Visiting Professor:
(1973) El.Eng.Dept., Lehigh University of Bethlehem, USA
(1976–1977) Inst.Semicond.Phys, Kiev, Ukraina
(1996) JINR, Russia
(2000) Rossendorf, Germany
S. Kaschieva, Investigation of the radiation defects in MOS structures, Dissertation, ISSP-BAS, Sofia (1978)
S. Kaschieva, Reduction of the Radiation Sensitivity of MOS Structures by Irradiation - Anneal Cycle Treatment, Nucl.Instr.& Meth. in Physics Research, B74 (1993) 396
S. Kaschieva, Improving of the radiation hardness of MOS structures, Intern. J. Electronics, 76 (1994) 883
S. Kaschieva, Radiation hardened MOS structures, Philos. Mag. Lett., 69 (1994) 235
S. Kaschieva, Influence of high energy electron irradiation on the interface states of Si-SiO2 system, Nucl.Instr.& Method. in Phys.Res., B 93 (1994) 274
S. Kaschieva, Influence of a postoxidation cooling on the interface state density of MOS structures, Sol.St.El., 38 (1995) 609
S. Kaschieva, Effect of postoxidation cooling on the interface states introduced by ion implantation, Sol.State Elect., 41 (1997) 413
E. Kurmaev, S. Shamin, V. Galakhov, A. Maknev, M. Kirilova, T. Kerenik, S. Kaschieva, Influence of high energy electron irradiation and Boron implantation on the interface states in Si-SiO2 system studied by means of X-ray emission spectroscopy, J.Phys.Condens.Metter 9 (1997) 6969
S. Kaschieva, P. Danesh, Annealing of radiation defects in Helium implanted Si-SiO2 structures, Nucl.Instr.Meth. in Phys.Res. B 129 (1997) 551
S. Kaschieva, K. Stefanov, D. Karpusov, Electron irradiation of ion implanted n-type Si-SiO2 structures studied by DLTS, Appl.Phys. A 66 (1998) 561
S. Kaschieva, I. Yorukov, Use of X-ray irradiation for annealing of radiation defects introduced by implantation in Si-SiO2 structures, Sol.State Electr. 42 (1998) 1835
K. Stefanov, S. Kaschieva, D. Karpusov, Electrical haracterization of defects induced by 12 MeV electrons in p-Si-SiO2 structures, Vacuum, 51, N2, (1998) 235
S. Kaschieva, Generation and annealing of the radiation defects in MOS structures, D.Sc. Thesis, JINR, Dubna, (1999)
S. Kaschieva, I. Yorukov, X-ray irradiation of ion- implanted MOS structures, Nucl.Instr.Meth. in Phys.Res. B 170 (2000) 385
S. Kaschieva, S. Alexandrova, High energy electron irradiation of ion implanted MOS structures with different oxide thickness, Nucl.Instr.Meth. in Phys.Res. B 174 (2001) 324
S. Kaschieva, S. Alexandrova, Effect of low dose Gamma-radiation on the annealing temperature of radiation defects in ion implanted MOS structures, Material Science and Engineering B 95 (2002) 295
P. Danesh, B. Panchev, I. Savatinova, E. Liarokapis, S. Kaschieva, A. Belov, Electron irradiation of a-Si:H film prepared from hydrogen-diluted silane, Vacuum 69/1-3, (2002) 79
S. Kaschieva, S. Dmitriev, Influence of the ambient on the radiation-induced oxidation of Si-SiO2 structures in high-energy electron irradiation, Vacuum 69/1-3, (2002) 87
P. Danesh, B. Panchev, I. Savatinova, E. Liarokapis, S. Kaschieva, A. Belov, Electron irradiation of a-Si:H film prepared from hydrogen-diluted silane, Vacuum, 69(1-3) 79 (2003)
S. Alexandrova, S. Kaschieva, E. Halova, E. Valcheva, A. Szekeres, Sensitivity of hydrogen plasma-treated Si-SiO2 structures to high-energy electron irradiation, Vacuum, 69(1-3) 103 (2003)
S. Kaschieva, L. Rebohle, W. Skorupa, Reduction of the annealing temperature of radiation-induced defects in ion implanted MOS structures, Appl.Phys. A 78 (2004) 607
S. Kaschieva, Zh. Todorova, S. Dmitriev, Radiation defects induced in n- and p-type MOS structures by 20 MeV electrons, Vacuum 76 (2004) 307
S. Kaschieva, Zh. Todorova, Radiation defects in n- and p-Si MOS structures caused by consecutive ion implantation and gamma irradiation, Vacuum 76 (2004) 311
I. Lisovskyy, V. Litovchenko, D. Mazunov, S. Kaschieva, J. Koprinarova, S. Dmitriev, Infrared spectroscopy study of Si-SiO2 structures irradiated with high-energy electrons, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 7, N1, (2005) 325
P. Alexandrova, V. Gueorguev, Tz. Ivanov, S. Kaschieva, Influence of MeV electron irradiation on the properties of by ion implantation hydrogenated polysilicon TFTs, Nucl.Instr.Meth. in Phys.Res. B 243, 2 (2006) 340
S. Kaschieva, Ch. Angelov, S. Dmitriev, G. Tsutsumanova, RBS investigation of ion implanted Si-SiO2 structures irradiated with 20 MeV electrons, Plasma Process.&Polym. 3, 233-236 (2006)
S. Kaschieva, E. Halova, E. Vlaikova, S. Alexandrova, E. Valcheva, S. Dmitriev, Investigation of p-type MOS structure irradiated with 23 MeV electrons, Plasma Process.&Polym. 3, 237-240 90, (2006)
P. Alexandrova, V. Gueorguev, Tz. Ivanov, S. Kaschieva, Influence of high-energy electron irradiation on the characteristics of polysilicon thin film transistors, European Physical Journal B (52) 355-359 (2006)
S. Kaschieva, K. Christova, I. Boradjiev, A. Petrova, J. Koprinarova, S. Dmitriev, The role of high-energy electron irradiation induced defects in some mechanical properties of Si-SiO2 structures, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9(N2) 394-397(2007)
A. Zatsepin, S. Kaschieva, S. Dmitriev, E. Buntov, Characteristics of the electron-emission defects introduced in Si–SiO2 structures by MeV electron irradiation, Nucl.Instr.Meth. in Phys.Res. B 266(23) 5027-5031 (2008)
S. Kaschieva, S. Dmitriev, Radiation defects introduced by MeV electrons in argon implanted MOS structures, Applied Physics A, 94(2) 257-261 (2009)
A. Zatsepin, S. Kaschieva, D. Biryukov, S. Dmitriev, E. Buntov, Formation and Electron-Beam Annealing of Implantation Defects in a Thin-Film Si–SiO2 Heterostructure, Technical Physics, 54(2) 323–326 (2009)
S. Kaschieva, K. Christova, S. Dmitriev, Changes in Si-SiO2 structure characteristics generated by MeV electron irradiation, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (2009)
D. Zatsepin, S. Kaschieva, H. Fitting, Oxygen transport in low-dimensional SiO2/Si heterostructure induced by Si+-implantation, 19 Inter.Conf. ISI-2009, Zvenigorod, Russia
D. Zatsepin, E. Panin, S. Kaschieva, H. Fittingd, S. Shamin, 14. Formation of the Buffer Layer of Silicon Suboxides SiOx in the Si/SiO2 Low-Dimensional Heterosystem after Si+ Ion Implantation: Si L2, 3 X-Ray Emission Spectra, Physics of the Solid State, 51, (2009) 11, 2241
S. Kaschieva, S. Dmitriev, Radiation Defects in Ion Implanted and/or High-energy Irradiated MOS Structures, Electrical Engineering Developments Series, Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York (2010)
E. Halova, S. Alexandrova, S. Kaschieva, S. Dmitriev, Interface trap generation in MOS structures by high-energy electron irradiation, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 253 (2010) 12047
D. Zatsepin, S. Kaschieva, M. Zier, B. Schmidt, H. Fitting, Soft X-ray emission spectroscopy of low-dimensional Si-SiO2 interfaces after Si+ ion implantation and ion beam mixing, Phys. Stat. Sol. A 207 (3) 743-747 (2010)
V. Dzhurkov, D. Nesheva, M. Scepanovic, N. Nedev, S. Kaschieva, S. Dmitriev, Z. Popovic, Spectroscopic studies of SiOx films irradiated with high energy electrons, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 558 (1) (2014)
S. Kaschieva, Ch. Angelov, S. Dmitriev, MeV electron irradiation of Si-SiO2 structures with magnetron sputtered oxide, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 700 (2016) 012036
D. Nesheva, V. Dzhurkov, M. Scepanovich, I. Bineva, E. Manolov, S. Kaschieva, N. Nedev, S. Dmitriev, Z. Popovich, High energy electron-beam irradiation effects in Si-SiOx structures, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 682 (2016), 012012
D. Nesheva, M. Scepanovich, M. Grujic-Brojcin, V. Dzhurkov, S. Kaschieva, I. Bineva1, S. Dmitriev, Z. Popovich, Photoluminescence from 20 MeV electron beam irradiated homogeneous SiOx and composite Si-SiOx films, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 764 (2016) 012018
S. Kaschieva, Ch. Angelov, S. N Dmitriev, High-dose MeV electron irradiation of Si-SiO2 structures implanted with high doses Si+, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 992 (2018) 012059
T. Hristova-Vasileva, P. Petrik, D. Nesheva, Z. Fogarassy, J. Labar, S. Kaschieva, S. Dmitriev, K. Antonova, Influence of 20 MeV electron irradiation on the optical properties and phase composition of SiOx thin films, Journal of Applied Physics (123) 195 303 (2018)
S. Kaschieva, S. Dmitriev, MeV electron irradiation of Si heterostructures, Chapter 1 (2019)
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