Created 6.1.2022
Updated 13.1.2025
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
MARCH 2022
5 International Congress on Physics, Paris, France. 3-4 March 2022
Innovations in Science and Education, International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 16 March 2022
Optics, Photonics and Lasers, 15th International Conference, Webinar, 21–22 March 2022
APRIL 2022
100 years Nobel Prize for Albert Einstein, Symposium, Universitat Bern, Gebaeude UniS, Lecture Hall S003, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern, CH - Switzerland, 9 April 2022. 10:15 AM
MAY 2022
Astro Physics and Space Science, 8th World Congress, London, 29–30 May 2022
JUNE 2022
The Road to Modern Physics, Fourth International Conference on the History of Physics,
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 June 2022
ICLPR-ST, International Conference on Laser, Plasma and Radiation - Science and Technology, Bucharest, Romania, 7-10 þíè 2022
RAD 2022, 10th Jubilee International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research, Spring Edition, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 13.06. - 17.06.2022
Chaos 2022, 15th Chaos International Coference, Athens, Greece, 14 - 17 June 2022
Annual Meeting 2022, Swiss Physical Society, University of Fribourg, 27-30 June 2022
4th International Conference on Science and Literature, Girona, Spain, 30 June–2 July 2022
EPS Forum, Sorbonne University, Paris 2-4 June 2022
JULY 2022
IHPST, 16th Biennial Conference, Calgary, Canada, 3–7 July 2022
InSITE Exploring virtual connections as mechanisms for teaching and research, 6-7 July 2022, Online
6th International Workshop, Communicating Science, Philosophy and Literature, Syros, 16-20 July 2022
5th Workshop, Syros, 18-20 July 2022
IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-22 July 2022
RAD 2022, 10th Jubilee International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research, Summer Edition, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 25.07.2022 - 29.07.2022
BPU11, Congress Balkan Physical Union (BPU), Belgrade, Serbia, 28 august - 1 september 2022
ISCMP State of the Art in Functional Materials and Technologies, 22nd International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Frederic Joliot-Curie International House of Scientists, St. St. Constantine and Helena Resort, Varna, Bulgaria, 29.08.2022 – 02.09.2022
Advances in Physics, Mathematics and Applied Science, 6nd International Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 10–11 August 2022
An international summer school on science and literature, Andros island, at the beginning of September 2022
ALT22, Advanced Laser Technologies, 29th International Conference, Moscow, Russia, 11–16 September 2022
Movement and Cognition, La Sorbonne, Paris, 15–17 September 2022
SIC 2022, 41st Symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 19-23 September 2022
Lasers, Optics & Photonics,International Conference and Expo, Valencia, Spain, 10–12 November 2022
Optoelectronics and Quantum Physics, Global meet, Paris, France, 12–13 December 2022
Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship Fund
ANSO, Alliance of International Science Organizations Scholarship for Young Talents 2023
National scholarship programme of the Slovak Republik
Fonds Konstantin et Zinovia Katzarovi, predostavja vazmojnosti za finansirane razrabotvaneto na nov proekt (do 2 500 shvejcarski franka). Uchredena e nagrada "Professor Katsarov" v razmer CHF 10 000 in history, law, exact sciences and literature for Bulgarian citizen with deadline 31 October 2022
EURAXESS, Early-stage and Postdoctoral researchers National Programme 2 – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
ANSO, Alliance of International Science Organisation, China
Andre Mischke YAE Prize for Science and Policy, The Prize of Young Academy of Europe is awarded annually
Early Career prizes , European Physical Society awards for individuals with substantial contribution to the development or reputation of physics in Europe
European Foundation Centre Award for Responsible Research and Inovation
Fellowship Master after master level specialisation in aeronautics and aerospace turbomachinary and propulsion environmental and applied fluid dynamics for short 3 monts or full academic year at von Karmen Institut for Fluid Dynamics, Brussels, Belgium.
For Women in Science, The L’Oreal Foundation and UNESCO International Awards
Ma these en 180 secondes, Concours, Institut Francais de Bulgarie
Lise Meitner Prize for Nuclear Science will be given by the Nuclear Physics Division of the European Physical Society
Turriano ICOHTEC Prize for books on the history of technology (2500 Euro). Winner will receive 500 Euro in additional support of travelling to the conference to receive the prize.
UNESCO, ICT in Education Prize
Royal Society Awards
Newton International Fellowships 2021, Deadline 16 June 2021
Bakerian Medal and Lecture is awarded annually in physical sciences. It was established by Henry Baker FRS (1698 – 1774)
Copley Medal is awarded annually for outstanding achievements in any branch of science made by experiment or otherwise. It is the world's oldest scientific prize first awarded in 1731 from Godfrey Copley FRS (1653 – 1709) who donated 1000 pounds for improving natural knowledge
Davy Medal is awarded annually to an outstanding researcher in the field of chemistry. It was first awarded in 1877
Gabor Medal is awarded to an outstanding researcher in the field of interdisciplinary work between the life sciences with other disciplines. Dennis Gabor (05.06.1900 – 09.02.1979) is engineer, Nobel Prize winner and inventor of holography
Hughes Medal is awarded biennially (in odd years) to an outstanding researcher in the field of energy. David E. Hughes (1831 – 1900) is a scientist and musician. He invented the first microphone. The medal is awarded annually. It is accompanied by a gift of 2,000 Pounds
Kavli Education Medal is awarded for impact in the field of science, mathematics and computing education. It is accompanied by a gift of 1,000 Pounds
Leverhulme Medal is awarded for an outstanding researcher in the field of chemical engineering and applied chemistry. It is accompanied by a gift of 2,000 Pounds
Michael Faraday Prize and Lecture is awarded to a practising scientist, engineer or individuals whose primary expertise is in writing or broadcasting
Milner Award and Lecture is awarded for outstanding achievement in computer science by a European researcher. Professor Robin Milner FRS (1934-2010), a pioneer in computer science
Royal Medals are three Medals awarded annually for most important contributions “to the advancement of Natural Knowledge” in the physical and biological sciences. The third medal is awarded for distinguished contributions in the applied sciences
Royal Society Athena Prize
Royal Society Rosalind Franklin Award and Lecture is awarded to a women with critical contribution in science. It is accompanied by a grant of 30,000 Pounds
Royal Society Innovation Awards is available each year of up to 250,000 Euro: one for research in the Physical sciences and one for research in the Biological sciences.
Rumford Medal is awarded for outstanding researcher in the field of physics
Sylvester Medal is awarded to an outstanding researcher in the field of mathematics. It is accompanied by a gift of 2,000 Pounds
Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Medal and Lecture is given for excellence in a subject relating to the history of science, philosophy of science or the social function of science. It is accompanied by a gift of 2,000 Pounds
Accademia Delle Scienze di Torino Awards
Angiola Gili and Cataldo Agostinelli: International Prize amounting to ˆ 10.000, to a scientist who has achieved distinction in the field of Applied or Theoretical Mechanics or Classic Mathematical Physics during the last ten years, nomination deadline 31 March 2021
Modesto Panetti e Carlo Ferrari: International Prize amounting to ˆ 10.000, to a living scientist who is particularly distinguished for his research in the field of Applied Mechanics
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Awards
Luigi Tartufari gives four International awards for the academic year 2017–2018 : one to Mathematics; one to Astronomy, one to Physics and Chemistry, and one to the Molecular, cellular and evolutionary biology (in the amount of 25 000 Euro each)
Antonio Feltrinelli Giovani Four National Prizes in Archeology, Art and Poetry Criticism, Legal Sciences and Social and Politics Sciences will be awarded to Italian Scholars under the age of 40 who have achieved results of autstanding originality independence and international significance, in the amount of 50 000 each. Nomination may be submited by the Lincei Fellows and the Presidents of Italian and foreign Academies
Institute of Physics Awards
International Member Grant
Gold Medals
Silver Subject Medals
Phillips Award for service to the Institute of Physics
Teachers of Physics Award celebrate the success of IoP secondary school physics teachers
International Award in science and technology for researchers, inovators and inventors all over the worlk in Aerospase, Biotechnology, Environment, Electrical and Computer, Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics, Information and Nanotechnology and Industry and Technology Management is implementing annualy since 1986
Faculty vacancies
Job Vacancies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Fulbright Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange deadline for 2019 - 2020 academic year is 10 May 2018
CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG is a Center of excellence in southern Austria (Villach)
INFN Instituto Nationale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy
Horizon Europe
Flanders Research Foundation
Matsumae International Foundation
Swiss National Science Foundation
Czech Science Foundation
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