She made 8 patents and many publications
T. Novakovic, B. Grbic, N. Radic, B. Grbic, B. Markovic, T. Marinova, P.Stefanov, D.Stoychev, Oxidation of n-hexane over Pt and Cu-Co oxide catalysts supported on a thin-film zirconia/stainless steel carrier, Catalysis Communications, 9 (6) 1111-1118 (2008)
L. Kolaklieva, R. Kakanakov, I. Avramova, Ts. Marinova, Nanolayered Au/Ti/Al Ohmic Contacts to P-Type SiC: Electrical, Morphological and Chemical Properties Depending on the Contact Composition, Materials Science Forum (556-557) 725-728 (2007)
T. Novakovic, N. Radic, B. Grbic, D. Stoychev, P. Stefanov, T. Marinova, Preparation of ZrO2 and Al2O3 thin films on stainless steel by spray pyrolysis, Materials Science Forum (555) 321-326 (2007)
I. Avramova, D. Stoychev, Ts. Marinova, Characterization of thin CeO2-ZrO2-Y2O3 films electrochemical deposited on stainless steel, Appl. Surf. Sci. (253) 1365-1370 (2006)
I. Balchev, N. Minkovski, Ts. Marinova, N. Sabotinov, Composition and structure characterization of aluminum after laser ablation, Materials Science and Engineering B, 135 (2) 108-112 (2006)
B. Grbic, N. Radic, B. Markovic, Ts. Marinova, Influence of Manganese Oxide on the Activity of Pt/Al2O3 Catalyst for CO and n-Hexane Oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 64 (1-2) 51-56 (2006)
Ts. Marinova, A. Tsanev, D. Stoychev, Characterisation of Mixed Yttria and Zirconia Thin Films, Mater. Sci. Eng: B, 130 (1-3) 1-4 (2006)
I. Nedkov, R. Vandenberghe, Ts. Marinova, I. Avramova, Magnetic structure and collective Jahn–Teller distortions in nanostructured particles of CuFe2O4, Applied Surface Science, 253 (5) 2589-2596 (2006)
D. Nikolova, E. Stoyanova, D. Stoychev, P. Stefanov, Ts. Marinova, Anode behaviour of stainless steel covered with an electrochemically deposited Ce2O3–CeO2 film, Surface and Coatings Technology (201) 1559-1567 (2006)
E. Stoyanova D. Nikolova, D. Stoychev, P. Stefanov, Ts. Marinova, Effect of Al and Ce oxide layers electrodeposited on OC4004 stainless steel on it’s corrosion characteristics in acid media, Corrosion Sci., 48 (12) 4037-4052 (2006)
P. Stefanov, N. Minkovski, I. Balchev, Ts. Marinova, XPS studies of short pulse laser interaction with copper, Applied Surface Science, 253 (3) 1046-1050 (2006)
I. Avramova, P. Stefanov, D. Nicolova, D. Stoychev, Ts. Marinova, Characterization of nanocomposite CeO2-Al2O3 coatings electrodeposited on stainless steel, Composites Science and Technology (65) 1663-1667 (2005)
B. Grbic, N. Radic, P. Stefanov, D. Stoychev, Ts. Marinova, Influence of manganese oxide on the activity of Pt/Al2O3 catalysts for CO and n-hexane oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (64) 51-56 (2005)
L. Kolaklieva, R. Kakanakov, Ts. Marinova, G. Lepoeva, Effect of the Metal Composition on the Electrical and Thermal Properties of Au/Pd/Ti/Pd Contacts to p-Type SiC, Materials Science Forum (483-485) 749-752 (2005)
A. Michaylova, A. Tsanev, P. Stefanov, D. Stoychev, Ts. Marinova, Characterization and reactivity of Pt/Al2O3/SS thin films, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., 84 (1) 121-127 (2005)
P. Stefanov, I. Avramova, D. Stoychev, N. Radic, B. Grbic, Ts. Marinova, Characterization and catalytic activity of Cu-Co spinel thin film catalysts, Appl. Surf. Sci. (245) 65–72 (2005)
P. Stefanov, A. Mihaylova, D. Stoychev, B. Grbic, N. Radic, Ts. Marinova, Application of electrochemically deposited alumina films as catalyst support, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 58 (10) 1183-1186 (2005)
L. Kolaklieva, R. Kakanakov, G. Lepoeva, Ts. Marinova, Au/Ti/Al contacts to SiC for power applications: Electrical, chemical and thermal properties, 24th International Conference on Microelectronics (2004) Volume 2
R. Kakanakov, L. Kolaklieva, N. Hristeva, Ts. Marinova, High Temperature and High Power Stability Investigation of Al-Based Ohmic Contacts to p-Type 4H-SiC, Materials Science Forum (457-460) 543- 546 vol. 3 (2004)
P. Stefanov, D. Stoychev, A. Aleksandrova, D. Nikolova, G. Atanasova, Ts. Marinova, Compositional and structural characterization of alumina coatings deposited electrochemically on stainless steel, Appl. Surf. Sci. (235) 80-85 (2004)
P. Stefanov, G. Atanasova, D. Stoychev, Ts. Marinova, Electrochemical deposition of CeO2 on ZrO2 and Al2O3 thin films formed on stainless steel, Surface and Coatings Technology (180-181) 446-449 (2004)
D. Stoychev, P. Stefanov, D. Nikolova, A. Aleksandrova, G. Atanasova, Ts. Marinova, Preparation of Al2O3 thin films on stainless steel by electrochemical deposition, Surface and Coatings Technology (180-181) 441-445 (2004)
D. Stoychev, I. Valov, P. Stefanov, G. Atanasova, M. Stoycheva, Ts. Marinova, Electrochemical growth of thin La2O3 films on oxide and metal surfaces, Materials Science and Engineering C (23) 123-128 (2003)
G. Tyuliev, D. Panayotov, I. Avramova, D. Stoychev, Ts. Marinova, Thin-film coating Cu-Co oxide catalyst on lantana/zirconia films electrodeposited on stainless steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 23 (1-2), 117-121 (2002)
D. Stoychev, P. Stefanov, D. Nikolova, I. Valov, Ts. Marinova, Chemical Composition and Corrosion Resistance of Passive Chromate Films Formed on Stainless Steeles 616L and 1,4301, Mater. Chem. Phys. (73) 252-258 (2002)
I. Valov, D. Stoychev, Ts. Marinova, Study of the kinetics of processes during electrochemical deposition of zirconia from nonaqueous electrolytes, Electrochimica Acta, 47 (28) 4419-4431 (2002)
D. Stoychev, P. Stefanov, M. Stoycheva, D. Nikolova, Ts. Marinova, Characterisation of the Structure and Composition of Stainless Steel 316L after Electrochemical Roughening, Trans. Inst. Metal Finishing (England), 78 (2) 67-70 (2000)
P. Stefanov, D. Stoychev, I. Valov, A. Kakanakova-Georgieva, Ts. Marinova, Electrochemical Deposition of Thin Zirconia Films on Stainless Steel 316 L, Mater. Chem. Phys. (65) 222-225 (2000)
P. Stefanov, D. Stoychev, M. Stoycheva, Ts. Marinova, Chromium Oxide Eilms Chemically Formed on Stainless Steel 316L, Mater. Chem. Phys. (65) 212-215 (2000)
D. Stoychev, J. Ikonomov, K. Robinson, M. Stoycheva, Ts. Marinova, Surface Modification of Porous Zirconia Layers by Electrochemical Deposition of Small Amounts of Cu, Co and Co+Cu, Surface and Interface Analysis (30) 69-73 (2000)
P. Stefanov, D. Stoychev, M. Stoycheva, J. Ikonomov, Ts. Marinova, XPS and SEM Characterisation of Zirconia Thin Films Prepared by Electrochemical Deposition, Surface and Interface Analysis (30) 628-631 (2000)
J. Ikonomov, D. Stoychev, Ts. Marinova, XPS and SEM characterization of electrodeposited transition metals on zirconia, Appl.Surf.Sci. (161) 94-104 (2000)
A. Kakanakova-Georgieva, Ts. Marinova, O. Noblanc, C. Arnodo, XPS characterization of tungsten-based contact layers on 4H–SiC, Thin Solid Films, 337 (1) 180-183 (1999)
Ts. Marinova, R. Yakimova, V. Krastev, C. Hallin, E. Janzén, Interfacial reactions and Ohmic contact formation in the Ni/Al-6H SiC system, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics Processing and Phenomena, 14(5) 3252-3256 (1996)
N. Tzenov, D. Dimova-Malinovska, Ts. Marinova, V. Krastev, T. Tsvetkova, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of Sn+ implanted a-Si1 - xCx:H thin films, Materials Science and Engineering B, 29 (s 1–3) 165–169 (1995)
P. Stefanov, Ts. Marinova, HREELS study of the interaction of oxygen with a Mo(111) surpace, Surface Science, 200 (1) 26–34 (1988)
Ts. Marinova, K. Kostov, Interaction of oxygen with a clean Ir(111) surface, Surface Science, 185 (1) 203-212 (1987)
K. Kostov, Ts. Marinova, Interaction of ethylene and acetylene with oxygen on An Ir(111) surface, Surface Science Letters, 184 (3) (1987)
Ts. Marinova, K. Kostov, Absorption of acetylene and ethylene on a clean Ir(111) surface, Surface Science Letters, 181 (3) (1987)
Ts. Marinova, K. Kostov, Adsorption of acetylene and ethylene on a clean Ir(111) surface, Surface Science, 181 (3) 573-585 (1987)
Ts. Marinova, P. Stefanov, Adsorption and thermal evolution of acetylene on a Cu(100) surface, Surface Science, 191 (1) 66-74 (1987)
Ts. Marinova, D. Chakarov, Adsorption of ethylene on Ir(111), Surface Science Letters, 192 (2-3) (1987)
D. Chakarov, Ts. Marinova, H/D isotope exchange during ethylene adsorption on a clean iridium surface, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 34 (1) 191-194 (1987)
S. Angelov, G. Tyuliev, Ts. Marinova, XPS study of surface composition of polycrystalline CuxCo3-xO4, Applied Surface Science, 27 (4) 381–392 (1987)
K. Kostov, Ts. Marinova, Coadsorption of ethylene and oxygen on an iridium surface, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 32 (1) 147-151 (1986)
K. Kostov, Ts. Marinova, Ethylene adsorption on a clear iridium surface, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 32 (1) 141-146 (1986)
Ts. Marinova, K. Kostov, Coadsorption of oxygen and acetylene on a clean iridium surface, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 30 (2) 253-261 (1986)
Ts. Marinova, K. Kostov, Acetylene adsorption on a clean iridium surface, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 30 (2) 245-252 (1986)
Ts. Marinova, D. Chakarov, Thermal desorption of ethylene on a clean iridium surface, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 32 (2) (1986)
Ts. Marinova, P. Stefanov, N. Neshev, Interaction of oxygen with a Mo(111) surface, Surface Science Letters, 164 (1) 196-208 (1985)
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Ts. Marinova's research while affiliated with Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and other places