APMAS 2014, 4th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress and Exhibition, 24 27 April 2014, Fethiye, Mugla, Turkey
ICSM 2014, 4th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, 27 April 2014 2 May 2014, Antalya, Turkey
MAY 2014
David Cassidy Presents A Staged Reading of "Farm Hall", A Lyne Starling Trimble Public Lecture, James A. Little Theatre New Mexico School for the Deaf
1060 Cerrillos Rd. Santa Fe, N.M. 87505, 7 May 2014, 7 p.m.
ENVI Hyperspectral Remote Sensing European Seminar,
12 14 May 2014, Gilching, Germany
Biosensors 2014 27 30 May 2014, Melbourne, Australia.
JUNE 2014
AERMI 2014
International Conference on Advanced Education Reform and Management Innovation, 12 13 June 2014, Tianjin, China
ISC'14, International Supercomputing Conference, 22 26 June 2014, Leipzig, Germany
Physicists and Mathematicians of Belfast, Department of Physics, Queens University Belfast,
9.00 a.m., 25 June 2014, Ireland, Attendance is free but asked to inform Andrew Whitaker or Mark McCartney
EARMA 2014
20th European Association of Research Managers and Administrations
(EARMA) Annual Conference, 30 June 2014 2 July 2014, Tallinn, Estonia
InSITE 2014
Informing Science + IT Education Conferences, 30 June 2014 4 July 2014, Wollongong, Australia
JULY 2014
BSHS 2014
British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference,
3 6 July 2014, University of St Andrews, UK
39th Symposium of the International Commission on the History of Geological Science,
6 10 July 2014, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, Monterey Peninsula, California, USA
International Conference on Science and Literature
10 11 July 2014, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Vasilleos Constantinou 48, 116 35 Athens, Greece
The Seventh European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education,
14 18 July 2014, Copenhagen
2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology for Education, 16 17 August 2014, Dalian, China
Condensed Matter in Paris 2014, 24 29 August 2014, Paris, France
9th meeting of Science and Technology in the European Periphery (STEP), Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT), 1 3 September 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
18th ISCMP, International School on Condensed Matter Physics
Challenges of Nanoscale Science: Theory, Materials, Applications
The school is dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the establishment of BAS and in memory of Professor Nikolay Kirov,
1 6 September 2014, Varna, Bulgaria
AMIGA Summer School on Environmental Risk Assessment
Post-graduated students or post-doctoral research in biology and environmental science, 2 5 September 2014, Carlow, Ireland
Preserving our history: Cultural Heritage and the science behind it
Mary Rose Museum, No 3 Dock, Main Road, H.M Naval Base, Portsmouth PO1 3PY, UK, 3 September 2014

International Conference on the History of Physics, 4 5 September 2014, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK
6th International Conference, European Society of History of Science, 4 6 September 2014, Lisbon
15th International EU Grant Academy, 21 26 September 2014, Portoroz, Slovenia
ICNAAM 2014, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece, 22 28 September 2014
Master of Finance and Administration, EU Research and Innovation 25 26 September 2014, Vienna, Austria
BSA4 Fourth Balkan Symposium on Archeometry, 27 30 September 2014, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ICNTAM 2014, 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology Technology and Advanced Materials , 1-2 October 2014, Dubai, UAE
Improving the Image of Physics, VI European Physical Society Forum Physics and Society 2 3 October 2014, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Project Management and Financial Reporting , EU Research and Innovation 9 10 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium
3rd Latin American Regional IHPST Conference, 17 19 October 2014, Santiago de Chile at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile E-mail
Proposal Development 2014-2020, EU Research and Innovation 27 28 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Atomic Tracings: Radioisotopes in Science and Medicine, Angela N. H. Creager, Professor of History, Princeton University, President of the History of Science Society, A Lyne Starling Trimble Science Heritage Public Lecture , American Center for Physics, 1 Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, 3 November 2014, at 6:30 pm
PSA 2014 Conjoint Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association and History of Science Society, 6 9 November 2014, Chicago, USA
e-Skils 2014 ISI Conference, Collaborations, Service Delivery, Innovation, Technology, and Education, 17 21 November 2014, Cape Town, South Africa
The 2nd Asian Regional History, Philosophy and Science Teaching (IHPST) Conference, 4 7 December 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
Hybrid Quantum Systems, 16 18 December 2014, National College for Tiching and Leadership, Nottingham, UK