. Radev, K. Stamenov, K. Stankov, X-ray emission from laser irradiated target in the presence of high electric field, Opt. Commun, 30, 219-223, 1979

  7. S. Dinev, O. Marazov, K. Stamenov, I. Tomov, Two photon resonant fifth harmonic generation in sodium vapour, Opt. and Quant. Electron. 12, 183-186, 1980

  8. S. Dinev, I. Koprinkov, K. Stamenov, K. Stankov, C. Radzewicz, Two wavelength single mode grazing incidence dye laser, Opt.Commun. 32, 313-316, 1980

  9. S. Dinev, Ch. Radev, K. Stamenov, K. Stankov, X-ray production by a laser plasma in a strong electric field, Opt. and Quant. Electr. 12, 231-235, 1980

  10. S. Dinev, I. Koprinkov, K. Stamenov, K. Stankov, A novel double grazing incidence single mode dye laser, Appl. Phys. 22, 287-291, 1980

  11. S. Dinev, I. Koprinkov, K. Stamenov, K. Stankov, A narrowband unidirectional pulsed ring dye laser, Opt. Commun. 35, 403-406, 1980

  12. V. Lyutskanov, S. Savov, S. Saltiel, K. Stamenov, I. Tomov, Mixing of XeCl excimer laser and mode-locked Nd:YAG laser radiation in KDP crystal, Optics Commun., 37, 149-150 (1981)

  13. S. Dinev, S. Savov, K. Stamenov, Digital power suply for multistage laser, Electropromischlenost i priborostroene, 11, 509-510, 1981

  14. S. Dinev, K. Stamenov, K. Stankov, N. Uluchev, Saturation effects in laser plasma X-ray emission, Opt. and Quant. Electr. 13, 255-257, 1981

  15. A. Abroskin, G. Georgiev, A. Devyatov, T. Lapshenkova, Zh. Nickolov, K. Stamenov, V. Fadeev, A. Chekalyuk, V. Chubarov, Determination of organic admixtures in seawater by laser fluorimetry, Bulg. J. Phys., 8 (1981), 267-273. (In Russian)

  16. V. Lyutskanov, S. Savov, S. Saltiel, K. Stamenovр I. Tomov, Mixing of XeCl laser and Mode– Locked Nd:YAG Laser Radiation in KDP Crystal, Opt. Commun., 37 (1981) 149-152

  17. G. Georgiev, T. Kalkanjiev, D. Metchkov, Zh. Nickolov, K. Stamenov, Influence of the shape of the exciting laser pulse on fluorescence saturation in the quantitative analysis of dissolved trace organic substances, J. Luminescence, 27 (1982), 89-99

  1. Г. Георгиев, К. Коленцов, В. Салтиел, Приносът на доцент Константин Стаменов за възхода на квантовата електроника и лазерната техника у нас, Светът на физиката, кн. 2 (2013) 223-224

  2. А. Драйшу, И. Хълтъков, В. Салтиел, Г. Георгиев, Константин Стаменов основоположник на квантовата електроника във Физическия факултет на СУ "Св. К. Охридски", Втори национален конгрес по физически науки 25-29 септември 2013, София (2003)

  3. In Memoriam, Доц. Константин Владимиров Стаменов (1925 - 2003), Светът на физиката, кн. 1, с. 75 (2003)

  4. Л. Спасов, Г. Камишева (съст.), Милко Борисов за себе си и другите за него, Акад. изд. М. Дринов, София, 2008, с. 225

